A terrifying momentum erupted.

Adam Hammer appears in the intelligence of various companies and middlemen like a mobile turret.

Heavy machine guns, shoulder-fired missiles, hand cannons, etc...

But his resume never revealed that he was also good at close combat with swords.

Even if you are physically capable of swinging such a heavy sword, if you don't know how to swing it, it's just like a child holding a stick.

But Heavy Hammer is not a child, and the jet sword he holds in both hands is not a stick.

It is normal to have gaps in the information.

Not to mention Arasaka's counter-intelligence department, which will do everything it can to help Chonghami cover up. Of course Chonghami himself also knows the benefits of hiding his trump cards.

However, the heavy hammer is powerful, and Su Xiao is equally powerful.

Chapter 151: With a salary of several thousand yuan, why are you risking your life (3K)

With Falcion's blessing, Su Xiao is even stronger than Heavy Hammer's "Big Ghost" power armor in terms of strength, speed, and endurance.

The duration of Time Zero and "Sianwistan" has long since ended.

However, no one else could intervene in the fight between the two.

The courtyard outside the Kanbi Building looks like it has been ravaged by a tornado.

The carefully laid marble floor was cracked everywhere, the green trees were broken, and the railings were broken.

a mess.

V and Jack looked at this scene in shock.

Not only were they unable to help.

He could only hide in the back of a Delamain taxi.

Otherwise, the repercussions of the fight between the two sides may hurt them.

The heavy hammer avoided the red blade like a cheetah.

He lowered his head and threw himself into Lidya Su’s arms.

Clamping his legs with both arms, he pulled them down.

Then, he was spinning rapidly like a top.

Throw Su Xiao out.

When the body was completed in the air, it should have hit the outer wall of the Kanbi Building, but instead it came into contact with the wall in a half-crouching position.

At the same time, at this moment, she sheathed the sword.

Lidya Su bent her legs.

Accumulate strength.

break out.

Deep dents were made in the walls.

Su Xiao's whole person was more like a fired cannonball.

Zhonghami didn't expect Lidya Su to react so quickly.

He could only block the jet sword in front of him.

Su Xiao's right hand held the handle of the knife tightly.

Holding the scabbard with your left index finger, pull the trigger on the scabbard.


The red blade carried dazzling sparks, flashing from top to bottom.

Under this explosive impact.

The airflow burst into a piercing scream.

Murasame hit the jet sword, which exploded into pieces.

The heavy hammer froze in place.

A deep crack ran through the top of his head, face, chest, and belly.

If an ordinary person had suffered such an injury, he would have died long ago.

The heavy hammer can still survive.


The heavy body fell to his knees.

Hammer gasped.

"I will kill you, and I will smear your brains and flesh on the floor."

"Then kill everyone you know, and when they're dying, tell them they're dead because of you."

The tone was full of sadness, resentment, and rage.

"Adam Hammer, has anyone ever said that you are actually very brainless? If you beg me for mercy, maybe I will be in a good mood and maybe let you go, but it is a pity that you chose to anger me..."

Su Xiao walked to Zhonghami, who was half-kneeling on the ground.


The heavy hammer rushed towards Su Xiao.

Although the jet sword has been reduced to pieces.

But if his heavy body hits him, he will not lose to any weapon.

Lidya Su dodged to the side.

While dodging the impact, he drew his sword and severed his right arm from his shoulder.

Then he ducked to the other side of the heavy hammer and cut off his left arm.

His arms were suddenly cut off, his body lost his balance and he fell to the ground, roaring like a wounded beast.


In fact, for a high-level bodyguard of Heavy Hammer's level, with so many prosthetics implanted in his body, the most important "pain editor" will certainly not be missing.

Moreover, his whole body is made of prosthetic body, except for his brain, he is just a machine.

No pain is felt at all.

What made him scream was not the physical pain, but the humiliation of his dignity.

How had he, Adam Hammer, ever been humiliated like this?

Since joining Arasaka, I have crushed countless people to death with these hands, who openly and secretly opposed Arasaka.

He always stepped on the enemy's corpses piled up like a hill.


He fell into this situation...

Humiliation, what humiliation.


Su Xiao impatiently dragged the heavy hammer's mutilated body to the Delama taxi they had previously ridden in, but was overturned by the heavy hammer's fall.

"Lao De, increase your speed to the maximum."

The artificial intelligence in the car doesn't understand why.

But it didn't think about it that much.

The customer is God.

As long as it is requested by customers...especially distinguished platinum customers, even if it is meaningless, we will do it without hesitation.

The four tires of the overturned taxi began to rotate rapidly.

Heavy Hammer seemed to have guessed what would happen next.

Struggling desperately.

But with his arms completely cut off, even if he struggled again, it was in vain.

After all, he was dragged to the taxi by Lidya Su.


Su Xiao grabbed the protruding mechanical parts on his back and pressed his face against the high-speed rotating wheel.

As soon as the hammer's face came into contact with the wheel, it felt like it had been burned by a soldering iron.

The struggle became more intense.

But Lidya Su’s hands were holding him tightly.

And pressed the heavy hammer's head down harder.

The hammer's struggle became weaker and weaker.

Until the end, when Lidya Su let go.

The heavy hammer fell down as soft as mud.

There is no longer the arrogance he had just now.

In the system panel, the potential value obtained by killing the hammer is also received.

"let's go."

Su Xiao pushed the overturned Delama taxi back to its normal position.

Then got into the car.

V also got into the next Delamain taxi that came over with Jack's support.

The two taxis left the courtyard and headed outside.

After turning the next intersection, both Delamain taxis suddenly braked in unison.

Lidya Su is okay.

V and Jack in the taxi behind were unable to sit firmly and almost bumped into the front seat.

"Holy shit, is this stupid artificial intelligence buggy?"

V patted Jack.

"Jack, look ahead."

Jack was startled for a moment, then looked forward in confusion.

Then he knew why the Delamain taxi chose to stop.

I saw that the street ahead was blocked by Arasaka's special assault force.

Several armored SUVs were parked in the middle of the road, acting as roadblocks.

The road was blocked tightly.

Soldiers armed to the teeth used armored SUVs as shelters and set up various weapons.

Stand ready.

Two walking mechas independently developed by Arasaka stood behind the armored SUV. The six-barreled Gatling cannon and rocket launcher were also ready to fire at any time.

There are also two armed aerostats in the sky, controlling the air.


A chilling atmosphere filled the air.

"My dear, why are so many people here? Isn't it just to take a chip from them? As for that?"

Cold sweat broke out on Jack's forehead.

His face, which had looked somewhat good just now because he had knocked down the heavy hammer, immediately turned pale.

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