Saburo Arasaka lived too long.

So many people mistakenly thought that he would live forever.

Until the end of the universe.

Johnny lamented: "I didn't expect that he would be here today."

Su Xiao patiently explained to Johnny Silverhand, an old man born in the 1980s.

"When you died, it was during the Fourth Corporate War. After the Arasaka Tower was bombed, the then-new President of the United States blamed Arasaka for the nuclear explosion. As a result, Arasaka's power was uprooted and he was forced to retreat to Japan itself.”

"It wasn't until the outbreak of the Unification War that Arasaka was invited back by Night City. As of now, it's already 2077."

Johnny said in shock: "Please come back? Why?"

He just couldn't understand it.

How much sacrifice they made to finally drive Arasaka out of Night City.

Why did this city bring Arasaka back again?

Is it worthy of those who sacrificed before? Do you deserve the people who were tortured to death by Arasaka?

"Because during the Unification War, New America wanted to take advantage of the situation to unify Night City. Mr. Lucius Lane, who was the mayor of Night City at the time, asked Arasaka for help in order to prevent this from happening."

"Fuck! How can there be such stupid people in this world? How stupid! Extremely stupid! Can such a person become the mayor? It's easy to ask God to give away God, but now there are no more Bushido No. 2 and Katana No. 1 The nuclear bomb sent Arasaka away.”

"New America is a tiger, and Arasaka is a wolf. In order to drive away the tiger, he invited the wolf into his home... Maybe Mayor Lane feels that the two powers are more harmful to each other. Compared to the tiger, the wolf is better. Deal with some.”

Johnny paced the room restlessly.

"Okay, assuming what you said is true, then how come I'm in this robot's body? If it wasn't you who did it, then who did it?"

Lidya Su shook her head.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but when you raided Arasaka Tower, you died there. After that, Arasaka used "Soul Killer" on you to digitize your consciousness and store it in their soul prison (of course they call it It is called the Data Fortress). "

"Then, Arasaka developed Relic, a biological chip used to store personality consciousness. The purpose is to implant the personality consciousness on the chip into a new organic host at the right time to achieve 'immortality' Effect."

Lidya Su was gushing this time.

Not only V and Jack's heads hurt hearing this.

Across the door, Johnny was also confused.

"OK, if you really can't understand it, then I'll change it to the setting of a fantasy work, which should be easier to accept:"

"——To put it bluntly, it means to make a copy of your soul first, and then store it somewhere. When your body ages or dies, the copied soul is put into a brand new container. , and you will be resurrected.”

"As for whether the copied soul is still your soul, let's leave it to philosophers to debate. Anyway, that's the theory of Relic."

With this explanation, Johnny understood.

He quickly grasped the point.

"According to what you say, my body is already dead?"

"Not only did he die, the grass on his grave was even taller."

Johnny stopped talking.

His soul was stuffed into a robot that looked like a spider.

You can't see his ugly expression.

But it's not difficult to guess that his heart was in turmoil at this time.

"Wait a minute," Johnny discovered the blind spot, "you said you didn't

You are a company dog, so how do you know so clearly? "

"Because we did a lot of homework before taking this step."

All the above information comes from the Mewtwo video that Evelin recorded in the penthouse suite.

There is a clip of Arasaka Yorinobu sitting on the bed, holding a tablet.

The tablet was densely packed with relic information.

Because Lidya Su thought it might be useful.

The information was stored at that time.

And when needed, it can be recalled from the tactical eyepiece at any time.

Lidya Su's rhetoric was watertight.

Johnny couldn't fault it.

But he still didn't want to believe it.

Mainly because he was imprisoned in the shrine for who knows how long.

Now I finally left that ghost place.

But he was trapped in the machine shell.

And the world outside has suddenly changed.

It makes him, an old antique, somewhat out of step with the times.

"You should know, and you know it almost. Now you should be able to understand that we are friends, not enemies."

Su Xiao said so much, of course not because he was afraid of Johnny Silverhand.

Not to mention that Xiaopingtou is just an auxiliary combat robot.

It does not carry any weapons.

Even if Johnny Silverhand is resurrected, Su Xiao can still press him to the ground and rub him.

Su Xiao is not a person who advocates violence.

On the contrary, he is a peace-loving man.

When dealing with his enemies, he will of course strike hard and show no mercy.

When dealing with people who can become companions, he still wants to try his best to convince them with virtue.

Even based on what he knew about Johnny Silverhand's life, he felt that based on his temper, he would probably not be willing to accept Su Xiao's command.

Nor would he be willing to join Su Xiao’s team.

That's okay.

Anyway, you just need to oppose Arasaka.

Then we are half brothers.

Johnny is indeed a sensible person.

After some careful thinking...

"Okay, you convinced me."

Lidya Su smiled.

He knew Johnny was a man who could make sense.

"Then I'll open the door."

The rolling shutters opened with a roar.

The scene inside the house came into view.

The ground was a mess.

Various items on the shelves fell to the floor in a mess.

Even the hacker's chair tipped over on its side.

Johnny Silverhand was huddled on the server in the corner, even waving his spider-like long legs in an apologetic gesture.

V walked in, squatted next to T-BUG, and connected his personal cable to the latter's neural socket.

This is the fastest way to confirm the other party's situation.

After a few seconds.

V unplugged the personal cable.

"She's fine, she just fainted from being strangled."

Lidya Su nodded: "It's okay."

Noticed the weird looks in V and Jack's eyes.

"Let me introduce, V. Jack, this is Johnny Silverhand. Johnny, these are V and Jack."

Jack looked at the little crew-head huddled in the corner in disbelief: "Are you really Johnny Silverhand, that rock kid?"

Johnny was not polite at all: "Why, do I have to perform "Intubation" for you before you believe it?"

"No, that's not necessary, it's just..." Jack's eyes widened, "Shouldn't you be dead?"

Johnny said depressedly: "That's a good question, don't ask it next time."

Su Xiao on the side explained to Jack.

"The purpose of Relic's invention is to allow the personality consciousness stored in it to occupy a brand new organic host body. Theoretically, it should be a human, but I don't know what caused Johnny's death. ·The silver hand snatched away the little flat head."

At that time, the relic was inserted into the slot of the small flat head.

Su Xiao just used it as a container to temporarily hold relic.

After arriving at the Keepy Motel, he took out the relic and gave it to Dexter.

Of course, what happened next was slightly different from what was expected.

This causes the relic to stay in the slot of the small flat head.

"Anyway, this is the situation."

Suddenly, Johnny asked seemingly casually.

"Roger, is she still alive?"

Lidya Su glanced at Johnny.

"Not only is she alive, but she has become the queen of the "afterlife". "

"Afterlife?" Johnny was stunned for a moment.

Obviously this word is very unfamiliar.

“The mercenary holy land of your time was Atlantis, right? The "afterlife" now is the "Atlantis" of your time. "

"Fuck! It sounds like Rogge has been really comfortable these past few years."

Although there were curse words coming out of his mouth, the relief in Johnny's voice could still be heard.

"What are your plans next? Go directly to Rogge?"

"I kind of want to, but I can't do it."


This time it was Lidya Su's turn to be surprised.

He originally thought that after Johnny regained his life (in a sense, this was not wrong, although it was possessed by an iron bastard, it was still better than being completely dead), he would immediately run to find Roger. .

After all, whether it is the rumored relationship between the two or the

Now Johnny asks about Roger...

This is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is definitely more than just a relationship between a comrade-in-arms and an ex-girlfriend.

But Johnny was able to hold back and not go to Rogge...

"Let's not mention whether I can go in or not. Even if I can go in, what should I say when I see her?"

Johnny bent down and made a curtsy, but it looked so ridiculous when done by a robot.

"'Hello, Rogge, I am your lover who has been resurrected from the dead and will remain faithful to you until death.' How do you think Rogge will react?"


V and Jack couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker.

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