Signaling others to stop.

Although the stairs are still dark.

I can't see my fingers.

But on the built-in tactical screen, it can be clearly seen that there are more than a dozen laser trip mines arranged at the end of the stairs ahead.

There are also four security turrets hidden in the walls on both sides.

The picture Su Xiao saw on the built-in tactical screen.

Share with others.

"Lucy, black them all out."

Lucy nodded.

Come to Su Xiao's side and remotely close the laser trip mines and warning turrets one by one.

Several people moved forward again, and within a few meters, an automatic door appeared in front of them, blocking the way.

This time, without waiting for Su Xiao's instructions, Lucy's eyes flashed red and she opened the automatic door.

Behind the door is a huge underground space.

But now, "Lilith's cabin" has been transformed into an altar for cult rituals.

They drew a huge inverted pentagram pattern on the ground with blood.

Decorate the corners of the inverted pentagram with skulls, candles and flowers.

There are many people kneeling on this huge magic circle.


Knives were used on the body to carve out different patterns, but they seemed to contain some profound patterns.

Outside the magic circle of the inverted pentagram, there are cult members wearing white clothes and pointed hats.

In the center of the circle, there is a coffin-looking freezer.

The freezer was pure white with a large blood stain on it.

When Su Xiao and others walked in, they saw such a scene.

The footsteps of Su Xiao and others coming in attracted the attention of the people in white.

"Blasphemer, another blasphemer has broken in."

"For disturbing Lilith's advent ceremony, you must use blood to atone for your sins."

"Kill them and present their blood and brains to please Her Highness Lilith."

Following the roar of the leader in white.

The other men in white took out weapons from their large white robes.

A fierce battle is about to break out.

Bang bang bang——

A hail of bullets!

Bullets are flying!

V and Lucy each found a bunker and hid behind it.

They hold smart weapons and don't need to show their heads. They just need to extend the weapon out of the bunker and pull the trigger.

Smart firearms will automatically aim and kill enemies.

Jack also found a pillar to hide.

But he is not using smart weapons. He prefers powerful ones, such as the MK.31 heavy machine gun, or technical precision rifles such as Achilles, which not only have a long range, but can also knock people away with one shot.

The man in white uses a mixture of kinetic energy, technology, and smart weapons.

However, thanks to Su Xiao's team, everyone except Su Xiao himself is equipped with the most advanced anti-intelligent weapon implants.

As a result, the smart weapons used by the men in white were not easy to use.

Most of the bullets fired at several people were deflected.

A very small number of bullets will even change direction midway and bounce back to attack their owners.

This is why, although Arasaka exports a large number of smart weapons to the outside world, its own field agents and soldiers also use kinetic weapons and technical weapons.

Smart weapons cannot be used in all situations.

If the opponent is equipped with an implant of an anti-smart weapon, the automatic aiming of the smart weapon will be interfered with and therefore invalid.

As the saying goes, where there is a spear, there is a shield.

When smart weapons are

When an invention is invented and it kills everyone, there must be someone - including the creator of the smart weapon - thinking of ways to counter it.

Bullets ripped through the air.

Countless bullet holes were punched in the floor and wall studs.

Kneeling on the six-pointed star formation, the hostages who were treated as sacrifices were frightened.

They want to escape.

But with their hand tendons and hamstrings severed, they could not even escape.

Can't even climb out.

"This group of blasphemers is too strong. Go and invite Lady Lilith."

As soon as the leading man in white finished speaking these words, Jack saw the opportunity.

A shot penetrated the bunker where he was hiding, smashing his head into pieces like a watermelon.

Then, Su Xiao stepped hard with her feet.

Break out from behind cover.

The people in white still wanted to stop him.

But the bullets they fired could only splash countless sparks on Falcion's armor.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two parties has shortened.

Su Xiao waved Murasame and charged into the crowd, and the gunshots quickly turned into desperate and dying screams.

The ending was determined from this moment.

Even Arasaka's special assault force and "Troy" couldn't stop Su Xiao, and neither could these cult members.

The battle didn't last long, and soon all gunfire stopped.

He used the built-in tactical screen to scan the entire field.

Make sure all enemies are dead.

Then she sheathed the sword.

V, Jack and Lucy also walked out from behind the bunker.

"Is it over?" Jack looked around, then strode towards the direction of the magic circle, "Hanks? Hanks!"

"I...I'm here," Hanks, who subconsciously lay on the ground to avoid the bullet, may have heard Jack's voice, "Jack, is that you?"

"It's me, are you okay? Your... oh my god."

When Jack was untying Hanks, he noticed that his hand tendons and hamstrings were severed.

But he quickly composed himself.

In Night City, even if your hands and feet are cut off.

Prosthetic limbs can also be attached.

As long as it is a genuine product produced by a regular company, it will look like your own hands and feet.

The hand tendons and hamstrings were severed, and it was no problem to reattach them.

"Jack, take them all out first, and let's chat later. I have a very bad feeling."

Lidya Su just finished speaking.


In the freezer in the center of the five-pointed star array, the originally calm blood suddenly became like boiling water.

Countless bubbles emerged.

"Is this... something coming out?" Su Xiao's eyes suddenly shrank, "Jack, get out of there quickly!"

Jack dragged Hanks as far away from the freezer as possible.

V and Lucy immediately aimed their guns at the freezer.

Su Xiao and the others wrapped the freezer in the middle.

No matter what crawls out of it later.

You can give it a shot of bullets at the first opportunity.


They all know what's in the freezer.

A naked old woman slowly crawled out of the freezer.

The old woman's hair looked like seaweed, her skin was loose, rotten, and smelled bad.

She looks a lot like the old woman in room 237 in the horror movie "The Shining".

V and Lucy frowned.

Subconsciously, he was ready to pull the trigger.

But no bullets were fired.

The two of them were stunned.

They lowered their heads in unison.

What he saw instead was the gun melting and dripping from his hand like butter.

V subconsciously drew the pistol on his thigh.

But it feels smooth and greasy to the touch.

V looked down.

For some reason, the technical pistol "Kenshin" that should have been strapped to the holster on his thigh.

But it turned into a green snake spitting out letters.

V was so frightened that he kicked the green snake away.

"Lucy, Jack...Sue!"

V looked around.

A chill ran down my back.

I don’t know when it started.

Everyone else is gone.

The magic circle with the inverted pentagram is still there.

The freezer is still there.

But those hostages who were used as sacrifices had their throats slit at this time.

Fall to the ground.

Dead for a long time.

V shouted again.

But no one responded.

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