Also hate asking stupid questions.

The name Stella was brought up by Roger on his own initiative.

That must have deep meaning for her.

"Stella's last action before her death was the work of the Faraday faction. A scientist defected from military technology and joined the high-tech military industry."

"The people from Hi-Tech Military Industry plan to take the scientist and secretly leave Night City and head to Moscow."

"Faraday was hired by Military Technology to find Stella and asked them to intercept the high-tech military convoy transporting the scientist and kill the defecting scientist."

Hi-tech Military Industry is a giant enterprise from the Soviet Union.

Maybe you have never heard of this company, because compared with giants such as Kangtao, Arasaka, and Military Technology, it is indeed much inferior.

But you must have heard of weapons produced by this company.

One of them is called "SPT32 Ice Storm".

——Its upgraded version is "Watch".

There is also one called "RT-46 Storm".

——This one is even more heavyweight, because its upgraded version is "Comrade's Hammer".

Lidya Su pondered for a moment: “Stella failed?”

Roger shook his head.

"No, he succeeded, but he and his accomplices were also surrounded by high-tech military and industrial reinforcements that came later, and were finally annihilated in despair."

"The people from the high-tech military industry originally planned to treat the scientist. After discovering that there was no possibility of the other person's survival, they switched to rescuing the data in the other person's electronic brain."

"It's just a pity that after death, the electronic brain will gradually die."

"So what Hi-tech Military Industry finally rescued was only a small part of the data that was no longer valuable and was in pieces."

Lidya Su’s eyes moved.

"You don't want to say that these data are the design drawings of military technology's power armor, right?"

"As I said just now, it's only a small part, and it's scattered."

"But how did they end up in your hands?"

Rogge crossed his legs and admired the expression on Su Xiao's face at this moment.

"The people in the high-tech military industry found that this thing was useless, so they dusted it off. I had a friend in the high-tech military industry who gave me a copy."

"Actually, it's not like selling company secrets. Those things are of no use anymore. They will just waste time in the database anyway. It's better to just take them out and make some extra money."

"I want it, how much does it cost?"

"Friendship price."

Roger named a number.

It’s really a friendly price.

It’s no different than giving it away for free.

Su Xiao sat in Rogge's box for almost half an hour.

A black-skinned hacker walked in from outside and slid a chip against the table.

"Thank you, Nicks."

Rogge nodded at the other party.

Then he picked up the chip, inserted it into his nerve slot, confirmed it was correct, then popped it out and handed it to Su Xiao.

Su Xiao called Rogge in person on the spot for the money she wanted.

Then he didn't leave, just sat in Rogge's box and started checking.

It's not that he doesn't believe Rogge, but if these data can activate his "flash of inspiration", wouldn't it be...

Su Xiao inserted the chip into the tactical eyepiece.

A series of data and information are constantly flashed on the tactical eyepiece.

Lidya Su understood something.

These data are too fragmented and sparse.

Even using reverse engineering, it is difficult to deduce the original appearance.

No wonder the high-tech military union gave up.


"If you think about it, even though these data are incomplete, they still make you enlightened and enlightened..."

"Do you want to spend 100 potential points to obtain an improved design?"

The prompt that popped up on the system panel made Su Xiao overjoyed.

Ever since he found out that Heavy Hammer was Arasaka Yorinobu's bodyguard, the depression that had been weighing on his heart was finally let go at this moment.

Feel comfortable.

Originally, he just had the attitude of giving it a try, and it didn't matter even if he didn't succeed.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be...

Su Xiao focused her attention and thought "yes" silently.

"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain an improved version of the blueprint - exoskeleton armor"

Chapter 136: Scavenger, everyone gets it and kills it (3K)

"Roger, I need you to buy me something."

Su Xiao made a list of materials for making exoskeleton armor and sent it to Rogge.

Rogge took a look, frowned and said: "The price of these materials is not cheap. A complete set is more expensive than replacing the entire fourth generation prosthetic body. Have you thought about it?"

She didn't ask Lidya Su what she wanted these materials for.

Because she had already guessed what Lidya Su wanted to do.

Su Xiao didn't talk nonsense: "I will give you the money in six installments, and you can pay it back based on the interest on the commercial loan."

Although he and Rogge are old acquaintances and old friends.

But as the saying goes, brothers have to settle accounts.

What's more, the materials he needs to use to make the exoskeleton armor are, as Rogge said, more expensive than a complete set of fourth-generation prosthetics.

So in order not to hurt his feelings, he offered to pay Rogge interest.

"No interest required, I believe you."

"That's a good feeling. See you later."

For the next few days, everything was calm.

Su Xiao, V, Jack, and Lucy get together from time to time.

On Dexter's side, it took longer than expected.

But it's understandable, after all, Kanbi Building is a hotel owned by Arasaka.

It's definitely not that simple to go in and get something.

But Lidya Su was also happy.

The ideal situation is naturally for Rogge to help him prepare all the materials he needs to use first. He has finished making the exoskeleton armor, and Dexter will take care of it later.

Then at noon that day, Su Xiao suddenly received a communication request.

I thought it was Rogge calling, but when I saw the name, it was Li Nali.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

"Can't I come to you if nothing happens?"

Lidya Su said nothing.

She just looked at Li Nali silently on the communication screen.

After a while, Li Nali slowly said: "Okay, I really came to see you because I have something to do."

"Task content, location, and reward."

"Come to the snack street in the Kabuki district and let's talk while eating."

Lidya Su did not refuse.

I plan to go over first to see what's going on.

On Dexter's side, it's not that simple to come up with a plan to sneak into the Kanbi Building.

Before Dexter is settled, if Li Nali's matter is not too troublesome...

He wouldn't mind making some extra money.

Su Xiao went to the snack street Li Nali mentioned to find her.

Instead of wearing a police uniform, she put on a black tight-fitting suit.

The two of them ate at the food stall first.

Li Nali asked Su Xiao to drive her to the industrial zone in the north of the city.

On the way, Li Nali told her why she was looking for Lidya Su.

"There was a group of scavengers attacking several homeless people near Ross Street and Shipyard Road, but the department wouldn't let us get close."

"You planned to eliminate harm for the people, but you felt that you were not strong enough, so you called me?"

Li Nali nodded and said, "That's right."

Su Xiao felt very strange: "Why don't you ask your colleagues in the bureau to act with you?"

Li Nali sighed.

"Those scavengers carry weapons, and fighting with them would risk their lives. Since the bureau won't let us get close, my colleagues don't feel the need to take the initiative to eliminate them. If they are injured, not only will the medical expenses not be reimbursed, but also There is a possibility of being fired.”

"Okay, then you take me

If you call me here, you're not going to prostitute me for nothing, are you? "

"Of course, I have asked about the general remuneration for similar clean-up commissions. I will not give you a penny less, but..." After a pause, Li Nali continued, "I am just a member of the NCPD. As an ordinary police officer, the salary is not high, so I can only pay you in installments."

Lidya Su agreed immediately: "Okay, just pay in installments, no problem."

Scavengers, everyone can find them and kill them.

Not to mention there is still money to take.

"When the time comes, you hide behind me and I will deal with them."

They were just a group of scavengers, and Su Xiao didn't take them seriously yet.

But Li Nali shook her head.

"There's no need to attack by force. Let's outwit them. I've already thought of a way. The two of us will pretend to be pizza delivery people. As soon as the scavengers order a pizza, we'll poison the pizza and deliver it to them, poisoning them to death." them"

Su Xiao gave a thumbs up: "nice!"

Dozens of minutes later, the two arrived near Ross Street and Shipyard Road in the industrial area in the north of the city.

Li Nali found a commanding height nearby as her temporary stronghold.

From here, you can see the entrance to the underground mall more than a thousand meters away.

Of course, the underground shopping mall has not been built yet and is already unfinished.

Originally, many homeless people were hiding in underground shopping malls.

But then a gang of scavengers attacked them.

Kick those homeless people out.

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