But she would never have this chance again.

"Go and take a look at the computer. Maybe there are any clues in it."

River nodded, walked to the computer in the office, and moved his hands on it.

After a while, River was heard saying urgently: "Su, come here and take a look at this."

Su Xiao put away the technical revolver and walked over.

River brought up the computer

documents inside.

It contained an exchange of emails between the club's owner, a man named Francis Delgato, and Deputy Mayor Wilton Holt.

From their emails, it is not only possible to see that this guy Holt is Francis’ protective umbrella.

And Lane came to this club the night he was assassinated by Horvath at City Hall.

And he died in this club, not at home.

River pointed at the screen.

"There is also a video here."

River clicked on the video file.

A picture appears on the screen.

This is at the door of a certain box. A person is holding a mobile phone and slowly walks into the screen from outside.

Chapter 220: The water here is very deep, you can’t grasp it (3K)

"Yeah, as hard as a board. I'd say he's been dead for at least an hour. No, there's no trauma team card. I'm sure he didn't bring it on purpose."

"When you come to a place like this to play, you don't want the trauma team to come and knock on the door while you are doing it. In the end, everyone will know..."

"Maybe it's a heart problem. It's probably because the sex was too intense and exciting."

"OK... let's do it. The forensic doctor will find him at his home, and then I will tell him how to write. 'He died peacefully in his sleep'."

A man dragged a fat body out of the box.

Although the light was not that bright, Su Xiao and River still recognized who the body was at a glance.

Because that corpse not only appeared on TV a lot during his lifetime, his face also often appeared on billboards in the streets and alleys of Night City.

The corpse that was dragged out like a pig was none other than Lucius Lane.

The person who was talking to someone on the phone was River's partner, Detective Han.

"My men will get him out, and no one will see him, absolutely."

"Okay, okay. I'll report to you later."

The video ends here.

After watching the video, River seemed to have lost his soul and sat motionless in front of the computer.

It wasn't until a while later that he came back to his senses.

"The former mayor died in the club for doing that kind of thing. In order to wipe his ass, the deputy mayor found your partner, disposed of the body in a low-key manner, and teamed up with the medical examiner to commit perjury. How come I'm not surprised at all."

River said nothing.

He finally knew why his boss didn't let him investigate this matter.

Even his partner tried every possible means to persuade him.

Co-authored by all the higher-ups of NCPD.

The corpses were all handled by his partner, and he was the only one kept in the dark.

Then, River felt a surge of anger coming from his heart.

"Wildon Holt, what does this guy think of the NCPD? Is it his tool to cover up the scandal?"

"I'm not surprised at all that he thinks so."

Holt has appeared on TV a lot, and every time he appears, he is flattering the company.

If Jefferson Peralez is an idealist who really wants to do something, then Wilton Holt is a person who never forgets his original intention and only wants to make money, and just regards Night City as a Egoist of his private treasury.

River walked outside, as if he didn't want to stay here for a second.

"Let's go, Sue."

"No, wait for me first. There is a place I have to go before I leave."

Lidya Su walked out of the office.

River, who was curious, also followed.

Coming out of the office, Su Xiao walked to the box where Lucius Lane was dragged out like a dead pig as seen in the video.

He first looked around to make sure it was this box, and then walked in.

This box has not been tidied up and remains as it was.

But there was a Mewtwo Ring left on the pink sofa.

It seems that this Mewtwo Ring is probably the one that killed Lucius Lane.

If you come to a place like this, you won't be able to experience ordinary Mewtwo, but Black Mewtwo.

Black Mewtwo are records of criminal activity - often involving acts of extreme violence, insanity, or both.

They are edited to a very low standard and contain the dark emotions and raw thoughts of the offender or victim.

Experiencing these emotions can be extremely dangerous, with very few barriers between the recorder and the end user, and the person experiencing them can suffer severe psychological trauma as a result.

Despite this, Black Mewtwo is still quite popular among some bold and curious experiencers, and has become a reliable source of income for various criminal organizations.

Almost at the same time that the Mewtwo experience recording technology was opened to the public, illegal Mewtwo, also known as Black Mewtwo, appeared on the black market.

Rare sexual fetishes, violence, sadomasochistic fantasies, and even death are some of the most common themes in Black Mewtwo.

These super dream experiences are secretly recorded, the participants are often forced to perform, and rarely edited.

Rewatching the footage can cause nausea, seizures and, in extreme cases, death.

But even with these side effects, Black Mewtwo still has his own fixed audience.

The demand for this kind of video remains high, so new producers are constantly emerging in the industry.

Some of them have even established their own well-known brands, constantly exploring the limits of what is possible even if they are morally condemned.

Although River's partner, Detective Han, believed that Ryan died because it was too intense and exciting.

But Lidya Su has a completely different view.

He suspected that it was not Black Mewtwo who killed Ryan.

In other words, it's not just Black Mewtwo.

Of course, we will soon know what the outcome will be.

He picked up the Mewtwo ring placed on the sofa, turned on the lights in the box, and inspected it carefully.

From the appearance point of view, this Mewtwo headband is no different from other Mewtwo headbands.

The Mewtwo chip is also properly inserted into the slot.

River, who followed into the box, looked at Su Xiao's appearance. He was stunned for a moment, and then tried to dissuade him: "Su, you don't want to wear that thing, do you?"

Lidya Su rolled her eyes: "Do you think I came out to hang out on the first day? How is that possible?"

One of the rules of living in Night City is that if you find an unwanted Mewtwo ring on the ground on the street, or in a public place such as a nightclub or bar.

Don't take it home just because it's cheap, let alone wear it on your head.

Because you don't know what's in this Mewtwo Ring.

Of course, Su Xiao didn't want to put the Mewtwo headband that killed Ryan on her head.

Everyone knows that this thing can kill people, but they still put it on their heads. Apart from V Zhentian, Su Xiao really can't think of anyone else who would do this.

He took off the tactical goggles he wore on his face every time he went on a mission. Pull out a data cable from the tactical eyepiece, connect it to Mewtwo's headband, and then press the start button on Mewtwo's headband.

River stood behind Su Xiao with his arms folded. He didn't know what Su Xiao was doing.

But he decided to wait and see.

Soon, his doubts were answered.

There was only a bang, and electric sparks flashed from the place connected to the tactical eyepiece, and wisps of smoke came out.

The box was suddenly filled with a burning smell.

River was shocked.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Su Xiao put away the data cable and said in a deep voice: "Lucius Lane did not die of a heart attack, but someone tampered with his Mewtwo. He was killed by an electronic virus."

"Electronic virus? Someone is trying to kill Ryan on purpose."

"Obviously," Su Xiao only felt that her mind was clearer than ever before, "the 'noble man' who funded Horvath did not expect Horvath to succeed in the assassination from the beginning, otherwise he would not have pretended to do it. A combat prosthetic body, the only thing lacking is "Sianwistan" and "subcutaneous armor."

Si'an Westan can slow down time, and the function of the subcutaneous armor is to make it as bulletproof as the composite armor of a main battle tank.

"Horvath's assassination is just to attract attention, the real killing move is actually this." Su Xiao shook the Mewtwo headband with the virus inside.

If Lane is assassinated in City Hall, then everyone will naturally focus on Horvath and the mastermind who instigated Horvath.

But if someone tampered with Mewtwo's headband, it would be just an accident.

Some people may ask, if someone checks Mewtwo's headband, wouldn't they find the electronic virus on it?

That's a good question, but the truth is, no one would do that.

First of all, if a mayor dies in a club, it will be a huge scandal and will cause a lot of trouble and trouble to his own reputation and his family.

Secondly, the experience of Black Mewtwo is inherently risky, which is common sense.

When someone died while experiencing Black Mewtwo, the first thing that would come to his mind would be that it was too exciting and his body couldn't bear it. The next thing that would come to his mind would be to deal with the matter quickly and bury it. He must not let others know that the mayor died in his own home. In the nightclub.

When something happens, people panic, and then they quickly shirk responsibility and completely ignore themselves.

Who would have thought to check out Mewtwo's ring?

River had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure, so he planned to ask Lidya Su first.

"Then who do you think wants Ryan dead?"

Lidya Su shook his head: "It's hard to say, there are too few clues, and the other party hides it too deeply."

So River expressed his guess: "Is it possible that it's Wilton Holt, that bitch?"

"In order to get promoted to a regular position, you killed the top leader? But you also saw the surveillance video. In order to dispose of Ryan's body, Holt found someone from the NCPD, which is your partner. If he knew about it from the beginning, then the faction Wouldn’t it be better to handle it with your own hands?”

As the deputy mayor and the person who holds the second position in the Night City City Hall, Holt naturally has a group of his own subordinates.

In fact, anyone who climbs a little higher will do this.

After all, without a team of his own, a bare-bones commander would never know when someone else would kill him.

But River raised objections: "Perhaps you think so, is this exactly his purpose? Maybe he just wants to clear away the suspicion? And if the NCPD people come over, they can also drag the NCPD into the water. Everyone's butts are not clean. No one will be able to make irresponsible remarks about this matter in the future.”

River has his own reasons, but there is insufficient evidence to say who is right and who is wrong.


So Su Xiao spread his hands.

"I can't say, I really can't say, River, the water here is very deep. I feel that even if Holt is really involved, he is just a pawn pushed to the stage by the real mastermind behind the scenes."

Chapter 221: Save yourself first, then destroy the enemy (3K)

River sighed deeply.

At first, he just thought that Ryan's death might not be that glorious, so the superiors were eager to quickly close the case of Horvath's attack on the city hall a few days ago.

Unexpectedly, after some investigation, I discovered that the characters and mysteries involved were so deep.

Even though they already have a lot of evidence in their hands, what they discovered is still just the tip of the iceberg compared to the entire truth of the entire matter.

This gave him a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration.

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