Mitch also has a drone, but it's a neutered version.

It can only be used for reconnaissance and is not equipped with any firepower.

But these drones from military technology are different. They are all armed drones.

In fact, Adecado once fought against a military technology transport convoy equipped with drones. At that time, the convoy only had two armed drones, which caused them a lot of trouble.

Because drones are small, fast, and very flexible, it is difficult to shoot them down.

The drone can easily straf units on the ground.

It took Panan a lot of perseverance to stop himself from turning around and running away.

Because she knew very well that leaving her back to the enemy on the battlefield would only lead to faster death.

Compared with Panan's panic, Su Xiao seemed very calm.

"Emeric, now! Don't give a drone a chance to attack us."

Emerick did not answer, he responded directly with practical actions.

He carried a cellular anti-aircraft missile launcher and aimed it at the drone swarm.

Boo hoo hoo——

More than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles trailed smoke and flew towards the ascending drone.

The operators of Military Technology were sweating profusely and trying their best to disperse the drone swarm.

Panan was shocked.

"No, if we continue like this, we can only shoot down some of them at most, and the rest can be avoided."

If this wave fails to shoot down all the drones, and if the drones take off and attack them, they may all die.

Just when Panan thought so, another change occurred.

The dozen or so anti-aircraft missiles that were fired suddenly split into dense warheads in the air.

The warhead continues to move forward driven by inertia, like a blanketing rain, covering all the unavoidable drones.

There is a poem to prove it: The east wind blooms flowers on thousands of trees at night, and even blows them down, and the stars are like rain.


Countless drones exploded in the air, and then fell from the sky with flaming wreckage, like a meteor shower.

Some of the drones that fell down even accidentally injured the security robots that jumped out of the car and were on guard around the convoy.

" strong..."

Panan sighed again.

She found that she had sighed more in the past two days than in her entire life.

The methods of Su Xiao and his party are dazzling and endless.

No wonder they have the confidence to deal with a company's transport fleet.

This once again made Panan curious about Su Xiao's identity.

Does a mere mercenary really have such financial and material resources?

"Emeric, Crispin, Panam, free fire!"

Emeric drops the anti-aircraft missile canister.

He picked up the MK.31 heavy machine gun, mounted it on the rocky ground, and fired at the chaotic convoy below.

Not to be outdone, Crispin narrowed one eye and put each enemy into the scope of the "Achilles" technical precision rifle.

The fierce firepower easily penetrated the shells of each security robot and shattered the energy core on its chest.

Panan also regained his composure and began to use his kinetic sniper rifle to kill the enemies one by one.

She still used Mitch's one.

It's not that Su Xiao is stingy and unwilling to equip her with a better weapon.

But the "SPT32 Ice Storm" from Hi-Tech Military Industry (of course Panan himself gave this gun a new name, called Watch), is itself a powerful sniper rifle.

Panan is not used to using a technical precision rifle like the "Nekomata" that requires charging, and he does not have a "smart connection" prosthetic body, so he cannot use the "Asura" smart sniper rifle.

That's why I continued to use Mitch's kinetic sniper rifle.

The security robots that got off the heavy trucks fell down like wheat being harvested.

Compared with drones with high-altitude advantages, their threats are obviously much smaller.

The comprehensive combat power of security robots exceeds that of ordinary militiamen, but is not as good as battlefield veterans. Otherwise, Arasaka and Military Technology would not have the need to support security forces. Wouldn't it be better to replace them with security robots that do not need to pay wages and need to consider taking vacations?

When choosing the ambush location, the group took into account the possibility that the other party would fight back, so everyone took very good protective measures.

The bullets flew overhead or hit the bunker, making a dull sound.

V, who was lying next to Su Xiao, turned a deaf ear to the sound of bullets flying through the air, and she didn't even blink.

The kinetic energy precision rifle in her hands was like a piano under the fingers of a pianist, playing beautiful tunes.

She blew out the tires on two SUVs and the last heavy truck, making it impossible for them to escape.

The number of security robots continues to decrease, but the firepower of the attackers becomes more and more fierce.

When the last gunfire stopped, the road was in chaos.

The wreckage of two heavy trucks burned on the road.

The wreckage of the drone is scattered everywhere.


The security robot, whose core was damaged, lay scattered on the ground like a corpse.

The windshields of the two off-road vehicles were shattered, and the driver and co-pilot were both dead inside.

Su Xiao started scanning and confirmed that there were no survivors, and then he walked out of the ambush site.

Emerick and Crispin wanted to follow them, but he quickly waved them away.

The Military Science and Technology Headquarters located in the company square must have known about the attack on their transport team.

Reinforcements are definitely on the way.

So he asked others to rush to the float truck and be ready to evacuate at any time.

As for Herman…

An unarmed technician, he alone is enough.

From the first gunshot, Hermann knew something was wrong.

But he didn't dare to go out.

Although he has been working in the Arasaka building, he has no field experience.

But he's not stupid.

I know that even if I go out, it is better to hide in here.

The fighting lasted for quite a while before finally stopping.

Herman's emotional hope was that military technology would win.

But his reason told him that if this was the case, then the heavy truck he was staying in would not remain stationary.

And when the carriage opened and Su Xiao walked into the carriage...

Hermann was as panicked as a rabbit and almost jumped up.

"Who sent you?"

Although panicked, Herman still observed Su Xiao carefully.

What disappointed him was that he could not judge Su Xiao's origin and identity from Su Xiao's dress.

Su Xiao neither looked like a soldier of Arasaka's special assault force nor a wanderer.

If I have to say it, he looks like a cyber mercenary hired by someone.

However, can mere cyber mercenaries completely wipe out the military technology security forces?

Seeing that Su Xiao didn't answer, Herman asked again: "Who sent you here? Is it Arasaka Yorinobu? Do you want to take me back or..."

Without giving Herman a chance to speak, Su Xiao took a sliding step and quickly approached behind Herman. Before he could react, she hit him on the back of the neck with a backhand knife, knocking him unconscious.

Catching Herman who fell head-on and carrying him on his shoulders like a sack, Su Xiao returned from the heavy truck to the floating car.

Chapter 204 Who am I, where am I, what kind of place is this (4K)

"Is it him? Just because of this guy?"

Panan still didn't see what was different about this bastard in a suit and tie.

Isn't this no different from other company dogs?

"If you don't understand, don't ask. Crispin, get us out of here quickly!"


Crispin replied, controlling the float vehicle to climb up quickly. The blue flames of the propeller at the bottom spurted out and quickly disappeared into the sky.

More than ten minutes after they left Jackson Plains, the military technology armed aerial vehicle "Manticore" finally arrived belatedly.

This armed floating vehicle is equipped with amazing firepower. Even if it faces an entire sect of chaos, it can easily wipe it out.

But unfortunately, they arrived too late.

The "Manticore" was high in the sky, scanning downwards from a high position.

But apart from the traces of the military technology transport team itself, no traces were left.

It was as if those attackers also came from the sky.

Deep in the Badlands.

In a canyon in the eastern badlands that is completely opposite to Jackson Plains.

The trauma team's heavy-armored aerial vehicle was parked at the bottom of the canyon, in a shadow that was not exposed to the harsh sunlight.

Su Xiao carried Herman, who still had not regained consciousness, out of the floating car.

Then he threw it to the ground unceremoniously.

Fortunately, the ground was made of soft sand, so no one would be injured.

But Herman also woke up after this fall.

His eyes were confused at first.

When he saw clearly that the people surrounding him were not military technology security forces, but unfamiliar faces...

My head, which was still a little confused just now, immediately sobered up.

And rolled and crawled backwards.

But soon, his back hit the rock wall.

This made his body stiffen, and he subconsciously glanced back.

Behind him was a canyon with rocks extending infinitely on both sides, with no end in sight.

And the height is at least tens of meters high.

He definitely wouldn't be able to climb up.

If he had this ability, he would not be a technical director.

What's more, the people with guns in front of him would not just watch him climb up.

Herman adjusted his somewhat dirty glasses with sand-covered fingers: "Where am I? What is this place?"

Lidya Su opened her arms and showed him a gentle smile.

"As you can see, the depths of the Badlands, the end of civilization, the wilderness. You can yell, but I can assure you that even if you scream your throat, no one will come to save you. "

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