"Mr. Big, assassins from the Valentino gang have sneaked in."


Clementi was shocked.

He immediately opened the desk drawer.

He took out a large-caliber revolver.

He called up the monitor on the terminal on the table.

But everything was quiet in the family quarters.

Is there any sign of a firefight?

at this time.

The door fell apart with a loud bang.

A silver figure rushed into the room like an arrow.

Clementi instinctively raised his gun and fired.

But the bullets all hit the empty space.

Su Xiao flashed past Clementi.

Clementi covered his neck in confusion.

Fell off the chair.

Like a fish that landed on the beach, struggling desperately.

The sound of gunfire alerted others.

In the family residence, people from the Clementi family approached from all directions.

Su Xiao broke the window and came out.

Each hand holds a kinetic assault rifle.

He doesn't need to use smart weapons, the built-in tactical screen on the helmet can produce the same effect.

The Clementi family members who came over were killed and injured.

Su Xiao kept walking and stepped hard on the wall. Her body rose into the sky and quickly flew out of the wall and disappeared.

On the same day that Clementi, the leader of the Clementi family, was assassinated

Jack also led the priest's men to launch a counterattack.

With the information obtained from Roger, Jack targeted the Clementi family's secret shop.

The Clementi family, like the former Dharma Group, is mainly responsible for the production of Shining in the Sixth Street Gang.

The Clementi family's secret shop is devastated, and the Six Street Gang is also affected.

In order to keep the mission secret, Jack specially brought along only Marcus's confidant who had been with the priest for the longest time.

And only when they are about to reach their destination, they are informed of the mission content.

To the greatest extent possible, prevent insiders from betraying you.

Chapter 191 I like to say NO to self-righteous people (3K)

The chaos continued into the fifth day, but there was no end in sight.

The Kiryu-gumi and the Clementi family are still fighting fiercely.

It's just that the battlefield has moved from Heywood's Regency District to Santo Domingo's River Valley District and Westbrook's Japan Street.

Riots and unrest continue to rise.

NCPD's safety assessment level for Santo Domingo was originally a warning level.

This level is neither good nor bad.

It was neither labeled as "partial danger" like Haywood, nor was it judged as "very low" like Westbrook.

Warning can be understood as slightly better than danger, but at the same time worse than safe.

But now, NCPD has raised it to "extreme danger," and Westbrook has also been judged as "partial danger."

During this time, Mayor Lane and Director Jerry Forte were restless and anxious.

Although they actually don't care that much about the lives of the people at the bottom.

But this does not mean that they are willing to sit on a volcano that is about to erupt, or that has already erupted.

That’s it for Santo Domingo.

Japan Street in Westbrook is the most famous entertainment street in Night City, and it is also the most important tax-paying area in Night City.

Nowadays, even Japan Street is swept by gunfire and explosions from time to time.

No one goes to Japan Street to spend money in the evening. A drop in income from Japan Street means that the taxes paid to the city hall next month will also fall.

Mayor Lane and Director Forte don't care whether the people at the bottom live or die.

But we can’t just sit back and ignore the tax assessment report that may drop off a cliff next month.

More than once, Mayor Lane yelled at Director Folt to find a way to solve the problem.

The solution the latter can think of is to increase the number of police patrols in Japan Street.

Arrest and kill criminals who caused riots and explosions in Japanese streets.

This move seems to have had quite an effect.

On the first night, Zall effectively reduced the number of shootings and bombings in Japan Street.

But the next day Chief Forte had to pinch his nose and cancel the patrol police force in Japan Street.

This is because the police officers patrolling Japan Street are all transferred from North Oak District and Company Square (after all, they are large taxpayers).

Although both North Oak and Company Plaza have private security.

But just because I have my own private security does not mean that the NCPD can allocate the police force here to me.

"I pay so much tax every year, so I don't let the NCPD protect the poor!"

——A wealthy man who did not want to be named and lived in North Oak said this in a low-key manner.

When the time comes to the seventh day.

The situation becomes even more chaotic.

The resounding gunshots in Santo Domingo continued from morning to night.

And stayed up all night.

When dawn comes the next day.

A factory that was bombed into ruins ushered in the first ray of sunshine in the morning amidst the raging fire.

The war has reached this level, and except for the priest's power, almost every gang has suffered losses to varying degrees.

Of course, the most serious thing is the Clementi family that was set on fire.

Their family leader was assassinated.

One after another, the places where Shining was made/traded were destroyed by Jack's men.

Outer members died or fled, and even the Clementi family, which suffered heavy losses among its internal members, had to resort to mercenaries.

They paid large sums of money to hire mercenaries to fill their battle lines.

Other gangs followed suit and exchanged money for mercenaries to join the war.

Soon, the war spread again.

It's just that there are many more mercenaries in the teams of both warring parties.

Even the Mann team came off the field.

Made a huge fucking profit.

The ratio of mercenaries to gang members reached 1:1.

And two days later, this ratio increased to 3:1.

When the time comes to the eleventh day.

Finally, Mayor Lane, who couldn't bear it anymore, authorized Director Forte and asked him to dispatch the violent terrorist mobile unit.

The Terrorist Mobile Team was originally used to deal with cyberpsychosis.

Moreover, violent terrorist mobile teams generally do not dispatch easily.

Because wherever a terrorist mobile unit is present, casualties among ordinary people are bound to occur.

But in the current situation, there is no need to worry about the possible casualties caused by the violent terrorist mobile team.

If you don't control the situation again.

Night City might be destroyed.

throughout the day.

The heavy armored aerial vehicle of the violent terrorist mobile team is rampant in the sky of Night City.

Their float vehicle will be parked directly above the site of the riot.


The violent terrorist mobile team, which is fully equipped and has undergone a large number of prosthetic modifications, will jump directly from the heavy armored floating vehicle.

With that heavy weapon and equipment, the magic weapon descended from the sky.

Falling in the center of the battlefield.

No matter who is fighting at this time, it is the Kiryu group or the Clementi family.

Or they are mercenaries who fish with money and shoot guns in the air.

The violent and terrorist mobile teams all treat them equally, treating them as threats that disrupt peace and endanger public order, and eliminate them.

There is no doubt about the force of the Terrorist Mobile Team.

Their efficiency is also efficient.

In fact.

When the heavy armored aerial vehicle carrying them appeared above their heads.

Some smart-minded guys have already greased their feet.

Run as fast as you want.

Escape from the battlefield.

As for some gang members whose heads are rusty and whose eyes are red, even the Terrorist Mobile Team dares to beat them...

He was ruthlessly blasted into pieces.

The night of the twelfth day.

Jack, who was staying in the priest's stronghold with Su Xiao, received a strange number.

After he connected it, a figure wearing a beret appeared on the holographic phone screen.

This man was wearing a military uniform and had an armband on his arm that looked exactly like the flag of New America.

There is also a pair of dark sunglasses under the beret.

His chin must have been injured before, but now it has been replaced with an alloy chin.

The man is sitting on a chair, leaning forward with his hands on his knees.

"Hello, Mr. Jack"

"Good evening, Mr. Uninvited, it's not fair that you know my name. Is it appropriate that you don't state your own name?"

"You can call me Cannon."

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