There was also a circle of people watching the excitement.

"Hey, buddy! Do you want to take advantage of others? Why am I missing four bags?"

"I took it from Pablo, don't you feel good about it? Go find him yourself."

"I can't ask Pablo, I'm asking you! It's you who can't stand it with me now. I can use your intestines to pave the road, but it's a pity that I still won't get any money."

"Oh? You don't feel happy, do you? Come on, let me loosen it for you, little bastard!"

Both sides pulled out their pistols at the same time and shot each other.

Then they fell to the ground at the same time.

The people around him were so frightened that they retreated in panic.

But the battle is over.

The two of them didn't know whether they had good marksmanship or bad luck.

They were all hit fatally.

He died on the spot.

Lidya Su shook her head.


Street killings and armed fights like this are not uncommon in Night City.

This is exactly what the giant companies like to see.

The worse the security situation and the more chaotic the environment, the more important it is to demonstrate the importance of weapons and private security services.

Anyway, there are a large number of NCPD and company security forces in the company square and North Oak area where they are located, so the riots will not affect them.

Chapter 175: My Buddha is compassionate, Amitabha (3K)

Okada Wakako's pachinko shop is located on Twist Street.

Su Xiao found Wakako's shop within a few minutes of leaving.

He ignored the people sitting outside playing pachinko, opened the curtain made of hard plastic sheets, and walked in.

The innermost room is Okada Wakako's office.

To describe it in one word, it is small and exquisite.

It is very characteristic of Japanese people to use small spaces.

When Wakako saw Lidya Su coming in, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Su, you are a rare visitor."

Su Xiao sat down in front of Okada Wakako: "What, you're not welcome?"

"How could it be?" Wakako was originally on the phone, but she simply said a few words to the person on the other end of the phone and hung up the phone, "However, I think you come to me, not just Isn’t it that simple to reminisce about old times?”

"I often say that Jiang is still as cool as ever, and Wakako is still as sharp as ever."

"There's no need to say more polite words. If you have something to do, just talk about it directly. This will be good for you and me."

Okada Wakako was uncomfortable with his visit.

There is no conflict between the two parties.

But we didn’t get to know each other well enough to have a good relationship.

"Then I will speak openly, Wakako. I know that you helped a Black Mewtwo team find a new actress two days ago. I want to know the contact information of this Black Mewtwo team."

"Of course, it would be best if they have their address so that I can visit them."

Okada Wakako slowly took off her glasses and placed them on the table.

"Sue, it's bothering me that you're doing this."


I have a culture of being afraid of troublesome others.

Therefore, "trouble" is a very harsh term in Japanese.

When a Japanese says he is troubled, it is equivalent to an American pointing his finger at you and scolding you for causing trouble for him.

But Su Xiao is not Japanese.

Okada Wakako is not a pure Japanese, but a Japanese-American.


"Don't tell me about those fake things. You and I both know that you can betray those guys at any time as long as there are enough benefits."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sue."

"I will pay 10,000 euros to buy their information, and I promise not to let anyone else know."

Wakako shook her head firmly.

"Twenty thousand."

Wakako smiled and said nothing.

"fifty thousand."

Bang——! ! !

Okada Wakako put his hands on the table and stood up.

"You are insulting me, Su! People trust me, that's why they come to me for help to solve their problems! Do you think you can get me to betray them for just a mere amount of money?"

Lidya Su raised his hands.

Signaling for surrender.

But there was no frustrated look on his face.

"Sorry, I misjudged you, Wakako."

Wakako sat down slowly.

A smile appeared on his face.

"However, I have a very nice Black Mewtwo here. It costs 50,000 euros. It's a bargain for you. Do you want it?"

"It's beautiful? How beautiful is it?"

"You will know just by looking at it. By the way, remember to look at every corner, you will gain something."

With that said, Okada Wakako took out a small pink umbrella-like package and placed it on the table.

Press and slide to Lidya Su.

Su Xiao glanced at Wakako.

The other party still had the same smiling expression.

Oh shit.

Old fox.

I really just don’t want to let go of anything.

Su Xiao took the black Mewtwo chip.

Thank you.

Send 50,000 euros to Wakako.

Then he was ready to turn around and leave.


Su Xiao thought the wakako was too little and wanted to order more.

But Wakako just said lightly.

"Be clean, I don't want a ghost knocking on the door."

Lidya Su paused at the door.

Then he looked at the Buddha statue enshrined in the store.

"Don't worry, I, the Buddha, am merciful and promise to send them all to the Western Paradise."

On the road outside the entrance to Twisted Street.

Judy, who was sitting in the car, stared at the entrance with longing eyes.

When she saw Lidya Su walking out of Twist Street, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"I'm coming."

Su Xiao sat on the passenger seat and shook the black Mewtwo chip with the skull moth mark on it.

"I got the stuff."

Judy breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank God, let's get started."

"You are the editor of Mewtwo. You know this stuff better than me. I leave it to you."

Judy said nothing.

Received the Black Mewtwo chip.

Tear open the pink packaging that looks like a small umbrella.

Insert the chip inside into Mewtwo's headband.

"Keep an eye on it for me."

When a person is immersed in Mewtwo, he or she will know nothing about what is happening in the outside world.

That's why when she was working as a Mewtwo editor at Lizzy Bar, she chose to use the basement as her Mewtwo editing room.

"Don't worry, we are watching."

Judy then put on Mewtwo's headband with confidence.

A few minutes later, Judy took off Mewtwo's ring.

His face looked very ugly.

"Come on, drink some water first."

Su Xiao took a bottle of mineral water and handed it over.

Judy unscrewed the cap and took a few sips.

It looks a little better.

"I really don't know why anyone would like to watch this kind of thing."

"What do you see?"

"A hacker, he was caught by scavengers and they forced him through the Black Wall."

Lucy was suddenly alert.

"Through the black wall? What do you mean?"

Judy has no real information about Lucy.

I just know that she is a hacker in Su Xiao's team, that's all.

Seeing Lucy's sudden excitement, Judy only regarded it as an occupational disease of hackers.

Didn't think much about it.

"It literally means that they want this hacker to go through the black wall. They... no, to be precise, they are actually the sponsors who spend money to charge the black Mewtwo team. They want to see what is on the other side of the black wall. What."

Lucy shuddered.

In the old network on the other side of the black wall.

Nothing to see at all.

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