Even if the old fox was buried up to his neck in loess, he would never be able to try out an imperfect product in person.

This bastard in a suit with glasses is still lying!

He is indeed Arasaka's lackey, scheming all the time!

"Su, leave him to me. Don't look at me like this. I have a hundred ways to make him talk."

Johnny Silverhand's mechanical eyes were spinning and glowing dangerously red.

Lucy also asked Lidya Su with her eyes.

As long as Su Xiao agrees, she will enter Herman's electronic brain and ensure that she will dig out even his memory of bedwetting when he was a child.

Lidya Su shook her head gently, signaling Lucy to calm down.

As a senior executive of Arasaka, Herman's electronic brain must have been specially enhanced.

Trying to pry out the information from his brain would most likely lead to the countermeasures program actively burning out the electronic brain in order to protect the intelligence.

This is true for the company's top executives. They have all signed confidentiality agreements. This is also a means to prevent high-level rebellion and cause irreparable huge losses to the company.

Intelligence is important, but Herman's technical talent is also important.

Therefore, it would be better for Hermann to keep him alive and conscious as long as there is still a way.

Herman didn't know what Su Xiao was thinking. When he saw the eye contact between Su Xiao and Lucy, he thought he was going to do something to him. He panicked at that time: "No, that's not the case. Please don't get me wrong. I don't know. .”

"Is it because you don't know or you don't want to tell?"

"I really don't know."


Herman was stunned.

He thought Lidya Su would break the casserole and ask the truth.

But, that's it?

Is he so easy to talk to?

Herman asked with a sense of luck: "Then...can you let me go?"

"Are you thinking too much? Since you don't want to talk, don't worry, there will always be a way to get you to talk. We are not in a hurry, we have plenty of time."

Hermann was shocked.

"What...what do you want to do?"

Su Xiao's figure suddenly flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Herman, and then raised his hand.


The black block-shaped blocker was inserted impartially into the nerve slot on the back of Herman's neck.

Herman's entire body felt as stiff as a piece of wood.

Finally he straightened up and fell face down.


Herman's face made a muffled sound when it came into contact with the soft sand.

"Bring him to Rogge. I believe Rogge can make him speak."

Crispin came up, picked up Herman, and put him into the float car.

A blue light flashed in Emerick's eyes: "This is the commission Rogge gives you."

Lidya Su glanced at the extra numbers on the bank account.

"Ten million? That much?"

Emerick and Crispin

Rogge didn't care about Su Xiao's request for money, as well as the cost of the trauma team's floating vehicle.

Although this trip was originally to work for Rogge, the people under her were here to help Lidya Su, which was very reasonable.

But the commission of ten million is really generous, and I can only say that he is worthy of Rogge.

“She said we’d have the chance to work together again in the future.”

"Of course, tell her for me and keep in touch if nothing happens."

Taking the float car back to where Panan parked, Su Xiao and Panan got off the float car.

After putting down the four of them, the aerial vehicle took off again and flew towards the city.

Su Xiao and the other three got into Panan's car and returned to the city together.

On the way back, Panan's expression became visibly relaxed.

Not only did Su Xiao and others help her get back the car and goods, she also got a lot of money from Su Xiao on this trip.

Panam never thought he would get so much money.

This made him more determined to follow Su Xiaohuan.

With this idea in mind, Panan took the initiative to chat with Su Xiao and the others on the way back.

After learning that Panan had no place to live in the city and had to find a place to park and sleep directly in the car, V offered to let Panan stay at V's place.


Panam was ecstatic.

She wasn't complaining either.

Just sitting in the car for a long time, especially after spending the night sleeping in the car, Panan would feel an inexplicable irritability.

I also really miss the feeling of being able to sleep on a bed with a roof.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I bring it up?"

"How much rent per month?"

Panan estimated in his mind.

Although I just got a huge sum of money, I can't just squander it casually.

Besides, there are many places to spend money, and you can’t spend it all on accommodation.

"A thousand euros?"

Panan could hardly believe his ears: "So cheap?"

A shabby motel-like house in the industrial area in the north of the city costs 4,000 euros a month.

Although they were sharing a house with others, Panan couldn't imagine that such a good thing could happen.

Moreover, from previous chats, she already knew that V lived not in an apartment in the industrial area in the north of the city, but in a super skyscraper in Little Chinatown.

"What are you..."

V's cunning voice came from the communication channel that only he, V, and Lucy had.

"Don't you think she just needs help from others at this time? I'll help you trap her. If you're lucky, maybe she can also tie her family to our chariot."

Lidya Su couldn’t laugh or cry.

late at night.

Weapons modification interior in the Valley Area Apartments.

It was late at night, but the lights were still on in this room.

Su Xiao sat at the table, which contained a large number of firearm parts and materials.

He picked up the parts on the table one by one. In his hands, those parts were quickly assembled and combined into a brand new smart gun.

With the skill of "Firearm Maintenance LV9" and the fact that he has produced thousands of firearms so far.

He is no longer as unfamiliar as when he first came to this world.

As more and more smart firearms are put aside, parts and materials become increasingly scarce.

An hour passed like this.

Lidya Su stopped and stretched a lot.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and was about to take a rest. At this time, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded next to her: "You are tired, drink a cup of hot milk, and go to bed early."

Lucy held a cup of steaming milk and placed it in front of Lidya Su.

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment.

He clearly remembered that he sent Lucy to her house.

"How did you come?"

Lucy pushed back the bangs on her forehead with a smile on her face: "I just wanted to come over and see you."

She glanced at the table: "Is it done?"

Lidya Su nodded, and then asked doubtfully.

"What do you want to do?"

"Sit still."

The girl's gentle and considerate voice rang in her ears, and her warm breath made Su Xiao's ears feel ticklish.

Lucy put her hands on her shoulders and kneaded them: "How are you? Are you comfortable?"

Lucy didn't know where she learned her massage techniques. After a while of massaging and kneading, Su Xiao felt that her tight shoulders suddenly relaxed a lot: "Comfortable."

"Close your eyes if you feel comfortable and relax."

Chapter 207 Confirming the mastermind (4K)

"If you're too tired, you can tell me. You don't have to do it alone."

Under Lucy's technique, Su Xiao felt so comfortable that she almost moaned. Without thinking, he agreed: "Okay."

after a while.

Outside in the living room.

Lucy was lying on the sofa, while Su Xiao kept massaging her back.

"How are you? Are you comfortable?"


Su Xiao was unemployed for a period of time in her previous life and couldn't find a job, so she worked in a massage parlor for a period of time.

Maybe he was born with this material and mastered this technique in a short period of time and became very skilled at it.

"It's so late, otherwise don't go back."

Lucy, who was lying on the sofa, raised her head slightly: "

Sleep here? "

Lidya Su kept moving: "You can sleep in my bed upstairs, and I'll just sleep on the sofa."

She tilted her head and thought for a moment.


"Then get up, my hands are sore," Su Xiao patted Lucy's buttocks gently, "Good night, go to sleep."

The next day.

Lucy opened her eyes and heard a noise coming from below.

She climbed up from the bed and leaned on the armrest on the second floor. She saw that Lidya Su was already busy in the kitchen so early in the morning.

She didn't make a sound, just lying on the railing.

But Su Xiao seemed to have eyes behind her: "Are you up?"

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