V crossed his arms and hugged his chest: "With all due respect, Takemura, you have been kicked out by Arasaka. Do you still have money? Hasn't your account been canceled?"

"I... I can owe you money first. When I return to Arasaka... I will definitely pay with interest..."

"Yorinobu Arasaka has sent people to kill you, how can you go back?"

Goro Takemura was speechless.

He just stared at V.

"Okay, V, don't bully him too much."

Lidya Su smiled and waved her hand.

"You can ask, but I can't guarantee that I'll tell you everything."

"Okay, thank you." Takemura Goro took a deep look at Su Xiao, and then bent down.

"First of all, I want to ask, where is Evelyn Parker?"

Su Xiao and the other three looked at each other.

"Evelyn? Why is she involved in everything?"

This order was sent to Dexter by Evelin, and then Dexter found Su Xiao and others.

Although a series of things happened later, the brothers were still successful and helped Evelin get Relic out of the Kanbi Building.

As a result, Evelyn disappeared.

Su Xiao and three others tried to contact Evelin separately, but Evelin even deleted her phone number.

Just give it to me and you won't be able to fix it.

Now, why does Takemura Goro want to find Evelin?

It seemed that he could see the doubts of the three people.

Goro Takemura explained.

"She is very close to Arasaka Yorinobu, you can say very close... She knows how to get close to him."

In fact, the relationship between the two is the purest business relationship.

Only technique, without any emotion.

But Goro Takemura said it tactfully.

The three of them looked at each other, and finally Jack said: "We are also looking for her, for some reason."

"It's Relic, right? Did she hire you to steal it?" Takemura Goro seemed to have seen through what several people wanted to hide, and directly uncovered the bottom of the pot.

Lidya Su frowned slightly: "How do you know?"

On Takemura Goro's face was the same smile that Mouri Kogoro had when he found the prisoner he thought he was.

"Although all the surveillance cameras in the Kanbi Building did not capture you, the coverage of the anti-detection jammer does not include the freezer containing the relic."

Goro Takemura paused and continued: "Furthermore, shortly after you left, Arasaka Yorinobu returned to the penthouse suite and let out a burst of unknown anger, which can also confirm my point of view."

Lidya Su thought to herself.

The person who can become Saburo Arasaka's personal attendant is not a fuel-efficient person.

Based on only a few clues, I can almost guess the truth.




So scary!

Since Goro Takemura has already guessed the truth, there is no need for Su Xiao and the others to hide it.

"Yes, this chip was originally going to be handed over to Evelin for her to sell, but then we couldn't contact her."

"It seems like what I thought, she has probably... gone away."

V asked doubtfully: "Why do you think she is no longer in the city?"

"I tried looking for her but couldn't find her. I suspect she hid her whereabouts on purpose."

"Then there's an answer to your question." Jack snorted and responded coldly.

Goro Takemura added: "I just said that Parker hired you to steal the chip. You didn't deny it. Then I ask you, do you think she is working for a certain company? It was because other companies wanted to deal with Arasaka, so that's why Using her as an intermediary, I hired you to steal the relic."

Lidya Su shook her head.

"No, I don't think she works for the company."

Goro Takemura snorted: "Why do you dare to make such a conclusion?"

"Because she doesn't smell like a company dog, you know, right?"

Goro Takemura was a little displeased: "Do you think I smell like that too?"

"It was there when we first met, but now it's almost gone." Su Xiao smiled brightly.

Goro Takemura was confused: "What do you mean?"

A half-smile appeared on Lidya Su's face: "You have a lot of problems."

"That's because you have a lot of interesting answers."

"Then it's time for you to say something interesting."

Takemura Goro knew that he was not interrogating the three people in front of him.

I am not superior to others, but both parties are on an equal footing.

Although he really wanted the other party to tell him everything.

But he also knew it was impossible.

If you don't take the initiative here, then the cooperation that has not yet started will be terminated here.


"I want Arasaka Yorinobu to pay a heavy price for his crimes."

"Arasaka Saburo is already so cold. Do you still want to avenge him?"

"You don't understand, this is loyalty, the way of a warrior."

Lidya Su grinned and said sarcastically.

"Did you comfort yourself like this when you were helping Saburo Arasaka get rid of those who opposed him?"

Goro Takemura pretended not to hear what Lidya Su said.

"I have allies. We plan to get Yori to plead guilty. All we need now is evidence."

V looked at Su Xiao and then at Jack: "But we can't give you evidence. When Saburo Arasaka died, we were going downstairs, but we didn't see with our own eyes how Saburo died."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you claim that you were at the scene and saw Yorinobu kill Saburo-sama with your own eyes."

V lowered his voice and said emotionally: "Are you asking us to commit perjury?"

Goro Takemura emphasized: "No, I just want you to follow your heart."

Jack waved his hand.

Like a buzzing fly in the car.

"Follow your own heart and perjury, right? This is the way of the samurai? It's so hypocritical. No wonder the Japanese now bow instead of committing seppuku when they make mistakes."

Goro Takemura saw Jack's movements and the undisguised expression on V's face.

But instead of pointing this out, he continued.

"When Arasaka Yorinobu falls, you will receive Arasaka's gratitude and sincere euros. This will be a large amount of money, enough for you to be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of your life."

"If you are willing, you can also join Arasaka and get respectable status and power just like me."

Jack laughed.

"'Respectable status and power', you mean like a dog, being chased by the Arasaka ninja and hiding like a mouse."

Among the three people in Su Xiao, Jack was the most rude to Goro Takemura.

He didn't have a good impression of these corporate dogs in suits and ties, who were full of flattery.

Not to mention that Goro Takemura had gone to war with them before.

Jack is not a goldfish and has only 7 seconds of memory.


Takemura Goro immediately glared.

But he realized that he still wanted something from the three people in front of him.

Then he also snorted.

No longer looking at Jack.

Finally, Su Xiao made the conclusion on behalf of the other two.

"We cannot agree to your request. Although money is a good thing, we cannot violate our bottom line and principles."

Goro Takemura wanted to say something more.

But looked at Lidya Su’s expression.

Changed his words.

"Okay, if you insist, but we can talk about this later in case you change your mind."

"Finally, there is one more thing. I need you to return the relic that you took away."

"Need it? Zhucun, what conditions do you have to say such a thing? Now you can only knock down a few street gangsters, and you have to sneak attack when they are not prepared."

Takemura Goro's eyelids twitched.

He silently glanced at V and Jack, who were sitting in the back row, their hands never leaving their guns.

He looked fearfully at Su Xiao, who was wearing exoskeleton armor next to him.

His tone softened.

Chapter 160: He is real, I cry to death (3K)

"Listen, I'm not threatening you, but you don't understand. Even if the relic is left in your hands, it won't help you."

"I don't care what Parker told you, or what conditions he promised, but it's different now. That Parker woman has run away."

"I checked Parker's file. It's not a forgery. She is a sex doll. At best, she is a spy working for other people. At best, this is the height that a person like her can reach."

"If you keep that relic in your hands, it will only make Arasaka Yorinobu continue to stare at you. This is a - how do you say that word - oh yes, a time bomb. I don't know when it will explode. '...Do you understand?"

V narrowed his eyes and looked directly at Goro Takemura.

"Since this biochip is a time bomb, why don't we throw it into the water? Instead, give it to you? Aren't you afraid of being blown to pieces?"

Takemura Goro stopped talking.

I can tell.

He was racking his brains and guts.

Seeing his constipated expression, Su Xiao and the other two looked at each other.

I stopped teasing him.

Finally, Su Xiao took the initiative to speak.

"Actually, the freezer containing relic was already damaged when we escaped from the Kanbi Building. Later, we saw that the integrity of the freezer was gone, so we threw it away.

"Don't lie to me! Do I look like a fool?!"

"You don't believe it? Okay, then I'll take you there and let you see it with your own eyes."

Half an hour later.

Delamain's taxi took everyone back to the place where Su Xiao had thrown the freezer.

When I threw it away before, there was no one near the garbage dump.

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