
"Yes, it's fucking biotechnology. If you give it six fucking days of paid vacation a year, it will fucking rank third among the top five employers in Night City, second only to Arasaka and Military Technology."


"So? God, you are such a pig brain. I have made it so clear, why don't you still understand? That's why other companies don't even give you six days off for such high-intensity work and such high-intensity hours. , can you survive without some medicine?"

"Oh, I know."

"If you know it, do it quickly..."

The male scavenger cursed.

But he wasn't done cursing yet.

Suddenly I felt my head was light.

It was like breaking away from the constraints of gravity and suddenly becoming free.

His last consciousness was when he saw his headless body still standing on the ground from top to bottom, sliding along the workbench.

"Strange, that body looks a lot like mine."

With this thought, his consciousness was swallowed up by darkness.

The female scavenger saw the male scavenger beheaded.

His expression changed.

I just wanted to open my mouth and scream.

Jack covered his mouth.

The dagger pressed against her chin and touched hard.

The female scavenger's eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets.

Staring wide.

The body is like a fish that has landed on the beach, struggling desperately.

"This is a drug den."

After Su Xiao confirmed that it was safe, Judy, who caught up from behind, took a look at the surrounding environment.

Can't help but be surprised.

Judy is right.

Indeed it is.

This is exactly the same as the drug-making scene in any drug-related movie.

Even dirtier, messier, and worse.

Su Xiao heard that Military Technology would distribute medicines to their employees for free to improve their work efficiency.

He didn't know if Military Technology was the buyer of the store.

If so.

Then he paid a silent tribute to the employees of Military Technology.

Several people continued to go deeper.

I also see more and more unsightly pictures:

Bloody bathroom...

Dormitories worse than concentration camps...

And... corpses...

These scavengers are smarter and better at recycling than other scavengers in the city.

They kidnapped the victims and forced them to film Black Mewtwo at the request of the sponsor.

When the victim is tortured to death, the body will not simply be thrown away.

Instead, the implants, organs, internal organs and other valuable parts of the corpse are squeezed out again.

"These scum!"


People's faces are very ugly.

Even though V, Jack, and Lucy have killed many people, they have also seen many dead people.

But I see humans using all kinds of fantastic ideas on their own kind.

Still makes people feel very uncomfortable.

As for Judy.

She had vomited several times.

On the second underground floor, in the deepest room.

Several leaders of the Black Mewtwo team are all gathered here.

Papayanova took Mewtwo's ring off her head and grinned.

"The quality is very good, the sponsor's father will be satisfied."

She handed Mewtwo's headband to the side: "Want to try it?"

Sukhanov quickly shook his hand.

"Thanks, but I don't have to."

"A man without balls," Papayanova sneered, not insisting, "I think you should just change your name and call him a coward."

This caused the other leaders in the room to laugh.

Sukhanov is the oddball in their team.

He was obviously leading a group of howling scavengers.

But he just didn't dare to look at Black Mewtwo.

Murder, arson, rape and inhalation...

All seven deadly sins were committed one by one.

But I dare not look at Black Mewtwo.

But the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

In addition, Sukhanov is still very capable, so everyone just laughed at him.

Seeing Sukhanov's face turning green and red, Papayanova stopped laughing at him.

Instead, he changed the subject: "By the way, how is the girl that the doctor gave us?"

"It's okay, but I always feel that that girl is not a good sign. We have to get rid of her quickly and don't let her record Mewtwo again. Once the news leaks out, we have to take a break."

Papayanova originally wanted to give Sukhanov a step down.

But I didn't expect Sukhanov to be so cowardly.

I wasn't happy then.

"Omen? What nonsense? Do you still have to use a crystal ball to tell fortunes? What do you mean? Are you possessed by my grandma's spirit? I don't believe that an unconscious girl can scare you so much Peed your pants?”

"What kind of drugs did you take? Okay, pretend I didn't ask. I don't care what you took, just quit now. This brain is already hard enough."

The other leaders burst into laughter again.

But just then, a gunshot interrupted their laughter.

The laughter stopped immediately.

Everyone in the room had stunned expressions.

Nor are they rookies killing people for the first time.

They quickly took out their weapons, held them in their hands, and each found a bunker to hide.

From outside the room, their men could be heard shouting, as well as the sounds of gunshots and crossfire.

"Have enemies come in? And let them rush here? What do the people outside do for food?"

Inside the high wall of the power plant on the ground, they arranged a dozen men to keep watch.

Not to mention there are so many subordinates along the way from the power plant to the second underground floor.

Why didn't you notice an enemy invasion until you were deeply touched by the enemy silently?

"Could it be the company's security force?"

Even the NCPD is not as efficient.

The only one they can think of that can beat them in terms of equipment and personnel quality is the company's army.

But the idea was quickly rejected by Papayanova.

"Impossible! Don't forget, the company's medicines depend on us. Yes, the medicines we give are unhygienic and have serious side effects, but they are cheaper. The prices are so low that Hippocrates would have praised us." conscience'."

"If we are destroyed, who will the company look for to buy the medicine? They can make it themselves, but the cost of making it themselves is more expensive than buying it from us. If you expect the company not to talk about profits, you are still daydreaming, right?"

No one spoke anymore.

Suddenly, the gunfire outside stopped.

It wasn't just gunshots.

The shouts of people and the sounds of firefights also disappeared.

Return to peace.

But this calmness was too deadly.

Chapter 177 As long as the money is in place, I can really get involved if someone has something to do (4K)

Scavengers are not an army. To say the least, even if they are an army, it is impossible for there to be no sound in the military camp.

If it were normal, loud music, no matter what, could lead to quarrels, scoldings, and even fights...

I can't calm down at all.

But now, there is no sound outside.

It was as quiet as a cemetery.

Everyone in the room began to sweat on their foreheads.

Suddenly, someone seemed to have thought of something.

Run to the terminal and check it out.

Others saw this and reacted.


The terminal in the room is connected to the camera outside.

By controlling the camera through the terminal, you will definitely be able to see what is happening outside.


How quickly their hopes rose.

It falls back so quickly.

The cameras outside were hacked at some point.

None of them are used.

The leader who operated the terminal subconsciously wanted to curse.

But he was afraid of alerting the enemies outside.

I want to have an attack, but I don't dare to.

"What...what should I do?

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