Before Saburo Arasaka took over, Arasaka was just a small manufacturing company.

Now, banking, security and manufacturing are the three pillar industries of Arasaka Enterprises. What was once a small manufacturing company has become one of the most powerful companies in the world.

"Yes, I did it, but it's a pity that I don't have much time."

Takemura Goro was shocked: "Sir Saburo..."

Saburo Arasaka raised his hand.

Stop what Goro Takemura wants to say next.

"I know my own body well."

Despite using so many advanced medical technologies, his body was still inevitably declining.

This feeling has been especially evident recently.

The topic suddenly changed to this.

This left Goro Takemura not knowing what to say.

In fact, the members of Arasaka's board of directors have never shown their dislike for Saburo Arasaka in private.

They felt that Saburo Arasaka's desire for control was too strong. He had lived for more than 150 years and still didn't know how to delegate power.

Moreover, even compared to the longest-lived real emperor, Saburo Arasaka lived too long.

More than once, they secretly speculated on how many more years they would have to live before Saburo Arasaka would let go of his throne of power.

As for Saburo Arasaka's children, fortunately, except for Yorinobu Arasaka, his daughter Hanako Arasaka and granddaughter Michiko Arasaka have never expressed dissatisfaction with their father and grandfather.

"The more clearly I feel the ruthlessness of time and the passage of time, the more I feel sorry and sorry for Yori Xuan's choice. Obviously he is still so young and he can still create infinite possibilities, but..."

When Saburo Arasaka said these words, his tone made Goro Takemura feel very strange.

It seems that it's not just the father's hatred of his rebellious son that is inflexible.

It also contains the jealousy of his son who is much younger than himself...

And possession and substitution?

This crazy idea just popped up and was suppressed by Goro Takemura.

Will not.

This is impossible.

How could Sir Saburo Arasaka want to take away his son's body?

The invention of relic was just to bring Arasaka's wealth and economy to a higher level.

That's all.

At this time, Goro Takemura suddenly noticed that Saburo Arasaka had been watching him.

He was horrified and said hurriedly: "Master Yori Xuan is still young. I believe he will take the right path sooner or later."

Saburo Arasaka smiled happily


"It's great that you think so. If I die, will you be as loyal to Yori Xuan as you are to me?"

Takemura Goro felt that Arasaka Saburo's words were very strange.

Especially in this situation.

Even more weird.

It was as if Saburo Arasaka felt that he would definitely die in Night City.

Goro Takemura was shocked.

He quickly drove this rebellious thought out of his mind.

"Yes, I will always be loyal to the Arasaka family!"

Kanbi Building is located right on the Arasaka Beach.

During the Fourth Corporate War.

A nuclear bomb was detonated at Arasaka Tower, directly destroying Night City's Civic Center.

Because the mainstream public opinion at the time believed that Arasaka was the culprit who triggered the nuclear explosion and destroyed the center of Night City.

Therefore, the then President of the United States took full advantage of this sentiment and expelled Arasaka from Night City.

Thereafter Arasaka only operated in Japan.

Until 2069, the Unification War broke out.

The president of the new United States proposed a unification plan in an attempt to reunite the already independent territories under one flag.

These independent territories include Night City.

At that time, a new American division had moved to the outskirts of the city.

At Mayor Ryan's request, Arasaka sent a super aircraft carrier to the Night City Harbor.

After a few hours, New America's troops quickly retreated.

It is precisely because, in this unification war, Arasaka stood unswervingly on the side of Night City.

This also regained the favor of the city for Arasaka.

And return to Night City in 2070.

The first thing Arasaka Company did when it returned to Night City was to acquire a large piece of land in Watson District.

It was transformed into an ultra-modern manufacturing and logistics facility.

And renamed it Arasaka Beach.

Arasaka leveled the crumbling buildings of the old Watson district and erected a militarist behemoth atop them.

A large complex with high walls and tightly guarded by guards and automatic turrets.

There are endless warehouses, hangars and automatic assembly lines.

The Arasaka clover signs that can be seen everywhere stately and repeatedly emphasize the people who come here:

What rules here is the corporate machine, and the ant-like bottom is nothing.

As we get closer to the Kanbi Building, T-BUG's communication is also connected.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Jack couldn't hide the excitement in his voice: "It's smoother than TM sandpaper."

Su Xiao glanced at the high-rise buildings outside the window and added: "You can already see the outer wall of the hotel."

"Listen, I will set up an encrypted direct line to guide you into Cangbi."

T-BUG paused: "Su, call V and Jack to see if they are synchronized. It's always good to be careful."

"Can you hear me, V?"

V nodded: "I can hear you clearly."

Lidya Su turned to look at Jack again: "Where are you, Jack?"

"It's all noise. Say something, BUG?"

T-BUG said coldly: "The biggest crimes often stem from greed rather than poverty."

Jack frowned, his good mood along the way was diluted a lot by T-BUG's words: "What did you say?"

"It seems you heard Aristotle's famous quote."

"Well, I heard it. Although I don't know what your Greek friend means, I'm quite excited."

In fact, Jack is not as rough as he looks.

For example, when he heard the name Aristotle, he knew he was a Greek.

"Why don't you try to figure out what it means? What about you, Su?" T-BUG said the first sentence to Jack, but the second sentence was to Su Xiao.

Lidya Su said lightly.

"This sentence makes sense. It would make even more sense if the person who said this sentence was born in Cao Ma instead of Rome."

"Aristotle, born in 384 BC and died in 322 BC."

"His father was the court physician to King Philip II of Macedonia. Judging from his family situation, he belonged to the middle class of the slave-owning class."

"At the age of 17, he went to Athens to study at Plato's Academy for 20 years."

"In a world where slavery still exists, if you have the conditions to study for 20 years without work, you will have surpassed 99% of the mules and horses."

"He comes from such a good background, he is a slave owner, and his family has money, which can provide him with twenty years of education without any worries. Of course, it can be said that 'the greatest crime comes from greed rather than poverty.'"

"If Aristotle had an elder and a younger one, and he could support a family by himself, he would have to work six days a week, and he would have to work more than twelve hours a day..."

"He was optimized at the age of thirty-five. He has submitted his resume all over the world and cannot find a job. He still has a mortgage that will take 20 to 30 years to repay. Do you think he can still say such things so easily?"

"BUG, sometimes you can't just listen to what a person says, you have to see what he/she does."

Chapter 144 You are teaching me how to do things (4K)

If I had to use one word to describe the Champy Building, it would be magnificent.

Chambi Tower has 420 exclusive rooms, 20 meeting rooms, 14 fully equipped swimming pools, and the best bar

, restaurants, and more that can’t be measured in numbers.

The waiters here can satisfy the deepest needs and desires. All guests who have stayed at Cambi Tower call it an unforgettable experience.

The Delamain taxi drove smoothly into the walled gate.

Then it slowly stopped at the door of the magnificent hotel.

Perhaps to reflect his financial resources and sense of luxury, green vegetation can be seen everywhere in the courtyard outside the hotel.

You must know that in 2077, when animals and plants are on the verge of extinction, transplanting so much vegetation outside your hotel is enough to show luxury and class.

"Thank you for choosing Delamain Travel Service. I wish you good luck. I will wait for you in the underground parking lot when you come back."

Delamain on the screen behind the seat said respectfully in a cold tone.

"It's about time...ah, I almost forgot, you can't carry a gun, right?"

Dexter had specifically stated before that if you want to enter the Kanbi Building, you cannot enter with weapons.

Of course, the crew cut is an exception.

Because the three people pretended to be arms dealers.

The small flat head is used for "talking business".

So you can bring it.

But other weapons cannot be carried.

So all three men left their weapons in the car.

"Okay, 'Yang', 'Hannah', let's go."

The three people got out of the car.

"Wait a minute, I'll get the crew chief first."

Jack went around to the back of the taxi and with some difficulty took out from the trunk the important prop they must use for this operation - a small flat-top alloy box.

This alloy box is actually not the original one they got from the Uzumaki Gang.

But after they left the next life, Su Xiao specifically asked Delamain's taxi to stop on the side of the road, temporarily took out another box, and moved the little crew chief from the previous box to this box.

The one Jack is carrying now is the alloy box that has been replaced.

The previous box was already big and heavy enough.

And now this one is even bigger than the previous one.

Neither Jack nor V understood why Su Xiao bothered.

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