This is not the end of the duration.

Instead, all prosthetics were remotely forcibly closed.

Not only nanomachines, but all implants are inoperable.

What's even worse is that he still has his own bank account and permissions within Arasaka.

All have been completely deleted.

This made Goro Takemura almost vomit blood.

Decades of struggle and hard work have returned to before liberation.

Bullets were fired randomly from above everyone's heads.

Beaten to a pulp.

Through the tactical eyepiece, Su Xiao scanned out that the enemy was in the building opposite, in different rooms on different floors.

As soon as the tactical eyepiece locked the enemy's position, Su Xiao stood up immediately.

The bullet hit Falcion, but only produced a shower of sparks.

Su Xiao fired several shots at the opposite side, and then without looking at the results, she pulled V up from the ground and rushed out of the room with her.

"Get up, Jack! Go!"

After Su Xiao fired those shots, no more bullets were fired from the building opposite.

Goro Takemura stuck his head out from under the window and looked across.

But they saw that all the enemies had been shot in the head and were already dead.

Every super skyscraper is a small society.

At this time, it should have been full of lively scenes.

But when Su Xiao and the others rushed out of the room, it was quiet outside.

The corridor was empty.

The used hall further away, which was originally filled with convenience stores, street stalls, and boxing gyms, was also deserted.

V and Jack's faces turned ugly.

However, Su Xiao calmly pointed in the direction of the stairs.

"Let's take the stairs."

"But wouldn't the elevator reach the ground faster?"

"It will also be easier to be ambushed."

The two no longer had any objections.

Follow Lidya Su.

V suddenly turned his head.

I found that Goro Takemura was following him.

Jack subconsciously pointed his gun at him.

However, Takemura Goro was the first to compromise: "Wait a moment, we have a temporary truce."

"Why should we trust you?"

"Just now you wanted to take us back."

V and Jack didn't believe it at all.

Lidya Su raised her hand.

Throw out a pneumatic syringe.

"This is not free. Remember to pay me when it's safe to go back."


Takemura Goro said seriously.

Only then did V and Jack notice that Goro Takemura had been injured.

He pressed a hand to his abdomen.

The hand holding the pneumatic syringe was also covered in blood.


Only then did Jack realize that things were not simple.

"Okay, it's not safe here, let's get out of here quickly."

Lidya Su opened the way in front.

V and Jack followed closely behind.

Finally, there is Goro Takemura.

The two groups, who had been fighting each other to the death, now formed a strange and temporary alliance.

Down two flights of stairs in succession.

Su Xiao suddenly took out the Xianxiang technology submachine gun and fired bang bang bang.

Bullets rained through the wall guardrail and penetrated the soldiers of the special assault force who were hiding on the stairs below, preparing to ambush everyone.

A group of Arasaka soldiers who originally planned to ambush them were caught off guard by Su Xiao.

A dozen heavily armed soldiers were all wiped out in a very short time.

But it's not over yet.

Su Xiao had just emptied the magazine of the technical submachine gun and had not had time to replace the magazine.

Then there was a figure stepping on the wall, moving at high speed on the wall like a gecko.

Then he pounced hard on Su Xiao, who seemed to have no power to fight back.

This is the Arasaka ninja who belongs to Arasaka's special execution unit "Troy". He is wearing a military-grade combat prosthetic body and is so terrifying.

However, Su Xiao put his left hand on the scabbard and pulled the trigger. There was a bang, and the blade shot out, hitting the face of the rushing Arasaka ninja.

The latter was caught off guard and wanted to dodge, but it was obviously too late.

When the Arasaka ninja was hit in the face, his whole body was also turned 180 degrees.

He also fell heavily from mid-air.

Before he could get up.

A foot wrapped in steel stepped heavily on his neck.

Then push hard.


This Arasaka ninja

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

There was no sound.

This is the first wave of enemies to intercept.

But not the last wave.

Special attack forces mixed with "Trojan" Arasaka ninjas attacked from all directions.

But Su Xiao took advantage of Falcion and forced his way out.

V and Jack cooperated with each other and helped Su Xiao kill many people.

On the contrary, it was Goro Takemura. I don’t know if that was the reason why he was weak by three points.

After Su Xiao agreed to temporarily join forces, he could only hide behind and shoot cold shots. He no longer dared to rush to the front and take the damage with Su Xiao.

V and Jack cast disdainful looks at Goro Takemura from time to time, but Goro Takemura could only pretend not to see it.

Continue to cower in the back and act like Voldemort's old cunt.

Just like that, the group finally rushed downstairs.

Enter the underground parking lot.

The empty underground parking lot was brightly lit, but there were few people.

There were only a few lone cars parked in the parking spaces.

Goro Takemura thought he was finally useful, so he walked over first: "My car is parked here."

But Lidya Su shook his head.

"Jack, call Lao De over."

"Why don't you get in my car? Mine is a super sports car. I can quickly get rid of my pursuers."

Goro Takemura's accent is hilarious.

When he's in a hurry, it's even funnier to say it.

Although it was a bit out of place, it somewhat diluted the tense atmosphere at the moment.

Su Xiao glanced at him: "There is a bomb in your car."

"What?" Takemura Goro was stunned.

"You were staying upstairs just now. If you were them, do you think they would tamper with your car?"

Takemura Goro was in disbelief.

Probably also aware that they were about to escape.

Next, Arasaka's attack became more ferocious.

But in an open environment like the parking lot, it was not only suitable for the ambush of Arasaka's pursuers, but also suitable for Su Xiao.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind an Arasaka soldier.

With a slight wave of the blade in his hand, the Arasaka soldier's head flew high into the air.

Then, Su Xiao followed suit and killed other soldiers in the ambush direction one after another.

If he hadn't been wearing exoskeleton armor, there was no doubt that he wouldn't have dared to charge like this.

But wearing the exoskeleton armor, he was not afraid at all.

He even dared to charge forward despite the hail of bullets.

The gunshots mixed with desperate screams.

Su Xiao transformed into a whirlwind of death and shuttled among the soldiers in Arasaka.

The sound of gunfire gradually became sparse.

Finally it stopped.

The people didn't have to wait too long, and the Delamain taxi arrived quickly.

The three of them quickly got into the car.

Goro Takemura looked at the supercar he bought with a huge sum of money and a lot of loans at the time.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and chose to take the Delamain taxi called by Jack.

After everyone got in the car, Delamain Taxi took them out of the parking lot of the super skyscraper.

However, the people in Arasaka seemed unwilling to give up.

Several Arasaka ninjas rode motorcycles and chased after them with roaring accelerators.

Bullets rained down on the body and windows of Delamain's taxi, making a clanging sound.

Except for Su Xiao, several people in the car subconsciously squatted down with their heads in their hands.

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