After confirming that there were no enemies outside, Su Xiao, whose clothes were a little messy, climbed out of the overturned business car.

"Come out, all the enemies have been dealt with."

The second one after Su Xiao was Jack, then V and Lucy.

Dante, Jose, and the two bodyguards and driver who protected Dante came out last.

The two bodyguards were okay, but the driver's head was smashed and half of his face was covered in blood, which looked scary.

"President Su, thank you very much."

Although the solid body of the car still protected them from too much damage under the continuous bombardment of heavy machine gun bullets and rockets.

But Dante didn't expect that the guys from the Animal Gang would come back with a carbine.

If Su Xiao and Jack were not here, even if there were two bodyguards in the car, Dante could not guarantee that they would be able to fight back.

If someone is unlucky, he and his son may die here.

Therefore, Dante was very grateful. Su Xiao saved his and his son's lives again.


You're welcome, Mr. Gonzalez, but do you know why they attacked you in town? Could it be sent by your competitor? "

The so-called peers are enemies, and the shopping mall is like a battlefield.

Dante brought a tire company that was on the verge of bankruptcy to the entire state of California. During this period, he must have offended many people and aroused the jealousy of many people.

Those red-eyed monsters can't do business as well as Dante, so it's not impossible for them to be evil.

Dante was also thinking about this possibility, but he couldn't think of who was the most suspicious for the moment, so he shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't think of who it is at the moment."

"It's okay, it's just that I wish I could have been left alive."

What he did just now was completely out of instinct. When Su Xiao realized that he should leave one alive, his body automatically fired, killing all the enemies.

Chapter 257 Shurima, your emperor is back (3K)

A somewhat uneasy Dante asked the driver: "Can the car still be driven?"

The driver shook his head and said, "No way. Even if we push the car back on track, there is no way to restart it because the intelligent driving system has been completely offline."

"Then call a Dramain taxi... No, let's call two Dramains."

After giving instructions to his men, Dante spoke to Lidya Su again.

"President Su, would it be better for us to leave here first?"

Dante looked a little embarrassed.

In fact, this is not his fault. He had been in the Valentino Gang before and had experienced the days of fighting and killing. But after all, that was more than twenty years ago.

Although as a basketball star, Dante's figure is not unfit, but he had just experienced a shootout, and after all, he could not hide his nervousness.

Moreover, although he has not received any military knowledge or training, he also knows that the position they are in is actually very dangerous.

At least, you should get off the viaduct first.

Otherwise, if there are snipers, they won't even have a place to hide here.

Dante's request was very reasonable, and his ideas coincided with Su Xiao's. He nodded and said.

"Okay, then let's... wait a moment."

Out of the corner of her eye, Su Xiao suddenly caught a glimpse of the back of their overturned business car and a yellow Tingwei Galina that had also overturned.

A woman wearing a medical center coat lay on the ground not far from the car.

She may have been thrown out of the car during the car accident.

There was also a teenager with a bruised face in the car, who should be this woman's child.

Su Xiao used the tactical eyepiece to scan the two people.

After confirming that both of them still had signs of life, they breathed a sigh of relief.

He agreed with Dante's thoughts just now and also felt that he should not stay here any longer.

But now, he has changed his mind.

"Jack, V, Lucy, you escort Mr. Gonzalez and Jose to leave first."

Jack and the other three were stunned for a moment.

"how about you?"

"They were injured because of us. I have to stay here and help them call the trauma team's float vehicle."

Dante couldn't help but remind him.

"President Su, people like them may not even have the ordinary membership package of the trauma team. I'm afraid they can't even afford the fuel cost of the float vehicle."

Lidya Su nodded and said disapprovingly.

"I know, that's why I want to stay and help them pay for their medical expenses."

"If President Su insists on staying, then I too..."

"No, Mr. Gonzalez, you are right to worry. This is indeed not a suitable place to stay. We don't know if there are any enemies lurking nearby. For your safety, you should leave as soon as possible."

"I understand. President Su, please be careful. In addition, I can't ask you to pay for the medical expenses. After all, the attack was caused by me. Even if I have to take responsibility, it should be borne by me."

The blue light in Dante's eyes flashed, and Su Xiao received a text message from the electronic bank, indicating that he had received a transfer of 100,000 euros.

After Jack and the others protected Dante and the others on foot, Su Xiao called the customer service number of the trauma team.

Three minutes later, the trauma team's float vehicle arrived on time.

It is not only members of the trauma team who can call the trauma team.

After all, the essence of this company is still profit-seeking. Just like an ambulance, as long as you are willing to pay, even if you are not a member, the trauma team's float vehicle can still arrive within three minutes.

While Su Xiao asked the trauma team members to take David and Gloria onto the aerodrome, she paid for the round trip to the aerodrome and the estimated medical expenses on the electronic bill given by the captain.

He also left his phone number. If the subsequent treatment exceeds the advance medical expenses, the trauma team can call him and he will resolve the issue of subsequent medical expenses.

After watching the trauma team's float vehicle slowly lift into the air and fly towards their hospital headquarters, Su Xiao called a Delama taxi and asked it to take her to the Cambi Building.

When Su Xiao arrived at the Kanbi Building, he saw that Dante and the others, who had arrived at the Kanbi Building first, did not go in, but were waiting for him at the door of the Kanbi Building.

After seeing himself getting off the Delamain taxi, Dante immediately took him

He followed his son and came forward, his movements and speed even faster than Jack and the others.

After learning from Su Xiao that the trauma team had picked up the mother and son, Dante, who was familiar with the trauma team's procedures, once again said that if the medical expenses were not enough, just ask him for reimbursement, and there was no need to be polite to him.

Since he said so, Lidya Su would not hesitate to say yes.

Next, everyone followed Dante into the Canbi Building, where they experienced luxury and experienced the services of a five-star high-end hotel.

In addition to the last time I discussed business with Dante in the Kanbi Building, there was another time when I came to the Kanbi Building for the first time. It was Su Xiao and the others who wanted to get the penthouse suite of Arasaka Yorinobu. , stealing the relic which contained the consciousness of Johnny Silverhand.

Now that we have mentioned this, by the way, Su Xiao and the others reached an agreement with Arasaka Yorinobu after they made a big fuss in Kanbi Building.

Arasaka Yorinobu did not issue a reward order against the three of them, so the three of them could naturally return to the Kanbi Building again and again without fear of causing hostility.

I have to say that although the food at Kanbi Building is expensive, the food is really delicious.

As an international five-star high-end hotel, it not only offers Japanese food, but also Chinese, Korean, French, Italian, Indian and other cuisine styles from many countries.

On the second day, Dante wanted to invite everyone to go to Genting to spend money together, but this time Su Xiao refused.

There will be plenty of opportunities to go to that kind of place in the future, but now he has more important things to do.

Before leaving, he bought a large piece of land in Shiji Mountain outside the city as the company address of Shuguang Society.

Now that she has been out for so long, Su Xiao can't wait to go back and see how the construction has been done there.

Of course, from the time they left Night City to the time they returned to Night City, it was not even a month.

Su Xiao also knows that even if the technological level in 2077 is much higher than that in 2023, it has not yet reached the level of Zenith Star technology.

He estimated that at most the original buildings would be demolished and flattened, and it would most likely still look like a construction site.

But even so, he still wanted to go back and take a look. After all, it was his own company and his own career.

Therefore, Su Xiao declined Dante's invitation, and together with V and Lucy, took the Delamain taxi Dante called for them and returned to Stoneridge Mountain.

Panan once said that there are thousands of ghost towns like Stoneridge Mountain across the country.

When the sun goes down and the surrounding area becomes quiet, you will know if it is a ghost town or not by listening to the sounds.

what sound?

The sound of the wind blowing through the wooden windows and the rustling of grass balls rolling across the dry sand.

This is how ghost towns come to be.

There was no crash, just low whines and whimpering.

But now, Stone Ridge Mountain has changed drastically.

All the original houses have been bulldozed, and the engineering team, like hard-working ants, is cleaning up the construction debris after the houses were demolished.

On the edge of the town, rows of prefabricated houses were built, where the engineering team rested and ate after get off work.

"Hey boss, you're back."

Panan was in charge of standing guard today. She saw the Delama taxi carrying Su Xiao and the others from a distance. After they got off the bus, Panan immediately came over to greet the three of them warmly.

But Su Xiao didn't speak, but stared at Panan.

Panan was stared at in confusion.

"What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No, I just feel that you are a little different from what I thought. I thought you would just call me by my last name as before."

Panan smiled and said with one hand on his hip.

"Hey, it's different now than before. You pay me a salary, but I don't dare to offend you. I know some people are very petty and will laugh at you in front of you, but they may say something about you behind your back."

"Don't take it personally, I'm not talking about you, boss."

Lidya Su smiled.

He knew that with Panan's character, she would not have thought of so many things. It was probably Mitch and Scorpion who taught her.

As for why it was Mitch and Scorpion, it was because in the entire Adecado, they were the only ones who were Panan's best friends. The other people in Adecado were not as good as Panan.

"What about the rest?"

"Scorpion and Mitch are standing guard in the other direction, and the others have gone to rest. We take turns replacing the guards three times a day to ensure that we have eyes on them 24 hours a day."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Lidya Su nodded.

The decision to hire Adecado instead of hiring someone in the city was indeed the right thing to do.

Adecado lived up to his trust, which is good.

The difference between the mercenaries in the city and Adecado is a bit like the American mercenaries and Russian mercenaries in the modern mercenary market.

Generally, bosses who need mercenaries prefer Russian mercenaries.


This is not because Russian mercenaries are better at fighting, but because they are also from the army or special forces. Most Russian mercenaries are cheaper than American mercenaries.

Adecado is almost like a Russian mercenary. Because they are unwilling to deal with people in the city, they do not understand the market and do not have so many opportunities to make money.


And because they have to support a family, they are forced to do whatever they can to make money.

And now, the salary Su Xiao gave them for this job is so high, of course they have to perform well to prove that they are worthy of the salary.

Chapter 258 I designate you as a five-star general of Shijishan (4K)

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work. The salary you pay is worth what we pay."

"During this period, Luandao will not come to cause trouble, right?"

"No, this place is deserted. Everything in the town has been ruined long ago. Even the scavengers are too lazy to come here."

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