And the rest of the Valentino gang...

Jack quit the Valentino Gang ten years ago.

Although he has not been a member of the Valentino Gang for a long time.

But the impression the Valentino gang left on him shouldn't be like this.

Jack didn't know when the Valentino gang also fell.

Became like this.

He could even predict that once he took the priest's men to fight the Sixth Street Gang to the death.

At most, only the Gustavo family and the Manuel family are willing to provide support.

Employees of the Juan family, the Gonzalez family, and the Hernandez family, don't even think about it.

They might even stab him in the back.

And even the support from the Gustavo family and the Manuel family will be limited.

the reason is simple.

Those who join gangs talk about benevolence and righteousness, but all they think about is business.

The Gustavo family and the Manuel family cannot provide full support without violating their own interests.

Otherwise, their own gang boss positions will not be secure, and someone will soon challenge them.

In fact, it is not just gangs, but also countries.

Why did the unification war last only less than a year? It is because the cruelty of war far outweighs the benefits gained through war.

The war resulted in the casualties of millions of soldiers in New America and the Free States, but the battle lines failed to advance any further.

The high-tech weapons purchased from giant corporations efficiently harvest the lives of the same kind, but cannot win.

The balance of the war did not tip to either side, but both sides were heavily in debt and the giant corporations were extremely rich.

It’s not that the president of the new America doesn’t want to continue fighting the war.

It’s just that I really can’t fight anymore.

If the fight continues, I'm afraid they might assassinate her next time she goes out in a convertible.

This is true even for a country, let alone a gang.

Those who work on the street talk about honor and feelings, it's all a joke.

Only money.

Real money, when you get it in your hands, this is the real good thing.

Jack is not stupid.

He just looks tall and strong, but he is not really simple-minded.

He knew that even though Gustavo was his childhood friend and Manuel was his eldest brother, they both had a good relationship with him.

But it is impossible for their family to fully support them.

This was where Jack felt sad.

They lack support.

It is difficult to fight against the Clementi family, which has an intelligence advantage.

Therefore, after returning, Jack asked Lidya Su simply and honestly.

"Su, do you have any good ideas?"

"I do have a plan."

In fact, when Marcus and others recommended Jack to lead them, Su Xiao had been thinking about how to break the situation.

For now.

The priest's power seemed to be cornered.

If nothing is done, the Clementi family will not let go of this great opportunity.

They will definitely come.

Nicola is the priest's deputy.

Nicola also knew all the places, shops, and traders on the priest's territory.

Not to mention that they were all instigated to rebel.

Even if only a part of them were incited to rebel, it would be uncomfortable enough.

Moreover, by that time, everyone saw the weakness of the priest's power.

I'm afraid it will attract more vultures to fight for it.

Even if one of the priest's men is equal to ten, two fists cannot defeat four hands, and a hero cannot stand against a large number of people.

And if you seek revenge from the Sixth Street Gang and take the initiative, this is also not a wise approach.

The Clementi family is stronger.

The other party can also get support from other Six Street Gang families.

The Sixth Street Gang is much more united than the Valentino Gang.

At least that's what it seems.

Going head-on will only make you suffer more.

So no matter how you do it, do anything, or do nothing…

The priest's power seemed to be at the end of its rope.

However, Su Xiao has a plan, a big plan.

"Since the Clementi family has been so successful during this time, let's find something for them to do."

After Lidya Su said this, she stopped explaining.

Instead, he made a call to Roger.

"Roger, I want to buy some information from you. Do you know which gang in the city the Clementi family of the Sixth Street Gang has had recent dealings with? I want the content of their next transaction, as well as the time and place."

Half an hour later, Lidya Su hung up the phone.

Open your hands towards Jack.

"Come, my friend, let us add fuel to the fire of the Clementi family."

A few days later.

A colorfully painted muscle car drives on the road in the valley area of ​​Santo Domingo.

This street is much like the rest of the River Valley.

They are all in tatters.

Finally, we parked between two buildings facing the street.

Su Xiao, dressed in a long ronin suit, got out of the car.

He wasn't wearing tactical goggles.

Instead, he wears a Prajna mask.

This Prajna mask also has an anti-detection jammer built into it.

This thing

It's not difficult to get it implanted.

It's just that many people choose to have it implanted into their bodies instead of objects.

Following closely behind was Lucy who got out of the car.

She is dressed like a motorcycle rider.

The motorcycle helmet and motorcycle clothes completely covered up her original figure.

Nothing about her original appearance.

There were only two of them on this trip.

Jack is too tall.

So does V (in terms of female height).

Only Su Xiao, who is originally Asian, and Lucy, who is half-Hippo, are the most suitable candidates.

The two walked into the alley between the houses and came to a closed door deep in the alley.

Lidya Su knocked on the door.

No one opened the door.

No one responded either.

Only the monitor mounted on the wall suddenly turned around and pointed at the two of them.

Lidya Su shook her hand at the monitor.

"Hi, friend, we are here to see Bruno, we made an appointment before."

A man's hoarse voice came from the loudspeaker.

"You guys came early. The agreed time was supposed to be in the evening, but now it's noon and you showed up."

"Earlier, later, does it matter? It's not an army, there are so many rules," Su Xiao said again when the people inside didn't speak, "How many times have your Clementi family cooperated with our Tiger Claw Gang? Don’t you even have this level of trust?”

Chapter 184 Are you here? I am coming. You shouldn't have come. I'm already here (3K)

The people inside were silent for a while.

Seems to be hesitating.

"Okay, come in."

The door opened in response.

Behind the door is a porch.

Several members of the Sixth Street Gang stared at them with cold and distant eyes.

The leader of the Sixth Street Gang is a bearded man.

He said politely but also with a stiff tone.

"Hello friends from the Tiger Claw Gang, if you have weapons, please take them out and put them here."

Lidya Su said nothing.

He only held the samurai sword he bought from Rogge and a "Kenshin" technical pistol on the table.

Lucy on the other side also took out her weapon.

But the bearded man was not allowed to pass.

"Sorry, we still have to search you, that's the rule."

"Does it have to be like this?"

"Our boss is a person who values ​​rules very much. If he knew that we dared not follow the rules he set, we would die miserably."

"Okay, but call me two women. I don't like being touched here and there by men."

This requirement is of course no problem.

The Sixth Street Gang is not a monk gang. There are many women in the gang.

After searching the body, it was determined that there were no weapons on him.

Especially after checking the arms of the two men, there were no traces of modifications to the Mantis Knife/Hand Cannon.

The two of them finally walked inside under the guidance of a member of the Sixth Street Gang.

Behind the entrance is a winding corridor.

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