When Su Xiao took them away, he just asked them to follow him, but did not mention where they were going.

Nearly three hours have passed since we left San Diego, but the scenery outside the car window is still desolate.

Instead of driving on the interstate, they were driving deep into the roadless wilderness.

Three hours passed, and the scenery outside the car window was still the same.

It consists of strong winds, sand, and endless, uninhabited wilderness.

In fact, the prosperity of New York and Los Angeles is the United States, the swamps of Louisiana are also the United States, and this desolate western wilderness is also the United States.

Finally, Su Xiao stopped the pickup truck.

"That's it for now. Get out of the car. I have something to tell you."

Su Xiao got off the bus first, and although the others didn't know why, they also got off the bus.

The others looked around, but there was no one there except the endless wilderness.

Jack wondered: "Su, why do we stop here?"

Su Xiao explained: "We can't go any further, otherwise what happened in Tijuana and San Diego will happen again in the next city, or even Night City."

"Then what you mean is..." Everyone looked at each other, and they could see the same surprise on each other's faces as themselves, "You want to end it with the Salamanca Group here?"

Jack was the first to shake his head and said: "The Salamanca Group is the king of Tijuana. It has as many as eight hundred gunmen, if not a thousand. Even if we get rid of the pursuers, the Salamanca Group will send more gunmen to chase them." Kill us."

A day ago, everyone would still have illusions.

I feel that as long as I leave Mexico, I can leave the Salamanca Group's sphere of influence.

But now, no one has such illusions anymore.

The leader of the Salamanca Group, Hector Salamanca, was indeed crazy and sent his men disguised as terrorists to attack the San Diego airport.

He thought he had done it so perfectly. Did he really think the Californians couldn't find out the truth?

Or does it mean that as long as he can get revenge, nothing else matters?

"I don't want to deal with the pursuers, but I want to completely resolve this trouble."

As soon as Lidya Su said these words, the others were stunned again.

"What are you going to do? Don't you want to go back to Tijuana?"

Su Xiao nodded and confirmed this statement: "You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days? Only by getting rid of the boss of the Salamanca Group can we be truly safe."

"But, as the leader of the group, Hector Salamanca will definitely be protected by heavy troops. More importantly, we don't even know where he is, how can we implement a beheading tactic?"

The beheading tactic is a classic one that has been used by countless famous generals throughout the ages.

But it's not that easy to implement. After all, the other party is not a fool, so how could he not know how to strengthen his protection?

It was impossible for Hector not to have thought of the possibility of Su Xiao and others returning.

He must be hiding deeper than a gopher.

Su Xiao said confidently: "I already have a plan for this."

Seeing his confident look, others who originally had doubts gradually let go of their doubts.

Since Lidya Su said that she had a plan, then

Then everyone believes in Lidya Su.

"However, there is one more thing to do before we return to Tijuana."

Chapter 242: The wrong payment was made after all (3K)

"What is it?"

Lidya Su looked around.

"Don't you think it's a little strange? Why can the Salamanca Group's people find us accurately every time? They neither use drones nor install locators on us, but they can still find us position, or one step ahead?”

Lucy had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"This is what makes me feel strange. In fact, I have specifically checked everyone's prosthetic bodies before, and there are no traces of electronic intrusion. Generally, there are only a few tracking methods. Even with the elimination method, If everything is ruled out, there is no way the Salamanca Group knows where we are."

"But they still knew. Not only did they know, but they sent killers every time."

Jack's eyes first stayed on Lidya Su, and then on Lucy.

He finally gasped, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Su, do you mean... there is a traitor among us?"

"That's right."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Jack glanced quickly at Su Xiao, V and Lucy.

Needless to say, the relationship between the four of them.

Although the triangle is the most stable structure, and they have four people, the relationship between the four of them is more stable than the triangle.

He himself cannot be a traitor, and Su Xiao cannot be a traitor either.

As for V and Lucy...

He would never believe that V and Lucy would betray them.

With this reasoning, it becomes even simpler.

Jose is the son of his employer.

Both of his fingers were chopped off by the Salamanca Group.

Even if Stockholm breaks out, it is impossible to tip off the Salamanca Group.

Then the only person left is Maria.

She is Jose's girlfriend, it's impossible...

"Wait a minute," Jack's eyes were as big as bells, "Do you suspect that she is responsible?"

"what are you guys saying?"

Jose was confused.

Everyone else reacted, but Jose was the only one who still didn't understand the situation.

Seeing Jose like this, Su Xiao simply stopped talking and said it directly.

"Jose, the woman hiding behind you, your girlfriend, is the traitor who betrayed our position to the Salamanca Group."

Jose froze on the spot, looking dumbfounded.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at Maria, who shook her head like a rattle: "What? No! I'm not!"

Jose also defended: "Mr. Su, there must be something wrong with this. Maria cannot be a traitor. She was kidnapped by the Salamanca Group just like me."

"But you are missing two fingers, but she hasn't even lost a hair. How do you explain this?"

Jose choked upon hearing this.

He hadn't thought about this problem before.

The Salamanca Group is not a benevolent man. In order to achieve their goals, they can use any despicable, insidious and dirty means.

When kidnapping Jose and the others, they killed the two bodyguards who protected Jose without blinking an eye.

Such a group of thugs would not touch a beautiful young woman who fell into their hands for a few days. Who would believe it?

The people in the Salamanca Group are neither eunuchs nor monks, so how can they not touch women?

As the thinking gradually deepened, a terrible idea gradually emerged in Jose's mind.

But he closed his eyes, unwilling to accept the idea that it was most likely the truth.

He struggled and shouted loudly: "This may be for other reasons. Maybe people from the Salamanca Group want to keep her to threaten my father. In short, Maria is definitely not a traitor. It is absolutely impossible." .”

"You don't know, but Maria and I have known each other for many years. When I was still studying at New York University, a huge riot broke out one year. Maria and I hid in a rental house and cuddled up to each other to keep each other warm. We were A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

"I absolutely don't believe Maria would betray me! Never!"

Looking at the hysterical Jose, Su Xiao was neither angry nor annoyed, but smiled and said calmly.

"If she is not a traitor, then it is simple. There is a way to confirm it."

"what way?"

"Let my companion enter her electronic brain and check it out."

Just like a browser will leave traces of historical browsing after surfing the Internet, the electronic brain will also have traces of things that have been done before.

If Maria had reported to the Salamanca Group, a simple check would tell.

In order to prevent the company's information from falling into the hands of competitors and leaking the company's information, the middle and senior management of super companies usually tamper with the prosthetic bodies of their own employees.

In particular, electronic brain implants will be equipped with heavy protection and self-destruction functions.

Once all protections are found to be breached, a self-destruction process will be initiated.

I would rather burn my electronic brain than leave the data in it to competition.


Of course, if the electronic brain is burned, then the owner of the electronic brain will naturally be "sacrifice for charity".

Even if it is not equipped with a self-destruction implant, the human electronic brain is very precious and cannot be easily viewed by others.

But Lucy is an expert in this field, and she is confident that she can conduct a simple and quick screening for Maria without damaging Maria's electronic brain.

It’s not that I really want to pry into Maria’s privacy, but I just need to browse it once and the truth will come to light.

"José, my companion is an electronic warfare expert and the best cyberwalker. You can rest assured of her skills. I dare say that even your father does not have such outstanding talents as her."

"If your girlfriend is really innocent, then what do you have to worry about? Wouldn't it be a great thing to eliminate the doubts between us and the suspicion on her as soon as possible?"

Su Xiao stretched out her hand towards Jose and said in a persuasive manner.

Jose hesitated again.

Because he found that what Su Xiao said was right and so reasonable that he had no way to refute it.

He himself is not a cyberwalker, nor is he a prosthetic doctor.

But he also knows that if he goes to a prosthetic clinic to receive diagnosis, treatment, etc.

The prosthetist will also do a quick check on the electronic brain.

If you are a professional, you can indeed avoid damaging the electronic brain.

To be fair, Jose certainly didn't want anyone else touching his girlfriend.

But there are only six of them here, and the four of them, Su Xiao, helped them escape from the Salamanca Group's siege and interception.

No matter how polite they are now.

If they used force, he and Maria would have no way to resist.

Jose is not a playboy. Although he is a rich second generation, he is not the kind of loser who only relies on his parents' money to squander his money.

He still knows the priorities clearly.

Since there is no way to resist, it is better to just cooperate honestly, so as not to make it so rigid that everyone will not be able to get off the stage.

Just when Jose was about to say that they were willing to cooperate, Maria, who was protected by Jose, suddenly became angry.

She threw an arm around Jose's neck and strangled him tightly.

The other arm suddenly split open, revealing the mechanical structure inside and the shining mantis knife hidden inside.

"Don't move! If anyone moves, I will kill him!"

"Maria? What are you doing?"

Jose was not stupid. After a moment of daze, he quickly reacted.

"Is it really you? Are you reporting our location to the Salamanca Group? But why? Why are you doing this? Why are you betraying me?"

"I didn't betray you. If I had to say it, you betrayed me and deceived my feelings."

Jose looked confused: "What on earth are you talking about? Did the Salamanca Group do anything to your electronic brain? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

"José, do you love me?"

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