"Something happened! Something serious happened! The priest was seriously injured! He is lying in the hospital now!"

Lidya Su only felt as if she had been hit hard on the chest.

He was shocked.

The priest was attacked? !

Still lying in the hospital? !

how come……

Middlemen in Night City sometimes encounter assassinations.

Most assassination commissions are issued by other jealous middlemen, companies, or members of rival gangs.

However, the success rate is generally very low.

Because middlemen usually only stay in their own strongholds.

It's difficult to conquer a small fortress without starting a gang war.

Even if the middleman has to go out for something...

The roads in this city are crisscrossed.

How does the assassin know which way the target will take? So as to ambush and carry out a sneak attack in advance?


There is a traitor among the priest's men.

"What happened? How did the priest get seriously injured? What did he plan to do before?"

Marcus said with an ugly face.

"Today the priest plans to go to the Wild Wolf Bar. The driver Carlo has asked for leave, so I will drive for the priest. When we drove to an intersection, the bastards from the Sixth Street Gang ambush him there in advance."

"They first used a truck to force us into a flower shop, and then a killer disguised as a clerk shot the priest in the heart."

When Lidya Su heard this, he felt that the person who asked for leave was very suspicious.

"That driver Carlo, he has a problem. Have you found him?"

"The priest said the same thing before he was shot.

, but when we found a few brothers and rushed to the apartment where Carlo lived, we found that the boy had died in his bathroom, and his blood had been drained almost completely. "

Lidya Su's face suddenly changed

There are three possibilities:

One is that Carlo rebelled, but committed suicide out of guilt and fear;

Second, Carlo did not rebel, but the Sixth Street Gang found him, and after prying out the priest's itinerary and time from his mouth, he was killed by the Sixth Street Gang;

Third, it doesn't matter whether Carlo is a traitor or not. What matters is that there is a traitor under the priest.

And this traitor has a higher status than Carlo.

It was he who revealed the information to the Sixth Street Gang and silenced Carlo.

Give others the illusion that it was Carlo who leaked the secret.

"How is the situation over there now?"

"It's very bad. We started fighting with Clementi and several brothers died."

Clementi is one of the three branches of the Six Street Gang.

The Sixth Street Gang is divided into three branches - Clementi, Falcone, and Frankie.

By the way, Marmel, who wanted to coerce Su Xiao to join the Sixth Street Gang six months ago, was a cadre of Clementi.

"What did you do?" Su Xiao's tone was half annoyed, half full of hatred, "Isn't the most important thing for you now, not to protect the priest and find the traitor in the organization? What are you doing with Clementi? battle?"

"It was Nicola who took us to settle the score with Clementi."

Nicola is the priest's deputy.

When the priest is absent, he is generally responsible for handling affairs.

The smart weapons that the priest obtained from Su Xiao were also negotiated by him and the black market merchants.

This Nicola.

If it's not a traitor.

Just a complete idiot.

But considering that he could be the priest's deputy and the priest asked him to be responsible for so many things, he couldn't be stupid.

It could only be a traitor.

At least for now, he is the biggest suspect.

"Marcus, please listen to me now. Find a group of direct descendants of the priest. Don't let other brothers find out. Control Nikola in private without giving him any chance to defend himself."

"If my guess is right, he is probably the one who leaked the priest's whereabouts. If my guess is wrong... don't think about it now. In short, you can control the person first."

Chapter 181 Noisy, Classy, ​​Night Dew, Death (3K)

Lidya Su felt that there was a 90% chance that she would not guess wrong.

Of course, if the remaining ten percent really happened... Nickla is a fool who loses control at critical moments and is dominated by emotions...

Then it is true that he caused casualties among the priest's men, so it would be right to arrest him, right?

"Nicholas, he is not in the stronghold now, he is missing."

Lidya Su felt her blood pressure rising.

"WTF??? What did you say?!"

"Nicola took us to fight the Clementi family once. After the defeat, he wanted to continue the attack, but others expressed doubts. Seeing that he could not convince others, Nicola locked himself in a room and waited for us to go When I called him, I realized he was missing.”

All right.

Then this Nikola is 100% a traitor.

"He probably fled to the Sixth Street Gang, or took money and left the city. You can't control this now. You can only send people to the hospital first to protect the priest. We can't get out, we are blocked in the stronghold by the NCPD. "

"Why is there still something going on with the NCPD? What are they here for?"

"They said they had received reports from enthusiastic people and wanted to come in and search to see if there was any flash hidden in the stronghold."

Lidya Su’s eyelids twitched.

What a vicious plan.

I wonder if there are capable people in the Clementi family.

It was the idea given by the defected deputy Nikola.

But what Lidya Su had to admit was.

This combo is perfect.

First, he deliberately let the Clementi family know the priest's itinerary.

And make arrangements in advance.

Although the priest is not dead.

However, he was admitted to the hospital due to serious injuries and was dying.

At this time, stir up the emotions of the priest's men and lead them to the Clementi family's premises - in fact, the Clementi family must have prepared an ambush in advance.

Just waiting for the priest's men to rush inside.

Su Xiao estimated that if the priest hadn't fully equipped his people with technical/intelligent weapons, more than one would have died.

Then, when he realized that the priest's men gradually came to their senses and realized that something was wrong.

Then bribe the NCPD and let them search the house.

The NCPD is incompetent and corrupt.

This is true.

But going against the NCPD will never end well.

Su Xiao knew that the priest would not allow his men to touch Twinkle.

But now everyone is focused on emotions.

The NCPD came to search at this time, and the impulsive young man couldn't help it if he couldn't protect everything.

The priest is not here.

No one is in control now.

In case another conflict breaks out with the NCPD...

The power that the priest has worked so hard to build over the years will most likely collapse in one day.

"Who is in charge there now?"

"It was Nicola. After he disappeared, no one could take care of things."

"Okay, then you make them all quiet, and then temporarily connect them to my communication channel."


Communication requests light up one after another.

Su Xiao passed in batches.

A large number of pop-ups appear like a waterfall.

When everyone enters this communication channel...

"You know me, so you won't introduce yourself. Now that time is running out, I'll try to be as short as possible. You are on the edge of a cliff. If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe."

"So now all you have to do is calm down."

"If you continue to quarrel or fight with the NCPD, that is what the Clementi family wants to see most. If you want to fulfill their wishes, exit the communication channel now."

No one quits.

They all looked at Lidya Su eagerly.

Su Xiao is not a priest.

But the cooperation between Su Xiao and the priest not only made the priest a lot of money, but also gave the priest's subordinates a lot of benefits.

The priest makes money.

Give your subordinates more dividends.

And they all know that this is due to Lidya Su.

Therefore, what Su Xiao said still has a certain weight.

Su Xiao waited for a few seconds and saw no one exiting.

He nodded and continued.

"Okay, if no one quits, then I assume that you are all willing to listen to me. In this case, from now on, stop arguing and fighting among us."

Marcus asked the questions that mattered most to everyone.

"But what should we do? The NCPD who collected illegal money are still outside and insist on coming in."

"Then continue to lock them out, don't come into contact with them, don't conflict with them, and seal all exit doors and windows."

That's it?

Everyone was confused.

Originally, they thought that people like Lidya Su would definitely have high opinions.

But I didn't expect...

That's it?

"If the NCPD insists on breaking in, you can delay it as long as you can, but you must not open fire on the NCPD."

Although NCPD is very incompetent and corrupt.

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