"Were those two people just now serving in the military?"

From the way they stand and the combat prosthetics implanted in them, an expert can easily tell at a glance.

"Scorpion and Mitch? Yes, they drive armored vehicles. They were mercenaries during the last war."

Speaking of the last war, it was the Unification War from 2069 to 2070.

The war between the new America and the free states.

In addition to their own armies, both parties also recruited a large number of mercenaries.

"Armored vehicle? The kind of military technology like the Demon Lizard?"

"The Scorpion Club is open, and Mitch is in charge of security. Yes, he installed very powerful implants on them, but he also did some very stupid things."

Panan said nothing further.

But Lidya Su can probably guess what it is.

"Tell me something else. Are you familiar with Stoneridge Mountain? I heard it's a rundown town in the middle of the suburbs. The people there either moved to Night City or escaped."

"Then you already know about it. They originally wanted to build a new extension city there to develop a new life. At least they wouldn't have to eat dirt every day. Of course, it all went south."

"How many ghost towns are there? Hundreds?"

"Across the country? Thousands of them. I drove there a few days ago, taking I-80. When the sun goes down and the surroundings are quiet, you can pull over and listen to the sound."

"what sound?"

"The sound of the wind blowing through the wooden windows, the rustling of grass balls rolling across the dry sand, this is how the town was abandoned. There was no collapse, only low whines and whimpering."

Everyone chatted like this until they arrived at Stone Ridge Mountain.

Stoneridge Mountain.

A place that the company originally planned to build into a small night city.

Now it has become a ghost town.

Even the people at the bottom who cannot afford a house are reluctant to leave Night City.

If it doesn't work, you can still use the sky as your quilt and the earth as your bed.

If we can't attract people, the town will naturally become deserted.

Garbage was thrown carelessly on the roadside, and the colorful billboards were gone. The rolling shutter door of a garage was open, but only the remains of cars were left inside.

"Stoneridge Mountain is completely ruined. Everything is broken."

Lidya Su got out of the car, glanced around, and shook his head.

"The time that Nash agreed with the client is still..." Panan took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time on it, "Five hours, OK, we can make some preparations."

Panan put his hands on his hips, and when he turned around, he saw Su Xiao and the others carrying things out of the trunk of Delamain's taxi.

"What are you doing?"

"EMP, you don't want to be run away by Nash."

Panan was surprised that Su Xiao and others could even get EMP.

But then she thought that this was a group of ruthless people who dared to attack the company, so it was not unusual for them to get EMP.

Everyone worked together and soon laid EMPs in the center of Stoneridge Mountain and at important entrances and exits.

This is enough to ensure that no matter which direction the Luan Dao Club's convoy comes from, it is guaranteed to be within the scope of the EMP.

Looking at Su Xiao and the other three, they looked so skilled that they didn't know how many times they had done it. Panan opened and closed his mouth several times, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Who are you? And why do you want to rob people from the company's fleet?"

Su Xiao did not answer Panan, but instead gave it a try: "I will tell you later when we get to know each other better, if we will cooperate again in the future."

Panan made a sound of dissatisfaction.

But he became more and more curious about the identities of Su Xiao and others.

At first.

She thought Su Xiao and the others were Rogge's men.

But now it looks like it, but it doesn't feel like it.

Rather than working for Rogge, it is more like a cooperative relationship.

Panan felt a touch of disappointment in his heart.

If only I had met this guy when I first came to the city.

She looked at V and Lucy jealously.

How could you not see that they were wearing high-end products?

What comforts Panan is that the other party will help him get back what he lost.

And the remuneration required can be paid by oneself.

It just depends on whether there is a chance to cooperate in the future.

Panan just has a bad temper, but she is not a fool.

How could he not see that there are many benefits to following Lidya Su?

"What do we do now?"


In an abandoned tunnel that was regarded as the base of the Gang of Swordsmen.

"Hey, it's almost time. Go quickly, lest the customer thinks we're letting him go."

"Nash, won't you come with us?"

"What's there to follow? Don't you already know the location and the client? Hurry up."

Several random swordsmen will come out of their dens and drive out of the abandoned tunnel in a car.

"Damn it, Nash, this bitch, didn't just steal a car and goods from a homeless man, what's the air about him?"

"That woman is really pitiful. She actually believes that Nash is with her."

"This is called deserved. Who told her to be careless?"

More than half an hour later, the convoy arrived on the road outside Stone Ridge Mountain.

Stoneridge Mountain is originally a ghost town, but Stoneridge Mountain at night is different from that during the day.

The town is even more crowded at night.

It was actually a little late when they set off, and now it's much later than the agreed time.

Logically speaking, their clients, the Sixth Street Gang, should already be in town.

Why is there no light at all?

Do the people from the Sixth Street Gang like to wait for others in a dark environment?

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation. Why are there no lights at Stoneridge Mountain?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Although more than one member of the Random Knife Club was instinctively aware of the danger, the convoy still slowly drove into the town.

If they just turned around and went back, Nash would have to skin them.

You must know that only people from the Sixth Street Gang are willing to buy these goods. If they don't sell them to them, it will be useless for them to keep them.

Moreover, if you fool your customers, this delivery channel will be cut off in the future.

The loss is huge.

Even an idiot knows the stakes.

The convoy drove into the town and entered the center of the town.

Just like when I saw it outside, the town was completely dark and I couldn't see my fingers.

Only the lights of the motorcade were left to pierce the darkness, and dust was swirling in the lights.

The people from the Luan Dao Club got out of the car one after another, looking confused.

There wasn't even a ghost of the customer who was supposed to be here.

One of them can't help but complain.

"Where the hell did the client go? Didn't we agree to meet here?"

The leader of the team, Luandaohui, commanded.


Let's go to the house and have a look. Maybe our guest cat is watching Mewtwo inside. "

"Are you serious, boss? Who would watch Mewtwo in a room with no lights on?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Just hurry up and go if you are told."

So several Luandaohui reluctantly walked towards the nearby houses with flashlights on.

Others stayed where they were and waited.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Standing in the center of the ghost town, Luandaohui looked at the quiet houses around him.

Everyone was frightened in their hearts.

Suddenly, a random knife will point somewhere and scream.

"Is there anyone?!"


The others hurriedly looked in the direction pointed by the swordsman.

But nothing was seen.

"Coward, there is nothing."

"No, I just saw something reflecting the light."

"You saw it wrong, or your flashlight just happened to shine on the indoor mirror," someone beside him said sarcastically, "How can anyone come to this ungrateful place except us?"

There are only two types of people who will make a living in the bad land.

The Knife Club and the Wanderers.

There are no exceptions to this.

It is almost difficult for city dwellers to survive in the bad land.

This is why capital, despite all its efforts, cannot attract people to buy houses outside the city.

At this time, a Luandaohui suddenly said.

"By the way, do you feel that they have been there for a long time?"

After being reminded by this random swordsman, the others realized that the companion sent by the team leader had indeed been there for several minutes.

Logically speaking, this house is not big, with only two or three floors. Why haven't the searches been completed yet?

Moreover, even if the search is not completed, there should not be any movement at all.

Just when the rest of the chaos was hesitating whether to leave immediately or send a few more people to continue looking for the missing people.

In the dark night, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

Chapter 198 Nash, you are not in Stoneridge Mountain at all, where are you (4K)

In the darkness, a gunshot sounded suddenly.

A random swordsman will fall to the ground.

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