Su Xiao doesn’t think Dexter is a

Good stuff, but sometimes, the most basic bottom line has to be said.

Unless Dexter is a scammer like Faraday.

And if you want to get rid of Dexter, you have to deal with the aftermath.

The aftermath here refers to making it impossible for Dexter to cause trouble to them again.

Otherwise, according to Evelin's idea, there will be endless troubles.

Evelin held out five fingers: "I can give you 50%. With this much money, it is enough for you to leave Night City and start a new life elsewhere."

Lidya Su did not refuse.

Instead, he decided to stabilize Evelin first: "I want to think about it."

He was worried that if he refused too simply, the woman might go crazy again.

Evelin nodded.

She opened the utility room door and made a sign of invitation.

"Okay, you have my number. When you think about it, call me."

Su Xiao left Lizzy Bar.

Back to the Delamain taxi.

"Come on, let's pick up Lucy first."

After getting Lucy into the car, Su Xiao told the three people the information she got from Evelin.

At the same time, Evelin also expressed her intention to kick Dexter away.

V, Jack, and Lucy are all our own people and worthy of trust.

There is no need to hide it from them.

Kick Dexter away when you hear it.

Jack was stunned immediately as if he had been poured cold water on him.

V and Lucy also fell into deep thought

Even Jack, who wanted to make a lot of money, couldn't help but question Evelin's proposal.

"Isn't this a bit too much?"

Jack is a native of Night City.

Night City is his home.

He just wanted to make more money and get out of Haywood.

Go to North Oak or Charter Hill and buy a house for him, Misty, and their future children.

If Dexter is fooled.

Then he would have no choice but to run away and leave Night City.

Evelin can do that without any scruples.

He can't.

Don't forget, it's not just Misty.

His mother, Mrs. Wells, is also in Night City.

"Even if it's out of interests, I think it's better not to go back on your word."

V, who had been thinking for a long time, slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Not to mention that Jack has many bonds in Night City. It doesn't mean that they can be severed by cutting them off."

"Just talking about this relic, we don't know yet whether it's really worth that much or whether Evelin can successfully sell it."

"In anything, you can't just think about the good side without considering the worst outcome."

"For example, "The Great Sage and the Holy Master" Ram, even if he used the exhaustive method and took all possibilities into consideration, the result still failed. "

"It would be the worst if the relic makes us unable to make any money at all and offends the middleman."

Lidya Su nodded.

V's thoughts coincided with his own.

As a mercenary, credibility is very important.

Although it seems ridiculous to say this in this increasingly degenerate city, the more morally corrupt it is, the more important it becomes to credibility.

Unless Dexter is unkind first, they must not be unjust first.

Moreover, that woman Evelyn Parker gave Lidya Su a very unreliable feeling.

It was obviously Dexter who the woman was looking for.

As a result, before the matter is completed, you are already thinking about kicking people and reducing the share?

In addition, there is a core problem.

It was after they took out the chip and gave it to Evelin.

How to ensure that Evelin won't kick them out as well?

Don’t forget, the reward Evelin promised them was a full 50%.

That's a lot of money!

If Evelin didn't care about money, she wouldn't risk being killed by Arasaka by stealing Arasaka's chip.

Since Evelin can even disobey the rules on the road, how can she expect that Evelin will give them the full 50% of the money as promised?

After discussion, the last few people unanimously decided to ignore Evelin's so-called proposal.

Jack hesitated: "Should I tell Dexter?"

"It's better not to tell Dexter." Su Xiao shook her head.

Evelyn wants to get rid of Dexter.

Dexter is so stupid.

All I can say is that each has its own merits.

It's best not to say anything. Who knows how many variables will be added after saying it.

"By the way, you guys go through this Mewtwo video first, and then I'll show it to Dexter."

Half an hour later.

Jack took off his tactical goggles and looked shocked: "Arasaka Yorinobu's bodyguard is actually that legendary figure, Adam Hammer?"

Lidya Su nodded.

In fact, he had already discovered it while watching Mewtwo at the Lizzie Bar.

Adam Hammer is a legendary figure of the same generation as Johnny Silverhand, Morgan Blackhand, and Andrew Wayland.

But the difference is that the latter only left the name.

The former not only survived, but also became Arasaka's dog.

He is also a legendary figure, and the latter is respected by everyone, but when the name Heavy Hammer is mentioned, there is only deep trembling and fear.

killed by him

The number of people who lost their money was not only one thousand, but also eight hundred.

Even Johnny Silverhand died at his hands.

He is the only living legend in Night City.

"But it's not a big problem. The heavy hammer should be Arasaka Yorinobu's personal bodyguard, and he will never leave. As long as we sneak in while Arasaka Yorinobu is not in the penthouse suite, we won't encounter the heavy hammer."

When Jack thought about it, it was the same thing.

They were there to get things, not to fight.

Just be careful not to set off the alarm.

How could Heavy Hammer know they were here?

Afterwards, several people discussed some details.

Until it was confirmed that there was nothing to add, Su Xiao asked Lao De to drive to the Afterlife Nightclub, go down alone, and hand the Mewtwo chip to Dexter.

Dexter said he would make good use of this information.

Then he and T-BUG will come up with a plan.

Just let Lidya Su go back and wait for news.

Come out of Dexter's box.

Lidya Su frowned.

It's not that he's worried about Arasaka's revenge.

But thinking about another thing.

It’s about your own strength.

"Murphy's Law says - 'What you are afraid of will come.' Although the plan is to take action when the hammer is not in the penthouse suite, as long as there is a plan, there will be mistakes."

Information about the heavy hammer quickly appeared in Su Xiao's mind:

Adam Hammer is a fairly typical social dregs, a little-known New York gangster.

After his gang was kidnapped, he chose to enlist in the army of New America.

After several years in the military, he was discharged for misconduct and found a job as a hired gun in New York.

For him, this life is not bad.

Because his unscrupulous and cruel style brought him enough errands to earn enough money to allow him to wander around in guns, equipment, drugs and promiscuity.

Then, just like everyone in this business, they will face disaster.

Zhonghami finally got the job that ruined everything for him.

During a dangerous commissioned mission, several rockets blew him into a blur of flesh and blood.

Strictly speaking, Heavy Hammer is actually quite lucky.

Anyone else would have died long ago.

But he can still survive.

His friends stuffed the remaining parts of Adam into their bags and took them back to New York.

Then, Arasaka contacted him and gave him an offer he couldn't refuse:

——Either accept the transformation of the whole body except the brain, and then serve the company until the world is destroyed;

Or die.

There is no doubt that Hammer chose the latter.

In the seven years since his rebirth, the new Adam Hammer has made a name for himself on the East Coast.

The transformation of his whole body into a prosthetic body means that he has a combat power that far exceeds that of other cyber mercenaries.

Arasaka provided him with high-quality products from the genuine company, as well as supporting prosthetic body maintenance services, coupled with Heavy Hammer's own cruel and bloodthirsty character and iron-like will, which kept him away from cyberpsychosis.

If anyone else had implanted so many prosthetic bodies into their bodies, they would have gone crazy.

But Heavy Hammer showed no signs of going crazy.

After rebirth, the heavy hammer is ready for all tasks.

As long as it's not an obvious suicide mission, or a trap to betray him.

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