Seeing that Jack didn't respond, Su Xiao impatiently said again: "Okay, give it to me quickly, we have no time to waste."

Jack felt that Su Xiao's plan was unreliable.

If it can be done casually, then why does relic need to be stored in a special freezer?

The result of this is likely to be that the chip data will be cleared, and they will have nothing left in the end.

But considering that Su Xiao did this out of concern for his safety.

Finally, Jack gritted his teeth and handed the box over: "Here."

Su Xiao took the freezer, opened it, and carefully took out the relic chip contained inside.

The entire chip glowed red.

From the outside, there is no visible loss of integrity of the chip.

But Lidya Su didn't dare to delay any longer.

Immediately insert the chip into the slot of the small flat head


The three of them held their breath.

Focusing on the little crew cut.

Nothing happens.

Jack looked at the little crew chief worriedly: "Is this a success or..."

In comparison, Lidya Su seemed much calmer.

"Anyway, let's just give the chip to Dexter and let Dexter argue with Evelyn. Our work is done anyway."

"If the data inside is really cleared, there's nothing we can do about it. At least the relic chip itself still has a certain value. It shouldn't be a problem to sell it for tens of millions."

Seeing that Jack seemed a little depressed.

Lidya Su patted his shoulder again.

"You can't make enough money, Jack. As long as you live, good things will happen."

Jack nodded, agreeing with Lidya Su's statement.

At this time, the news broadcast from the car radio attracted the attention of the three people.

"The following is the latest news that our station has just received:"

"The founder and CEO of Arasaka Corporation, Saburo Arasaka, was announced to have passed away in Night City. His son Yorinobu Arasaka found his body in the penthouse suite of the Kanaki Tower Hotel."

"Currently, we don't know whether the death was caused by natural causes or whether there was another conspiracy."

"Many witnesses reported that they heard gunshots and explosions outside the hotel multiple times. So far, the Arasaka Beach has been blocked by the Arasaka Special Strike Force, preventing the NCPD from launching a formal investigation."

"We are still waiting for the official statement from the public relations department of Arasaka Company. Please do not believe the rumors and do not spread them..."

When they heard the content of the car radio clearly, the three of them were stunned.

"Arasaka Saburo...that local actually dead?"

"He died in Night City? Wait...when did he come to Night City?"

The three of them were puzzled.

Arasaka Yorinobu came to Night City, which was known to everyone in the city.

But when did Saburo Arasaka come to Night City?

Why is there no news at all?

At this time, Lidya Su suddenly remembered something.

When they were still in the penthouse suite of Chambi Building, they saw several aerial vehicles coming to the rooftop of Chambi Building.

At that time, Su Xiao used the tactical eyepiece to scan, but could not get any information.

Could it be that……

Are Saburo Arasaka in those floating cars?

Following this train of thought, Lidya Su continued to think.

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of Saburo Arasaka coming to Night City——

He must have discovered that his personally customized relic had been stolen from Arasaka's laboratory by Yorinobu.

That's why he came to Night City and the Cambi Tower.

As a result, he is now dead in the Kanbi Building.

"Arasaka Saburo is dead? It's over now! Damn!"

Even Jack realizes this relic is now a hot potato.

Saburo Arasaka died.

Arasaka will definitely make big moves next.

Originally, Watson District had been blocked some time ago.

When Arasaka Yorinobu discovered that the relic was missing, he would not give up.

All their previous plans were based on the premise that Arasaka Yorinobu was not discovered.

He took out the chip without anyone noticing, and then sold it before Arasaka Yorinobu noticed.

Now Saburo Arasaka is dead, causing uproar in the city.

Can relic still be able to get rid of it at will?

Ten minutes later, the sedan stopped safely outside the Silent Motel.

"V, if your leg is injured, don't go up there."

"I'm fine."

V still thought about it, but Su Xiao pushed her down on her seat without any explanation: "Don't be brave, you are already doing me a favor by sitting still."

Then, Su Xiao looked at Jack again: "Jack, you stay to protect V."

Jack nodded.

When they were in the Cangbi Building before, it was only Su Xiao who had to fight his way out for the two of them to escape.

Even legendary figures like Adam Hammer were defeated by Su Xiao.

What else is Jack worried about?

Besides, Su Xiao just went to hand over the relic to Dexter, not to fight.

No need to worry blindly.

Amidst the rain, the doorway of the Tight-Talked Motel exudes pink light.

It seems like this is not a motel, but a Japanese love hotel.

Su Xiao walked through the aisle filled with garbage and stepped onto the dim stairs.

Walking through the gloomy corridor, we finally came to the door of Room 204.

This was the meeting place they had agreed upon long ago.

Lidya Su knocked on the door.

But there was no reaction from inside.

Lidya Su knocked again.

This time, the door finally opened.

Dexter's bodyguard and driver opened the door from inside.

Just as Su Xiao was about to go in, Ma Zai stretched out his hand to stop Su Xiao.

He cautiously glanced toward the corridor outside.

After confirming that no one was following him, he got out of the way.

The messy room was dimly lit.

"Okay, Mr. Su, you actually succeeded and the news broke." Dexter pointed to the TV in the room and glanced at Ma Zai who closed the door.

Ma Zai nodded imperceptibly


And through the voice channel between him and Dexter, he quietly told Dexter: "There is only one of him."

Su Xiao seemed unaware of the little moves between Dexter and Ma Zai. He shrugged: "You don't seem surprised to see me alone."

"No, I'm actually surprised. Where are Miss V and Brother Jack? Are they still in the car?"

"Yes, they're still in the car."

"What about what I want?"

Lidya Su paused briefly.

The relic is inserted into the slot of the small flat head.

And Xiao Pingtou also followed him into the Tight-Telled Motel.

It was hanging on the ceiling outside at this time.

But there's something wrong with the way Dexter looks now.

This made Lidya Su cautious.

"Also in the car."

For a moment, Dexter's face showed unconcealable panic.

Although he quickly hid this emotion.

But Lidya Su was sure that she would not be wrong.

In order to verify his conjecture, he deliberately asked: "Dexter, there are Arasaka everywhere in the city now, what should we do next?"

"Mr. Su, please relax, I will arrange it. Don't worry, that's what middlemen do."

Dexter pointed to the bathroom: "But before that, you should go wash your face and wake yourself up, what do you think?"

Lidya Su nodded and walked to the bathroom.

Dexter puffed on his cigar.

He gave Ma Zai a look.

Ma Zai understood and followed Su Xiao step by step.

He himself sat on the sofa and dialed a number.

"It's me. I ordered the spaceship. I can't wait until dawn. I can add money."

The other side seemed to announce a location, and Dexter repeated: "Spaceport, Platform 4, got it."

Su Xiao, who was about to enter the bathroom, suddenly turned back.

The horse boy following him was caught off guard.

After hesitating for a moment, he still got out of the way and did not choose to take action.

Su Xiao walked straight to Dexter.

"Who are you calling? Evelyn Parker?"

"No, it's the dock. An old friend of mine is engaged in logistics and transportation... It's enough for you to know this. Mr. Su, look at your face, go and wash your face."

"No need, I'll just sit here."

Dexter and Ma Zi exchanged a look: "Okay, that's up to you."

Su Xiao saw the eye contact between the two, but did not point it out. Instead, he continued to ask: "I just heard you said about the space port. Let's leave in a spaceship."

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