Chapter 227: Sir, you don’t want anything to happen to your son (3K)

"Mr. Su, please forgive me for being off topic. I don't care what their reasons are. This is not the purpose of asking you. I just want you to rescue my son and his girlfriend, that's all."

In the VIP room, everyone's discussion was interrupted.

Everyone stops talking

, just turned his attention to Su Xiao and Dante.

"Mr. Gonzalez, since this commission was introduced by the priest and Jack, of course I am willing to help you. It's just that I don't like others hiding things from me. If you have something to hide, it's best to tell them all." We, this is good for everyone.”

The last guy who always liked to hide his head and tail was called Faraday. He was a middleman who ran from Taipingzhou to Saint-Domingue.

This guy's incomplete information resulted in the death of dozens, if not a hundred, of mercenaries.

So this guy ended up dying in an underground parking lot in Santo Domingo.

There are many middlemen in Night City, but only a few can become famous.

Although mercenaries work for middlemen, they are not slaves of middlemen.

The relationship between the two parties should be a cooperative and employment relationship, rather than an unequal master-slave relationship.

If some people think that they are employers and thus are superior to others and do not take mercenaries seriously...

These people will naturally suffer backlash.

Su Xiao's intuition told him that Dante Gonzalez was 100% hiding some information, and it was very likely to be important information.

There are many foreigners traveling to Tijuana, and there are also many wealthy people.

How come your son was kidnapped when you didn't see anyone else in trouble?

Su Xiao estimated that it was probably because Dante had some grudge or grudge against the Salamanca Group, so the Salamanca Group took revenge on his son.

This is definitely not an ordinary kidnapping case.

He is not one of those gangsters at the door of the next life who wants to make a big deal and become famous all day long.

He must be responsible for himself, V and Lucy.

A clear scowl appeared on Dante's face.

He stood up immediately.

"Mr. Su, I have heard your name before. You are a famous mercenary in the next life. Although you are not a legend yet, if you take your name out, the street gangsters outside will tremble when they hear your name."

"But I didn't expect that even a person like you would be afraid of the Salamanca Group. What are you afraid of? I'm not asking you to fight to the death with the Salamanca Group, nor am I asking you to assassinate them. Boss."

"What I want is just a small thing, a trivial thing. I admit that your analysis just now is not wrong. The Salamanca Group does have no reason to target foreign tourists. Under their rule, it can also maintain The most basic order—at least it’s better than the Mexican government.”

“But the Salamanca Group is a criminal gang after all, and maybe their top management, as you said, has its own set of rules and will not destroy long-term interests just because of immediate small profits. "

"But, note, I am going to say but now, but the Salamanca Group is a criminal organization after all. Their top leaders may have read some books, and some of them may have received higher education and have bachelor's degrees from universities."

"But the middle and lower levels of the group, especially the peripheral gangsters at the lower level, are just street gangsters, just like the garbage and scum you see on the streets of Night City."

"These Luthers don't care about the big principles you are talking about. They don't know a single Chinese character. Many of them can't even spell their own names."

"Can you believe it? It's the year 2077, and there is still someone who has never read a book, never gone to school, and can't spell his own name. If you just throw a novel at him, it will be like reading a book from heaven."

"Such a little gangster, do you expect him to have the same vision as the senior management of the Salamanca Group? Do you expect him to have no bad intentions after seeing foreign tourists who are alone? Do you expect them to be as disciplined as the army? "

"Salamanca brought them together, but gangsters remain gangsters and cannot become soldiers who obey orders."

Dante was very emotional, and his chest was heaving violently.

Lidya Su nodded: "What you said makes sense. This possibility does exist."


"Unfortunately, if you don't tell the truth and continue to practice Tai Chi with me, I won't be able to help you."

Dante's eyes widened.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to curse.

But as if he was worried about something, in the end he had nothing and left angrily.

"Mr. Gonzalez? Mr. Gonzalez!"

Jack glanced at Lidya Su, said sorry, and then got up and chased after him.

Only after Dante and Jack left did V and Lucy look over.

They never expressed their opinions just now. Now that there were only three of them left in the VIP room, V couldn't help but ask.

"Su, how do you know that the Salamanca Group is here for Dante?"

"I don't know, but my gut tells me it's not as simple as Dante said."

Lucy asked again: "Why do you have to know this? How will knowing this help us? If Dante just wants us to rescue his son, then can't we just go to Tijuana and rescue the people? ?”

"No, Lucy, this matter is not that simple. The reason why I have to find out what happened between them is because I need this to infer the difficulty of our rescue mission."

The two women looked at each other with an expression of "I don't understand, please elaborate" on their faces.

Lidya Su smiled

After a while, he explained patiently.

"If it was like what Dante said, it was just a few gangsters who captured his son, then I believe that he would not contact us through Jack."

"Does a rich man like him not have bodyguards under his command? His son and his girlfriend are traveling to Mexico, a place they are unfamiliar with. Especially knowing that Mexico is a country controlled by a group, is he so relieved? ?”

Lucy's eyes still showed confusion.

But V, who grew up on the streets and ate from hundreds of families, had already vaguely understood something.

"I understand what you mean, Sue."

Lucy said anxiously: "Stop being so pretentious, what is it?"

Lidya Su explained.

"Dante is a rich man, so he must have bodyguards for his son. There are many foreign tourists traveling to Tijuana, and there are also many rich people. So how to distinguish ordinary foreign tourists from rich people?"

"Beyond the way you dress and the car you ride in, you're a bodyguard."

"The peripheral gangsters at the bottom of the Salamanca Group are just like Dante said. They have not received a decent education and have no culture. But no matter how stupid they are, they still know what a few bodyguards following tourists mean. "

"Indeed, it is impossible for Dante's son to go to Tijuana without a bodyguard. When those gangsters see the bodyguards following his son, even if they really have any ideas, they will definitely give up."

"Just because the gangsters haven't read a book doesn't mean they really have no brains at all. Animals still have the instinct to fear natural enemies. Gangsters can only bully the weak."

After Lidya Su’s explanation, Lucy finally understood.

Indeed, if it is true as Dante said, it was only the low-level gangsters who did it, but no matter how stupid those low-level gangsters are, they would not dare to touch foreign tourists with bodyguards.

The reason why gangsters are gangsters is because bullying the weak and fearing the strong has been engraved in their DNA. If they dare to resist power, they are not gangsters.

Dante had just said so much to them, but in fact all of it was to deliberately change the subject.

He just refused to honestly explain why his son was kidnapped by the Salamanca Cartel.

Only then did Lucy understand why Lidya Su insisted on talking about so much, it seemed like useless things.

But then she thought of another question.

"Then what if Dante is still unwilling to confess?"

Lidya Su smiled, picked up the Coke on the table, and took a sip.

"Then there is no other way. Although he was introduced by Jack, I can only express my regrets and regrets. What's more, you are not willing to cooperate with a client who deliberately fails to report the information, right?"

Su Xiao guessed that the reason why Dante deliberately refused to say anything was probably because he had some grudge against the Salamanca Group.

This will cause the Salamanca Group to target him.

And he refused to disclose it because he was worried that Su Xiao and the others would not be willing to help after they found out.

Regarding this, Su Xiao can only say that if this matter is really troublesome, then they may not help.

But if Dante is still unwilling to explain at all, then they will definitely not help.

He doesn't like to be thought of as a fool.

On the other side, in the corridor outside the VIP room.

"Mr. Gonzalez! Wait, wait..."

Jack Wells caught up from behind, and Dante stopped when he heard Jack's urgent cry.

"Mr. Wells, please arrange some additional manpower for me. I don't have time to spend here. My son has been kidnapped. I only have this one son. I can't lose him..."

"I know I know."

Jack tried to comfort him, but Dante didn't appreciate it at all.

"No, you don't know at all. The Salamanca Group is a group of cruel lunatics, killers, and butchers. They sent me a photo of a cut off finger. That was my son's finger. ."

"They told me that they would not shoot my son to death, but would slowly torture him, cutting off his fingers one by one."

"Cut one piece a day. When the fingers are cut off, it will be the toes. Only after the toes are cut off will I kill him. I only have this son, and I can't lose him."

"Jack, for the sake of both of us being from Heywood, help me."

"Calm down, please calm down, Mr. Gonzalez, I will help you, but I need you to tell me the truth."

Chapter 228 This smell is the smell of lying (4K)

Dante's eyes widened: "The truth? Mr. Wells, how come even you..."

Jack stretched out his hands in a downward gesture.

"Calm down, Mr. Gonzalez, I am on your side. I am also the son of Heywood and of Mexican origin. We speak the same words and drink the same water. We are compatriots. Even if the end of the world comes, this Nothing will change."

"I will help you. I promise you, not only because we are compatriots, but also because you are the priest's friend. Since the priest asked you to come to me, then I will not let the priest down."

"But Mr. Gonzalez, I'm not a fool, please don't fool me."

Dante hurriedly defended: "I didn't fool you, Mr. Wells."

"No, no, no, Mr. Gonzalez, you may not know what a middleman does. Let's put it this way, we are between employers and mercenaries.

Bridge, this means that we have noses sharper than hounds, and your body is full of lies. "

Although Jack is a rough guy, he is not a real fool.

Moreover, after receiving training from the priest during this period of time, Jack's growth can not be said to be rapid, but at least it can be said to be a thousand miles.

Not only Su Xiao could tell, but even Jack could tell that Dante was hiding something.

It's just that they are compatriots and the sons of Heywood, so Jack didn't say it inside. Instead, he waited until they were alone outside, and there were no outsiders, before he asked each other.

Seeing that Dante was still about to argue, Jack immediately interrupted him before he could speak.

"No, stop covering up, and don't find other reasons, excuses, or change the subject."

Jack's expression was serious. He was wearing a suit at the moment, like a real middleman: "I want to help you, really, but you also have to be honest. You have to tell me the whole truth, so that I can I can help you.”

"As you said yourself, Mr. Gonzalez, you don't have much time left, and we...we don't have much time either."

Jack was smart enough to say "we."

The message conveyed here is that we are on one side.

Even Jack said this, and Dante finally took a deep breath: "I didn't want to hide it deliberately, but I was worried that if Mr. Su knew about it, he wouldn't be willing to help."

Jack was stunned and said thoughtfully: "But no matter what, this is still better than concealing it after all, and you may not agree, but you may also be willing, but if you continue to conceal it, Su will definitely not help you."

Dante sighed again: "I understand, let's go back."

When the two returned to the VIP room, Su Xiao's expression seemed as if he had known he would come back.

Dante looked at Jack, who gave him a friendly and encouraging look.

So Dante unbuttoned his suit, sat down again, and said sincerely: "Mr. Su, I want to apologize to you. It was my worry about my son that blinded my reason. If my previous gaffe was offensive, please forgive me." , I hope it will not affect our cooperation."

"You can rest assured on this, Mr. Gonzalez, I am a person with a clear distinction between love and hate, and I will not bring my personal emotions into my work."

Su Xiao leaned forward, "But, as I just said, I hope that the employer can be honest and not hide anything. As long as you tell the truth, we can continue to cooperate."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything," Dante's hands on his knees were shaking a little, "The truth is, this all started a few years ago."

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