There is an intermediary between the mercenaries and their employers.

The rules in the industry are usually that the employer pays the middleman a commission, and the middleman then pays the mercenary his share.

It is rare for an employer to bypass the middleman and pay mercenaries directly.

"You did a good job, I'll reward you with a tip."

Boz shook hands with Panan and glanced at Su Xiao with fear: "Let's escape."

The members of the Sixth Street Gang got into the vans and left quickly as if they were avoiding the plague.

It wasn't until they were very far away that someone in the van asked cautiously.

"Boz, isn't that guy the guy who hangs out with Jack?"

Boz said irritably: "I want you to fucking remind me that you should have seen it earlier."

"Then we're leaving like this?"

"What else? Do you still want to have a showdown between Western cowboys?" Boz said angrily, "The downfall of the Clementi family is not a bad thing for us. On the contrary, we took advantage of The destruction of the Clementi family also snatched a lot of territory from their hands. From this perspective, the other party did us a big favor."

He glanced at the others and said, "I know what you are thinking, but don't provoke enemies you shouldn't provoke. I have inquired about that guy. He is Rogge's guest. He talks and laughs with Rogge. And The commissions so far have all been completed with a 100% completion rate.”

"Although I have never shown my strength in front of outsiders, it is certainly not comparable to that of ordinary street gangsters. Since the other party has no conflict of interest with us, we should not provoke the other party. Do you understand?"

Seeing Boz's fierce posture, his men were all frightened: "Ming... understand."

After reprimanding his men, Boz fell into thinking.

If the woman hooks up with Su Xiao, it means that the woman has found a backstage for herself. She is no longer a wanderer among wanderers and cannot be provoked.

But Boz smiled and cursed himself for being too thoughtful.

I am not Nash, and I had no intention of targeting the other party. I just hired Panan to help me deliver the goods, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Do you know them?"

Su Xiao smiled gently: "Didn't that guy named Boz say that? We don't know him."

"Then why do they seem a little afraid of you?" Panan frowned, thinking of what the other party was going to do tomorrow, and a bold idea came to her mind, "Are you from the company? Kang Tao, or Arasaka?"

"No, he's just an ordinary cyber mercenary."

Panan obviously didn't believe it, with an expression on his face that said you were lying.

But since Lidya Su refused to say it, she didn’t force it.

She is not the kind of person who likes to find out all the eighteen generations of other people's ancestors.

"Come on, let's go have a drink, I'll treat you."

Following Panan, the three came to the second floor of the Sunset Motel.

The owner of this hotel transformed a relatively large room on the second floor into a bar.

In this way, he can not only provide hotel rooms to travelers.

At the same time, you can also sell drinks and make extra money.

The bar is not big, but the decoration style is very local, which can make guests who are tired from traveling feel like they have entered a haven.

Panan walked into the bar and sat down directly at the bar.

The boss is an older, middle-aged man with an exposed implant embedded in his right temple.

Lidya Su recognized it at a glance. It was a hearing aid.

"Hi Noah."

The boss knew that he knew Panan at first sight. When he saw Su Xiao and the other two people coming in with Panan, he put down the wine glass he was wiping and said hello.

"Hey, is this a new deal, or a new friend?"

"Just take a guess, is there nothing going on here? Are those scum here again?"

"A random knife meeting? No, it's quite peaceful, but I will definitely come back. It's okay. Anyway, there are so many lice that I won't bite you. What do you want?"

"Beer, four bottles."

"Thank you, I'll change my glass to Coke," Su Xiao met Panan's confused eyes, "I don't drink."

"There are still people who don't drink? But it's up to you."

Panan drank a bottle of beer in one go.

"Give me another bottle."

Noah got another bottle for Panan from the wine cabinet at the back and helped her remove the bottle cap.

"Thanks, Noah."

"You're welcome. If you want anything else, just call me."

Chapter 201 The Sacred Kara Connects Us (4K)

Lidya Su didn't touch the Coke in front of her and asked seemingly casually.

"Does Luandao come to you often to find trouble with you?"

The boss raised his head in confusion and glanced at Lidya Su, wondering why he asked this.

But he glanced at Panan again. Since it was Panan who had helped him before, he put down his guard and answered.

"Well, they took me

As a fat sheep, he would come over for extortion from time to time. "

Su Xiao's fingers rubbed the cup with Coke: "Then the NCPD doesn't care?"

The boss smiled bitterly.

"This is outside the city. Although it's less than half an hour's drive to the city, outside the city is outside the city. The NCPD will naturally not come here even if it's the night of the night."

Su Xiao was silent.

Not to mention outside the city, even the Taiping Island within the city was set aside by the wise mayor, just to reduce the crime rate and shooting rate in Night City.

Mayor Lucius Lane doesn't care about the urban areas within Night City, let alone the areas outside the city.

Of course, our respected Lord Mayor has done more than that.

In order to cut costs (because the NCPD could not "make a profit"), the mayor turned the NCPD into private ownership.

At the same time, in order to actively respond to Mayor Lane’s call, Director Jerry Forte made the following wise moves:

Fire half of the police force, reduce the number of patrol officers, and order the police officers on duty on the streets to drop all their duties and just issue tickets...

The consequence of this is that the crime rate in Night City has soared, the alleys are filled with corpses, and the sidewalks are stained with red blood.

Mayor Lane and Director Forte had a considerable sum of money in their Swiss bank accounts, and the suits in the company square were also popping champagne to celebrate.

What to celebrate? Because the demand for private security services has increased by one thousand percent.

Lidya Su looked around.

Noah was actually the only one in this huge hotel.

He is the boss, the bartender, the cleaner and the waiter.

One person wears many hats.

It's no wonder that when Luandaoji comes, he can only pay the money honestly.

"I think the business of your hotel is not bad. Why don't you think of some way, such as buying a few security turrets and installing them?"

The Luandao Society also bullies the weak and fears the strong.

They dared to go to the Sunset Motel to ask for protection money because they knew that the hotel was isolated outside the city and would not be protected by the NCPD.

And this is not the territory of any gang, and there is no gang to control the place.

That's why they dare to be so unscrupulous.

But what if security turrets were installed around this hotel.

The next time Luandao Gui dares to come to your door, he will weigh it carefully.

The boss smiled bitterly and said, "You don't know something about this guest. That thing is a military-grade weapon. It is a controlled product and cannot be bought with money."

"Of course formal channels won't work, but with so many middlemen in the city, there will always be a middleman who can help you get it."

"Actually, I asked, but I didn't know the way and they refused to sell me."

What the boss said is true.

Although the middleman is a role similar to the Wanshiwuwu, he is responsible for helping people solve their problems.

But if a guy I don’t know suddenly comes over and buys something from a middleman, and he asks for military-grade controlled products.

Even if you are a middleman, you have to consider whether there are pitfalls in it.

Without a trustworthy introducer, the middleman may not dare to sell.

Lidya Su's fingers lightly tapped the table.

"In this way, if you trust Panan, I can get it for you. I have access to the middleman. Not only that, I can also ask professionals to help you install it. Of course, these are all for a fee. I don't do business at a loss. .”

The boss looked at Panan and then at Lidya Su. His face showed shock at first, and then ecstasy.

"Really? Thank you very much. If you can really get it for me, then money is not a problem."

He had inquired about the price of the security turret.

Although the price of that thing was very expensive, he gritted his teeth and borrowed some money if he couldn't, but he could still get it together.

The most important thing is that it is better for him to spend money on security than to be stabbed or extorted.

You are doing your own business, so why do those garbage scum steal money from you without doing anything?

The boss was naturally unconvinced and unwilling.

It's just that he had no choice but to swallow his anger before. Now that he has a way to change the situation, of course he will no longer be willing to be exploited.

"Then it's settled. I'll make a call later and someone will contact you in a few days."

The boss was in a good mood and gave Panan his order for four bottles of beer and a bottle of Coke free of charge. Not only that, but after learning that several people were going to spend the night here, he even waived the accommodation fee.

On the way to the motel room after leaving the bar, Panan, under the influence of alcohol, curiously asked the question in his heart: "Why do you want to help Noah? Do you know him?"

Lidya Su smiled and asked her.

"Can't you help me if you don't know me?"

"Why would you help him if I don't know him?"

Because between people, I help you and you help me.

Only in this way can a network of relationships be derived and link people to each other.

"Maybe it's because I'm a kind-hearted person and don't like to see good people being bullied by evil people."

Panan's eyes widened and he looked at Lidya Su.

It's like confirming whether the other party is lying.

Of course she couldn't see anything in the end.

"What a weirdo."

Lidya Su smiled and was not angry.

"Let's meet at the bar at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Hermann will be killed by the army the day after tomorrow

Using a technological transport fleet to move, they will have one day tomorrow to find a suitable ambush location.


Panam waved his hand and walked into her room.

Su Xiao also followed V and Lucy and walked into her room.

"Kiddling Herman from the hands of military technology is not an easy task. Have you figured out how to do it?"

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