The expression on the elder leader's face at this moment made Mad Dog very happy. It was this expression that made him sneer.

"Idiot, I specially found a prosthetic doctor to implant the positioner into my body and tied it to my heart. Even if you scan it out, you will only treat it as an implant that assists my heart. .”

The expressions of the others changed greatly when they heard this.

They looked at the mad dog as if they were looking at a monster.

"Implanted into your own body? And tied to your heart?"

"Madman! What a madman!"

The older leader's face turned pale.

He knew that he had lost everything now.

I originally wanted to invite Mad Dog over, with the purpose of getting rid of the only one who was still fanatical about Hector before taking action against Hector.

loyal mad dog.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to invite the wolf in.

Now that everyone has broken their ties, the older leader simply stopped pretending.

He pointed at Hector and yelled angrily.

"Hector, don't blame us for being against you. Ask yourself, are you not wrong at all? I'm too lazy to mention the past things again. Let me ask you, what are the consequences of the terrorist attack in San Diego? , haven’t you considered it at all? Why are you still doing this?”

Facing the older leader's angry rebuke, Hector said calmly.

"If I hadn't sent someone to blow up the San Diego airport, the guys who took the hostages would have sent my son's murderer back to his father. I had no choice but to take this step."

The elder leader shouted hoarsely: "But this will make the entire western states unite to deal with us, and other groups in Mexico will not lend a helping hand to us, but will add insult to injury. Just for your own selfish desires, you will risk the entire Mexican state." You don’t care about the interests of La Manca Group, you are so selfish!”

Hector said: "Am I selfish? Maybe, then let me ask you a question, what would you do if you lost your only son? Tell me, let me hear your opinion."

The older leader sneered.

Unlike Hector, he had three sons and two daughters.

Even if a son dies, it doesn't matter.

So when he answered, he was very confident and upright.

"Dutch Vanderlinde, the famous gang leader in the West, once said - 'Revenge is too luxurious'. If it were me, I would not let everyone's interests be harmed for the sake of a mere son."

"Personal interests should give way to the interests of the group. This is what the boss of the group should do."

The older leader knew that Hector would not let him go, so he simply stopped pretending.

His words were no different from pointing at Hector's nose and scolding him.

"Mr. Hector, Mr. Hector——"

At this time, the leader with a turban on his head suddenly raised his hand and said respectfully.

The person he is now is completely different from the person he was before.

Where are the people who were clamoring before to cut Hector off from the Salamanca Group and send Hector's head to San Diego to appease the Californians?

"Huh? Do you have something to say? Okay, then you can tell me."

The turbaned leader received permission, nodding and bending like a dog with a broken spine that was constantly wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

"Mr. Hector, I think our top priority now should be to deal with the impact of the terrorist attack in San Diego."

"Oh?" Hector raised his eyebrows, as if he was interested, "Do you think it's possible for the Californians to negotiate peace with us now that we're at this point?"

"Of course, of course."

Hector nodded: "Then tell me."

"The western states have always been at odds with New America, and we can put the blame on New America."

Hector frowned.

"Well, this is indeed a way. The western states hate New America more than they hate us. But the question is, are they not fools? Will they believe it so easily?"

The turbaned leader immediately said: "In addition to passing the blame, we also have to show sincerity. On the one hand, we will transfer some of our benefits to the western states so that they can obtain substantial benefits; on the other hand, we will provide political support to the congressmen who sympathize with us." Donate money to increase the number of allies on our side.”

"In short, try to ensure that in the Supreme National Assembly of the western states, the number of members who are malicious to us does not exceed half of the seats, and it will be considered a success."

Hector crossed his fingers with his hands, and a look of approval and satisfaction appeared on his face, which was as if carved with a knife and an axe.

"Well, your idea is good and it is indeed feasible."

The turbaned leader looked happy and was about to ask Hector to spare his life.

As a result, Hector suddenly took out a large-caliber revolver, and the black muzzle was aimed squarely at him.

His eyes suddenly shrank before he could ask for mercy.

Only a violent gunshot was heard.

A bright red flower of blood burst out from the chest of the turbaned leader. The warm corpse fell backwards, tripped over the chair he was sitting on, and fell to the ground.

The other leaders, including the older leader, were startled, but before they could react, the thugs standing behind them took out their short knives, held them behind their backs and stabbed them in the chest.

For a moment, there were screams and the muffled sound of sharp weapons piercing the body.

"Your idea is indeed good, and I will adopt it, but don't keep your life. You are such a smart person, and I dare not let you continue to live."

After parting ways with Jack, Su Xiao, V, and Lucy took another pickup truck and returned to San Diego.

In order not to attract attention, the three of them went to different clothing stores in the city and bought several sets of clothes that had obviously different appearances but could still be seen as worn by tourists.

In addition, Su Xiao does not plan to continue driving this Salamanca Group pickup truck back to Tijuana.

So I rented a yellow SUV from a local car rental company in San Diego.


Xiao drove the car out of the city. In the deserted wilderness, the three of them put on the clothes they bought in the city, hats and black sunglasses.

Dressed like a foreign tourist preparing to travel to Tijuana.

I drove to the border between California and Mexico again and found the smuggler. Based on the experience last time, I crossed the border more easily this time and entered Mexico, arriving in Tijuana at noon.

After entering Tijuana this time, I can clearly feel that the atmosphere is different from last time.

People from the Salamanca Group are everywhere on the streets, and from time to time you can see people from the Salamanca Group whizzing past the road in pickup trucks.

When ordinary people saw people from the Salamanca Group coming, they all hid far away, as if they were avoiding the god of plague.

Su Xiao and the other three parked their car outside a taco shop. After each ordering some food, they found a seat to sit down.

V first asked in the communication channel: "Su, now that we are back in Tijuana, what should we do?"

Su Xiao picked up a taco, took a bite and said: "First, we have to find out where Hector Salamanca lives."

Lucy shook her head gently: "I checked on the Internet and found that there is a wealthy area in Tijuana, but all the people living there are officials from the Tijuana City Hall and military officers. People from the La Manca Group live there.”

"It's impossible for Hector not to guess that Maria is dead, and he must have thought that we would come to Tijuana to cause trouble for him. Now the streets are full of people from the Salamanca Group, which is a good illustration of this. a little."

"He wouldn't live in a wealthy area because that would be too conspicuous. He would probably have a house or a manor of his own, so that he could hide enough gunmen inside to protect him."

"Then the question is, what kind of place is suitable if it can meet the above conditions?"

V spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know. Although I am also the son of Heywood, I am not of Mexican descent, nor was I born in Tijuana. By the way, Lucy, aren't you a cyberwalker? Can't you check it online? "

Lucy pushed the hair from her forehead behind her ears: "Didn't I tell you just now? He is not in a wealthy area, so there is no way to find him."

"What should we do?" V asked a little discouraged.

But then, she looked at Lidya Su, who had been silent.

"Sue, since you brought us back to Tijuana, you have something to do, right? Did Mr. Gonzalez give you information? Or did you know Hector's residence from somewhere else?"

"In fact, I do not know."

"You don't know either? Then you still..."

"Don't worry," Su Xiao turned her head slightly to the side and made a hint: "Although we don't know, we can know it by asking someone who knows, right?"

The three of Su Xiao sat like this: he sat alone on one side of the table, while V and Lucy sat on the other side of the table, opposite Su Xiao.

After Su Xiao made this suggestive move, V and Lucy subconsciously looked past Su Xiao towards the table behind him, which was the table next to them.

Those were a few gangsters from the Salamanca Cartel, or to be more precise, a few low-level gangsters.

They arrived earlier than Su Xiao and others. From the moment they entered the taco shop, they heard the noise of these low-level gangsters.

They thought that Su Xiao and others could not understand Spanish, but in fact, all three of them had installed translation plug-ins for mainstream languages.

Therefore, it was clearly heard that one of the guys who was regarded as the big brother by the other gangsters had been bragging that he had a cousin who worked as a peripheral gunner in Hector Salamanca's estate.

To put it bluntly, peripheral gunmen are cannon fodder. Don't look at movies where bodyguards protect their targets and take bullets.

In fact, when the enemies are all in front of the protection target, and personal bodyguards are needed to block bullets, it actually means that all the peripheral gunmen are dead.

Peripheral shooters are poorly paid, have low status, and are often not treated as human beings.

But for this kind of low-level gangster, being able to work with the boss of the Salamanca Group is already worth bragging to his friends.

"It's just them."

In fact, Su Xiao initially had other plans, more than one, to find out where Hector lived.

He changed his mind after he paid attention to the conversation between the gangsters at the next table.

Chapter 247 It’s only a few hundred dollars a month, why are you risking your life (3K)

Su Xiao winked at V and Lucy. The three of them finished their food quickly, got up and walked to the counter to pay.

The group of gangsters originally just glanced at Su Xiao and others casually. Foreign tourists like Su Xiao and others are very common in Tijuana, and they have long been used to it.

Because the top management of the Salamanca Group strictly prohibits them from harassing foreign tourists (not out of conscience, but out of fear of affecting Tijuana's tourism industry).

So they didn't dare to do anything. At most, they just looked at them a few more times.

But just these few glances made it impossible for them to look away.

A black leather wallet that Su Xiao took out was not only filled with green Euro bills, but also filled with credit chips in the card slot of the wallet.

At least there are seven or eight pictures.

real life 2

In 2023, it cannot be said that electronic payment will completely replace cash, but it is true that few people will go out with wallets anymore.

But in this cyberpunk world of 2077, electronic payment can only be said to be a mainstream payment method, but it is not the only payment method.

It still hasn’t replaced cash.

the reason is simple.

On the one hand, the security and confidentiality of electronic bank accounts still need to be strengthened, and on the other hand, it is caused by the public's distrust of electronic bank accounts.

After all, in this world, there are not many hackers infiltrating the cyberspace, and there are many examples of people who have worked hard, worked hard, worked hard, worked hard, and saved all their savings, but their savings were completely stolen by hackers.

No matter how few times it happens, people are always afraid of what might happen. If this happens to them, why not become a trapeze artist? .

So many people would rather use cash than use the more convenient electronic bank account.

In addition, there is another very important reason, that is, forces like the Salamanca Group also use a lot of cash.

Because electronic bank accounts are controlled by the company, to put it bluntly, you are depositing money with others. If you don't deal with them, or they want to sanction you, the money will definitely be gone.

Although the companies that control electronic bank accounts all claim that they will remain absolutely neutral, just listen to these words. Whoever believes them is a big injustice.

Although cash has many advantages, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it is inconvenient.

If you need to use a large amount of cash, such as millions or tens of millions, you have to use many boxes to carry the money, which is even more inconvenient.

Therefore, credit chips came into being.

A credit chip can be simply understood as a USB flash drive, except that the USB flash drive contains money instead of files.

No password is required, just find a terminal and plug it in, and you can transfer the money in the credit chip to your electronic bank account.

Or transfer the money from your electronic bank account to the credit chip.

This thing is not connected to the Internet, and there is no way to connect to the Internet, so there is no need to worry about security and confidentiality. The only way to withdraw money from a credit chip is to find a terminal and plug it in.

Any other methods, including remote hacking, will not work.

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