"Just stop asking."

"That is the property of military technology. I have no right to transfer it to others. If you want money, I can pay you."

Lidya Su sighed.

"Can we be sincere? Hello~~ If you think I don't know the routines in the company, then you underestimate me. Do you think I don't know "fire consumption"? If you can find everything lost by the entire transport team, what does it matter if you are missing one robot? "

"You wrote the report. When you reported it, you said that the robot was damaged and was therefore disposed of. Can your immediate boss still make things difficult for you because of this?"

Meredith was told by Su Xiao that he could not step down.

She didn't expect that the other party knew so much about the twists and turns in a giant enterprise.

"Okay, then it's settled. This robot is yours. How are you going to help me?"

"I know who they are and where they are. You give me a tracker and I'll pretend to negotiate with them. I'll give you a signal when I get to the location. Then you can take your people and fight in."

If Brick was still in charge, Su Xiao would not arrange it like this.

Because Brick is a reasonable person.

Probably the most reasonable among the Uzumaki Gang.

But now it's no longer Brick, the leader has become Royce...

Then Su Xiao had no choice but to stop talking about martial ethics.

Meredith's eyes suddenly became strange: "Aren't you afraid that I deliberately waited until you both were hurt before I went in?"

"Not afraid."


Lidya Su raised a finger.

"First of all, my strength is not that weak. You saw it just now. I defeated two of your most elite agents in just the blink of an eye. If Royce has murderous intentions towards me, I am not the one to worry about. , but him."

then put it up

Second finger: "Secondly, if I were you, I wouldn't do such a short-sighted and stupid thing."

"As you can see, I'm a mercenary. I take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. If it doesn't violate principles and morals, you can come to me."

“They say many friends are many roads, many enemies are many walls.”

"Even though you are a company executive, you probably don't have many close friends within Military Technology. Am I right?"

"To put it bluntly, how many of your subordinates are sincerely loyal to you? If it weren't for money, who would be willing to follow you?"

"Do you think that when you leave, will your subordinates swear to be loyal to you until the end, or will they immediately turn their backs and abandon you without mercy?"

Every word Lidya Su said hit Meredith's heart.

Her face was stiff.

But the two still happily reached a consensus.

However, before Su Xiao left, a small incident happened——

The traitor locked in the trunk of the armored SUV initially thought Su Xiao would kill Meredith.

Then he would be saved.

Unexpectedly, the two parties actually reached a cooperation.

This made him cry out in despair.

"You made a mistake! This bitch is dead! If you cooperate with her, you will die with her!"

He watched Meredith drive the armored SUV into the tunnel next to the drainage channel, and gradually moved away until he disappeared.

Su Xiao then walked along the maintenance stairs next to the drainage channel and walked to the viaduct.

Jack wiped the sweat from his brow.

"It seemed like the atmosphere was a little tense just now, but you didn't send a signal, so we didn't move."

V and Lucy put away their weapons respectively, and ran to Su Xiao in three steps and two steps at a time, with worried looks in their beautiful gem-like eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Even though Su Xiao said this, the two girls stubbornly insisted on examining Su Xiao's body carefully.

Jack consciously covered his face and backed away.

After confirming that Lidya Su was indeed not injured and even his clothes were not damaged, he finally felt relieved.

"Are you satisfied now?"

V looked scared: "Do you know how worried I am about you? My sniper rifle never left that woman's head from the beginning to the end."

"If she dares to make any move, I will immediately hack into her electronic brain and burn her system." Lucy also said fiercely.

Su Xiao patted V on the shoulder and touched Lucy's arm: "Fortunately you didn't do that, otherwise we would have lost one foreign aid."

Jack, who was stuffed with dog food, couldn't stand it anymore.

"For God's sake! There are outsiders here!"

Stop when you feel good and stop when enough is enough.

Su Xiao smiled slightly: "Without further ado, let's get Dexter the robot he wants."

The industrial area in the north of the city was once a prosperous industrial area in Watson District.

This place was once vibrant and prosperous.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

After the destruction of the earthquake and a series of failed investments, the prosperity came to an end.

Most of the factories are unable to operate normally.

Now, the industrial area in the north of the city has been reduced to the garbage dump of Night City, a stinky and dirty purgatory.

The Dance of Death bar is located in a dilapidated hotel.

After the Whole Foods Factory was taken down by the NCPD, it became an important stronghold for Royce and his group, the Maelstrom Gang.

Like other gangs in the city, the Whirlpool Gang scattered in Watson District also has more than a dozen large and small forces.

They were not brothers and friends, but when gangs from other districts came to seize territory, they would briefly form a loose alliance and work together to drive out the outsiders.

Then they'll start fighting among themselves again.

Chapter 125: Coming to your door soon (3K)

When Su Xiao and others rode in a sedan, they arrived at the block where the Dance of Death bar was located.

Before even getting close to the Dance of Death bar, you could already see from a distance the graffiti of the Uzumaki Gang on the walls, doors, and even the vending machines on the roadside.

It's like announcing that this is the territory of the Uzumaki Gang, and no one should come near.

Jack parked the car, the four of them got out and walked towards the hotel.

In the courtyard outside the hotel, there were more than a dozen gangsters from the Uzumaki Gang sitting or standing.

They were doing their own things.

When they noticed Su Xiao and others approaching, these gangsters all stood up and surrounded them.

"New faces, are you going to the Dance of Death Bar too?"

The members of the Whirlpool Gang are different from other gangs.

If we talk about the style of the Tiger Claw Gang, it is the iconic luminous tattoos and motorcycle suits with the words "Unparalleled in the World" written on them.

So the style of the Uzumaki Gang is a very unique prosthetic eye.

Every newcomer who joins the gang will have their eyes gouged out, the skin peeled off, and prosthetic eyes implanted.

And there is no anesthesia during the entire operation.

This is a test.

Only those who survive can truly be counted as members of the Uzumaki Gang.

But due to the limited medical level and equipment of the Whirlpool Gang.

It is impossible to be like a regular hospital.

Therefore, even if you survive, complications are possible.

For example, excessive stimulation can lead to paralysis of the nervous system, vomiting, dizziness, and epileptic seizures.

Or they may complain of a multi-dimensional sense of space in the visual field, a lack of sense of direction, or adjustments leading to irreversible damage to nerve tissue and blindness, etc.

But even so, for so many years, the Uzumaki Gang has still done this ritual for newcomers to join.

never change.

Being stared at by so many pairs of red eyes makes everyone feel frightened.

Jack, V and Lucy subconsciously tensed up and reached for weapons.

Lidya Su stood forward and smiled slightly.


The crisp sound of a sword being drawn sounded.

The Whirlpool Gang surrounding Su Xiao and others were stunned.

Looking at each other.

Then I saw the leather bag tied around the waist of the gangster who had previously provoked Su Xiao and others suddenly broke into two pieces, and then was pulled to the ground by gravity along with his baggy trousers.

A limp little bird poked its head out from the dark jungle, exposed to the air.

The other Uzumaki Gang were startled for a moment, then burst into laughter like a roaring tsunami.

The gangster's face suddenly turned red and white. He quickly picked up his pants and fled the scene quickly.

At this time, Su Xiaocai said slowly and calmly.

"Yes, we are going to the Dance of Death Bar. What, aren't you welcome?"

No one saw when Su Xiao drew the knife or how accurately it was done, only cutting off the belt...

But Lu's hand undoubtedly shocked these whirlpool gangs greatly.

The remaining gangsters quickly burst into laughter.

"Haha, everyone here is a guest, how can you not welcome them? Stop standing outside here, come in quickly, come in."

The crowd subconsciously moved out of the way.

Su Xiao and others walked through it and followed the stairs to find the elevator hidden in the hotel.

When the elevator door closed, among the crowd, the gangster who had just made a complimenting sound used the communicator implant to inform the people inside.

In fact, this gangster is the leader of these whirlpool gangs outside.

The person who stood up and choked someone before, and then had his belt cut off by Su Xiao, was just the unlucky guy who was pushed out.

In the elevator.

Watching the elevator floors rising, Jack was indignant.

"I hate these reform maniacs the most. Why did I end up with them?"

In fact, if Su Xiao hadn't taken action outside just now, he would have taken action and started fighting with the grandsons of the Whirlpool Gang.

Su Xiao asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with them? Aren't they just a gang?"

Jack shook his head.

"No, that's not the case. The Uzumaki Gang has a bad reputation in the city because they have a blind obsession with prosthetics and cybernetic transformation."

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