If the Salamanca Group didn't know who the murderer was when Hector's only son died, how do they know it now?

You know, the longer the time passes, the more difficult it is to restore the truth.

If they had known the truth, they would not have allowed Dante and his son to live comfortably and happily for the past few years.

Lidya Su asked this question

It's a pity that even Dante doesn't know the answer.

Dante is willing to pay 10 million euros and reimburse all the expenses for the round trip.

But Su Xiao only wants the other party to have 8 million.

Taking two million less in exchange for Dante's gratitude.

Since Dante's son has been in the hands of the Salamanca Group for more than a day, without further delay, Su Xiao and the others set off.

Before leaving, Dante suggested: "I'll take you there on my private plane."

Lidya Su's eyes lit up: "That would be the best."

Su Xiao's original plan was to drive to Tijuana instead of flying.

Because you are not allowed to carry weapons on the plane.

There was no way they could fly to Tijuana and then buy weapons locally.

The weapons control in Tijuana is much stricter than that in Night City. If you don’t have a gun license and you are not a local, the gun shop will not sell you weapons at all.

But they didn't expect that Dante actually had his own private plane, so they could bring weapons on the plane.

Then in just a few hours they could land in Tijuana.

If nothing else happens, Dante will be reunited with his son tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The discussion was finalized and everyone walked out together. At this moment, Jack suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you too."

"You..." Lidya Su was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect Jack to take the initiative.

"Then what should you do here?"

"Isn't it going to be back soon? There's nothing to do after a day or two. Besides, I'm just the successor now, not really replacing the priest. Besides, there's still a priest here."

Jack moved his fingers so loudly that they made a crackling sound: "I haven't been out for too long, and my body is rusty. Su, you won't dislike me, right?"

Su Xiao smiled: "Brother, why would you dislike you? Since you have no problem here, let's come together."

After coming out of Cangbi Building, everyone split up.

Jack and Dante took a taxi to the international airport, and before Su Xiao and the others arrived, the private plane was ready to take off at any time.

Lucy and V drove an armored SUV to Su Xiao's apartment in the valley area and brought several weapon boxes with them.

This trip is the first long-distance battle. Although it is not expected to take long, it is best to be fully prepared as we are afraid of anything unexpected.

Su Xiao herself rode a Fenrir motorcycle and went to see Rogge in the next life.

He needed to go to Roger's and buy something cool.

Jack and Dante were the first to arrive at Night City International Airport.

While still on the road, Dante called his pilot and asked him to fill the plane with fuel and be ready to take off at any time.

When he arrived at the airport, Dante was still uneasy and went to his private plane to check it himself.

After confirming that everything was correct, Jack and I waited at the entrance of the terminal.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, V and Lucy finally arrived.

They carried several boxes with weapons that might be used.

Dante didn't say anything, but Su Xiao didn't join them, which made Dante look very anxious.

They waited for another hour, but Lidya Su still didn't show up.

Dante couldn't help but ask Jack to call Lidya Su.

No one answered the phone, but soon Jack received a text message asking Jack and the others to wait patiently for a while. He was getting something very important.

Seeing this, several people had no choice but to continue waiting patiently.

Finally, after five hours

Later, Su Xiaocai appeared in a Delama taxi.

Dante felt anxious and irritable.

But he couldn't curse, so he had to say it tactfully.

"President Su, I hope the time wasted will not be wasted."

Su Xiao smiled and heard that Dante was expressing dissatisfaction with him.

"Mr. Gonzalez, I hope I won't need this thing," he said, looking at the others and saying, "Let's go, don't keep our plane waiting for too long."

Tijuana is a city on the northwest border of Mexico, located at the northwest tip of Baja California, on the Tecate River, close to the Pacific Ocean, 19 kilometers north of San Diego, California, and west of the Pacific Ocean.

Although Tijuana is on the border, its economy is active and developing rapidly. Its comprehensive strength ranks fourth in the country after Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara.

It is the most important customer processing industrial base in Mexico, with highly developed auto parts, electronic products, metal machinery, and construction service industries. There are many American-owned enterprises such as food processing plants, breweries, etc.

Tijuana's beautiful seaside scenery and complete service facilities have attracted a large number of foreign tourists to the city for sightseeing and shopping, and the tourism industry has achieved great development.

This coastal city has beautiful scenery, complete entertainment facilities, hotels, restaurants, etc. It is an ideal place to enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery.

Many foreign tourists come to Tijuana to taste wine, dance, and buy designer clothes, watches, personal cosmetics, and exquisite local handicrafts. It is the best place for shopping.

Tijuana has a legal red light district and other consumer prices are also low, so it attracts many Californians to cross the border during the holidays to spend money and patronize medical beauty and other services.

Chapter 230: Let the bullets fly for a while (3K)

On the plane to Tijuana, Su Xiao went online to find a car rental company with the highest ratings and credit in Tijuana.

Place the order and have them bring the car directly to the airport so they can use it as soon as they get off the plane.

Su Xiao pulled the other three people into the communication channel and passed them the map of Tijuana.

At the same time, mark a bright spot on the map.

"This place is where Jose Gonzalez was imprisoned. I checked and found that this is a civilian residential area in Tijuana. It is estimated that the Salamanca Group also wanted to prevent Dante from finding mercenaries to rescue people, so that's why The place of detention will be chosen here.”

V asked curiously: "How do you know Jose is being held here?"

"Dante said that his son had a locator on him, but it was not destroyed by the Salamanca Group? The Salamanca Group is so unprofessional?"

"This locator was implanted into his son's body. Generally, wealthy people will implant a locator into their own bodies, just in case something unexpected happens to them."

After a pause, Lidya Su added another sentence.

"However, ordinary locators will be blocked by signal jammers to emit signals, but Jose's one is different. It is a specially customized model that Dante bought from Contao, the best top quality."

Others suddenly realized.

"It's no wonder that it's from Kangtao. If it's made by Kangtao, it must be a high-quality product."

Su Xiao drew a line on the map.

"Now let's quickly go through the plan. It's actually very simple. The Salamanca Group must have guessed that someone would rescue Jose, but they never expected that we would come so quickly."

"It takes several hours to drive from Night City to Tijuana, and you can't bring weapons by plane. Therefore, the Salamanca Group will definitely deploy manpower at the border and gun stores, but they certainly don't expect that we will take the plane. Dante’s private jet is coming.”

"So what we have to do is take advantage of this. After getting off the plane, we get in the rented car from the car rental company and go straight to the place where Jose is being held. After I scan the situation inside, we will launch a raid on him."

"After rescuing the hostages, we returned to the airport non-stop and took a private jet back to Night City."

Su Xiao glanced at the time: "With any luck, when Sieg Q and his "Tonight's Talk" are broadcast on TV, we, including Jose, will already be on the way back to Night City."

Everyone was professional and did not waste their time elsewhere, but concentrated on the discussion.

When the plane landed, everyone pulled a suitcase and got off the plane.

And an SUV they rented on the car rental company's official website was also parked in the airport parking lot, waiting for them to use it.

After taking the keys from the staff who drove over, several people put the boxes in the car.

After everyone got in the car, Su Xiao started the car and headed towards the destination.

The window glass of this SUV is all one-way, that is, people inside can see outside, but people outside cannot see inside.

While Su Xiao was driving, the other three people opened the weapon box and distributed the weapons.

Considering that any situation may arise, everyone is guaranteed to have a technical weapon for bunker penetration, a kinetic weapon for fire suppression, and a smart weapon for precise harvesting.

Of course, flash bombs, smoke grenades and fragmentation grenades are also prepared.

There were a lot of vehicles in Tijuana during the day. Su Xiao drove steadily and strictly obeyed the traffic rules when passing the traffic lights.

Avoid attracting attention as much as possible.

By the time we arrived at our destination, it was almost an hour later.

Instead of driving directly to the target's house, it slowly pulled over and stopped dozens of meters away from the target's house.

What everyone in the car could see was that it was a very ordinary house with a courtyard wall outside, separating the house inside from the street outside.

The wall was closed, but there were two people standing on the left and right at the door of the wall, and they were carrying weapons.

There is a surveillance camera above the door of the fence, and three more on the walls of the house inside, almost covering the entire open space behind the fence.

On the roof of the house, there is also a hidden automatic turret. This automatic turret has been powered on and online.

As long as there is a firefight, it will start immediately and "welcome" the visitor with a barrage like a storm.

"I can't see what's going on inside."

Jack murmured, sitting in the passenger seat.

The target house seems to have an area of ​​about 120 to 140 square meters, with at least four bedrooms and one living room inside, not counting the kitchen and bathroom, which can also hide people.

The most dangerous and troublesome part of an indoor assault is that you don't know what's going on inside.

This is tantamount to risking your life to explore the road.

Lucy thought for a while and said, "I don't know if there is surveillance inside. If so, I can hack into the camera outside first, and then switch to the camera inside to observe the situation inside."

"No need to bother, just like before."

Su Xiao put her fingers on her temples and started the scanning mode of the tactical eyepiece.

A few seconds later, he transmitted the scanned results to the other three people.

"There is a layout of four rooms and one living room, with twelve people, all of them Salamanca thugs, all equipped with weapons. The hostages are locked in the bathroom, there are two of them, Jose and one named Maria. of women.”

Jack suddenly said: "Maria? If I remember correctly, Dante's son's girlfriend is called Maria?"

Su Xiao recalled it for a moment, and then affirmed: "Yes, that's the name."

"How is she? Is she hurt?"

"No, Jose had two fingers chopped off, and Maria didn't even lose a hair."

This is simply the best possible outcome.

Originally, the targets of Salamanca Group's revenge were Dante and Jose.

So when they caught Dante's son and his son's girlfriend, they might keep them, but they might also shoot them to death to vent their anger, just like the bodyguards Dante sent to his son.

But unexpectedly, not only was Dante's son's girlfriend still alive, but she was also imprisoned in the same place with Jose.

This is no different than Lady Luck lifting her skirt.

Jack rubbed his hands excitedly: "Dante only paid us to rescue his son. I wonder if we will pay more if we also bring his son's girlfriend back."

Su Xiao was also very satisfied with the result: "You can ask Dante later, but for now we should complete the commission first."

Next, he began to assign tasks to everyone.

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