If he had been better informed, he would have taken the bucket and run away by now.

For Kirk, his best days are yet to come.

Compared with the big trouble that is the Uzumaki Gang, Pepi's debt is nothing.

As long as the Whirlpool Gang still exists, Kirk will never dare to show his face again.

At that time, even if he really dares to go to the Wild Wolf Bar again, it will not be Pepi begging him to give him a few days of grace, but it will be his turn to beg Pepi not to report to the Uzumaki Gang.

On the way back, Su Xiao asked Jack to help her find an apartment.

Living in Jack's garage all the time is not a problem.

Jack's garage has no windows, and the rolling shutter door of the garage is closed (given the shocking public security situation in Night City, I dare not leave it open), and it is stuffy and hot.

And there are still so many people, all crowded into the small garage.

Anyway, I have some money on hand now, which should be enough to pay the rent for a few months.

"It doesn't matter if the house is older, but it needs to be on a higher floor and clean. I don't want to be around garbage."

Night City is full of high-rise buildings. If you want a better view, you have to live on a high floor.

Otherwise, if you open the window, your view will be tightly blocked by the houses next door and opposite, just like the Kowloon Walled City, it will be very depressing.

"Okay, just take care of this little thing, buddy."

Jack agreed wholeheartedly.

Then, he said with a bitter look on his face.

"Well, about what I said before, about losing the bet..."

Lidya Su didn't seem to care and said, "Jack, we were just joking, you won't take it seriously."

"It turned out to be a joke, hahaha, yes, Su, you are really good at joking."

Although Jack also felt that Su Xiao would not really let him eat the computer.

But after all, he proposed it. If he breaks his promise, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Now that Su Xiao took the initiative to say that it was a joke, Jack felt as if a big stone had fallen in his heart, and he immediately felt much more comfortable.

"And one more thing."

"you say."

Jack is in a good mood now.

He even hummed a Mexican folk song.

Not to mention one thing, just three or five. If Jack frowned, he would lose.

"Do you know where I can get the materials and parts to make a gun?"

"There are middlemen, but if they don't trust you, they won't sell materials and parts to you. If you don't find a middleman, there are other channels to get it, but the risks and prices will be higher."

Jack asked strangely: "But why do you ask?"

"It's nothing, I just want to make more money."

Chapter 24 Who is it rare to scold? It's rare to scold anyone!

"Paralyzed, how could this happen?"

After receiving the call from the driver, Kirk quickly packed his luggage and drove from home.

The driver he hired was an honest man.

He was caught, and when the border guards weren't paying attention, he secretly called Kirk to report the news.

Kirk knew something was wrong immediately.

None of the gangs in the city is good at anything.

But if we say which gang should be least offended, the Uzumaki Gang must be at the top.

Like the Tiger Claw Gang and the Six Street Gang.

If you offend them, you may be beheaded or take bullets.

Although he can't live, he can die happily.

The Uzumaki Gang is different.

These guys are crazy and like to experiment on others.

They are cyberpunks among cyberpunks, out-and-out transformation freaks.

If you fall into their hands, they won't spare you easily, or even kill you casually.

They will put implants in your body.

You can’t expect these implants to be genuine ones from the company.

They are all knock-off/second-hand prosthetics obtained from the black market or even scavengers.

It's not just having too many military-grade prosthetics that will lead to cyberpsychosis.

If you install a counterfeit product or a cracked version, it will also cause cyberpsychosis due to the poor quality of the inferior prosthesis itself and the mismatch with your body.

Kirk doesn't want to suffer a bloody disaster, let alone become a cybermaniac.

I had to moisten it quickly.

As Su Xiao expected, he didn't care about Pepi's account at all, and now the Whirlpool Gang was his big trouble.

"You don't plan to be a mercenary anymore?"

"No, I just want to develop some side business."

Previously when he was still in the Bakker family.

The "Gunarms Maintenance" skill is enough

Has been promoted to LV5.

Not only did he instill a lot of knowledge in maintenance, but also in gun assembly.

Including all kinetic energy weapons and a large number of technical weapons.

The so-called technical weapons use electromagnetic energy to push all-metal ammunition to extremely high speeds and are used to penetrate bunkers or walls.

This kind of weapon is not available in supermarkets and convenience stores.

You can only go to a professional weapons store.

Needless to say how expensive it is.

But if there are materials and parts, there is also a gunsmith.

It will save costs greatly and make huge profits.

Su Xiao told Jack her thoughts.

"You can actually make guns? All of them?"

"Kinetic weapons can be made as long as there are parts and materials. Technical weapons can be made except for "Achilles" and "Nekomata" with overly complex structures. Smart weapons are not familiar yet. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Xiao saw V and Jack looking at her with shocked eyes.

It's not that V and Jack haven't seen the world, but...

People who know how to use guns are everywhere in Night City.

But people who can make guns are much rarer in Night City.

And people like Su Xiao can even master technical weapons.

That's the rarest of rares.

Extremely rare.

"So what are you going to do? Shoot the shop?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you, isn't it?"

Jack was shocked that his brother actually hid unknown skills.

After a brief shock, Jack calmed down.

Seriously consider your brother's matters as your own and think about them.

"Materials and parts, you can find middlemen for help."

"But I don't know any middlemen in the city. I don't know any of them."

Jack patted his chest: "It's okay, isn't it me? The priest and I have been friends for a long time."

"And me," V winked at Su Xiao, "I also know the priest, and I can talk to him if I ask the priest for help."

"Yes, I almost forgot, you are also the "Son of Heywood"," Jack touched his head, "Then let's go together, the priest is not allowed to give two favors hahahaha——"

All three laughed.

"But if you want to open a gun store, it's very troublesome. You need to register with the NCPD, go to the city hall to go through the formalities, and finally go to the weapons manufacturer to apply for a sales license."

"Forget about the weapons manufacturers. I have no plans to purchase from them."

Jack emphasized again with a serious expression.

"Yes, Su. Which manufacturer's gun you sell must first obtain a sales license, otherwise it is a black shop. Just report it to anyone and you will be finished. When the time comes, the person who will come to you will be from the weapons manufacturer. Security forces, or NCPD..."

"NCPD is okay. The most they can do is fine you a sum of money and order you to close down for rectification. If it's the security forces of a weapons manufacturer... you don't want to meet them anyway."

Su Xiao felt dizzy just listening to it.

He rubbed his painfully swollen temples.

"So troublesome?"

He had not been in Night City for long, but he saw weapon shops everywhere on the road.

Guns are even sold in supermarkets and convenience stores, and I thought selling firearms would be easy.

"And this is not over yet... If you want to open a store, you have to find a venue, right? In places with a good environment, the rent is expensive; in places with cheap rent, the environment is not good, the customer flow is also poor, and they may be robbed."

"In addition, in Night City, no matter what business you do, you have to pay taxes. In addition to the city hall and NCPD, you also have to pay protection fees to the gangs in your area."

Lidya Su frowned.

"Jack, according to what you said, wouldn't it be difficult to open a store in Night City? So what's going on with so many gun shops, shops, and stalls in Night City?"

"Su, you have only been in Night City for a few days, so it is normal not to know."

Jack knew that Lidya Su would ask this.

"You see those who do business, most of them have been struggling for most of their lives, and they finally managed to save a sum of money to open a store."

"There are also some people who inherited their father's business. Their parents were store owners, and their children will continue to be store owners when they grow up."

“I don’t know if you have noticed, but although there are shops everywhere, the situation of these people is also very difficult. Most of them can only rent houses and set up stalls in poor areas with lower safety standards, because the rent in such places is cheaper. "

"More importantly, in this Night City, is there anyone who has reached the pinnacle of life by doing serious business? No."

"My father opened a store, and my son opened it when he grew up. My mother ran a small supermarket, and then my daughter took over."

“At the end of the day, close the door and go back to your shabby apartment, or just sleep in the shop.”

"Have you seen any of them who can buy a villa in North Oak by doing serious business? I don't think so."

"You can't get into a recognized wealthy area like North Oak District by opening a shop or setting up a stall."

"Why can't you get in? Is it because ordinary people who wake up early and work late at night don't work hard enough?"

"Of course not, it's because after the NCPD, city hall, weapons manufacturers, and local gangs took turns collecting fees under various names, there were very few dollars left that actually fell into their pockets."

"That's why, even though they have worked very hard, they are still

The reason why I can't leave this land. "

at the same time.

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