Therefore, compared with this, one hundred thousand yuan seems affordable.

"Don't worry, Lao Wei. It's not like I can't even pay a salary of 100,000 euros. I'm the boss, so I'll figure out how to make money. You don't have to worry about it, okay?"

Lao Wei nodded: "Okay, since you said so, then I won't worry about it."

He stood up.

"Let's go up, I have to say goodbye to Misty, today is my last day renting her basement

. "

A few days later.

River comes to Stoneridge Mountain.

Randy's condition has improved significantly. His sister Joss no longer stays in the hospital all day long, but only visits once a day.

Su Xiao originally wanted River to rest for a few days, but River took the initiative to bring up Gale's matter.

It was the guy who accidentally discovered the guy who sold Winky to Randy when they were checking for clues about Harris in Randy's computer.

Since River took the initiative to bring it up, Su Xiao didn't say anything about letting River rest.

"How much do you know about Gale?"

"I heard Randy say that that guy is just a salesman. At best, he can only be regarded as a middleman. There are people above him."

"Then let's go and uproot them."

It would be fine if Su Xiao didn't know about this network that sells flashes.

But now that he knows about it and has the ability to eradicate it, he doesn't mind cleaning up the visible garbage.

Although he was not a native of Heywood by birth, he lived in the Valley area of ​​Heywood.

It is also necessary to clean the place where you live.

"Where does that guy live?"

“Eastern part of Schönbrunn.”

The Shoreline area of ​​Schönbrunn is the safest, liveliest and most densely populated part of Heywood.

You can think of this as the Venice Beach of Night City.

Ordinary people come here to bump into celebrities, and celebrities come here to increase their exposure.

In addition to affordable vegetarian hot dogs, you can also taste sky-high price organic seafood.

Kitsch can be seen everywhere: oversized mascots, billboards as tall as buildings, anything will do as long as it attracts attention.

The buildings in the Schönbrunn area are more casual, but they are not run-down. They just have the atmosphere of a washed-out port area.

The luxury yachts moored on the promenade pier and the large-square-meter property houses in high-rise apartment buildings show wealth.

The above is a view of the Schönbrunn coastline, but the view to the east is quite different.

Suddenly, you'll find yourself surrounded by Night City's rarest creature: the middle class.

Affordable apartment buildings are affordable, and movie theaters, gas stations, and drive-through espresso chains line the streets.

If it weren't for the float cars and implants, you'd think you were in a middle-class American city in the early 21st century.

However, if you continue walking forward, the Schönbrunn area will reveal its true colors.

The eastern part of Schönbrunn, that is, the area near the Valley, is no different from other poor places in Night City.

It's also filled with unemployed people, squalid shantytowns and gang activity.

Su Xiao drove him, River, Mitch and Scorpion in an armored SUV to a community in the eastern part of Schönbrunn District.

This time he didn't bring V or Lucy because this place was too dirty and not a place for a lady.

In such communities, you can see many dilapidated homes and buildings, some even abandoned.

Some of the buildings had damaged roofs, broken windows and graffiti on the walls.

Because they are poor, people who live in communities like this often do not have enough money to maintain their homes or pay for the upkeep of the community's public facilities.

Therefore, the public facilities in these communities are very poor, with many cracks and potholes in the roads and sidewalks.

At the same time, what Su Xiao can also see is that there are basically no normal pedestrians in this community. The people here look like walking zombies, with no clothes on and staggering when walking.

Trash and filth were everywhere, and used syringes could be seen on some floors.

I understand what that thing is used for.

As long as you touch that thing, your life is almost over.

It’s not that you can’t quit once you get into it, but it’s just that it’s too difficult.

There is a movie called "Breaking the Limit", which is adapted from real historical events. The protagonist in the movie went from an addict to a world triathlon champion after hard work.

But the protagonist and prototype of the film are Polish rather than American, and there are very few people like him. Most people cannot achieve his almost ascetic perseverance and awareness.

So it's best not to touch it.

Seeing this scene, it was not only Su Xiao who felt uncomfortable, but also Mickey and Xie Zi in the back seat of the car, who also had disgusting expressions on their faces.

In their opinion, no matter how bad the life is, being born in the city is already much better than wanderers like them who can only drink the northwest wind outside the city.

Why should we fail to live up to expectations?

Night City is indeed unfair, but that's not the reason for them to touch Winky.

Or it can be said that the fact that they still have money to buy Shining means that they haven't reached the point where they can't survive at all.

If that's the case, why should you give up on your own initiative?

Several people checked all the guys in the car, and after confirming that everything was correct, they got out of the car and walked towards the place where the guy named Gale lived.

Arriving at the door of the house, River stopped Lidya Su: "I'll knock on the door."

Seeing River taking the initiative, Mitch and Scorpion handed over Su Xiao and the back to River with confidence, while they stared left and right at the sides and behind.

River exchanged positions with Su Xiao. He stood in front, stretched out his hand and knocked hard on the door a few times.


Quick, a hoarse voice came from the speaker next to the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Is Gale here? I heard he has some exciting stuff here. Let's ask him to buy some goods."

The voice on the speaker quickly dismissed River's request.

"You are in the wrong place, there is no such person here."

"Don't lie to me, man, Randy introduced me."


"Yes, Randy Couch, he said you sold him very good things before, and he recommended you to me."

The voice on the other side suddenly became very loud: "You're lying! That guy Randy has cut off contact with me a long time ago, and he doesn't answer emails or calls! He just wants to be a good baby, how could he be the one calling you?" Coming?"

River didn't panic, but said calmly: "Hey, don't get excited, okay? Don't you even watch the news? Randy was kidnapped by Anthony Harris, so he can't contact you."

Chapter 289 The Taste of Lying (3K)

After hearing River's words, the voice on the other side seemed confused.

"Anthony Harris? That guy nicknamed Peter Pan?"


This time, the sound from the speaker didn't come right away.

Through the tactical goggles, Su Xiao could see that the people inside were discussing.

One of them also took out his computer and searched for the news that River mentioned.

It took no effort to find the news that River was talking about.

After all, this is one of the few cases that the NCPD has cracked in the past few years, so of course it needs to be heavily publicized.

After confirming that what River said was indeed true, a voice finally came from the speaker.

"I can open the door for you, but you have to put the gun in the donation box next to it first."

River heard this and looked to the side.

There is indeed a green donation box two or three meters away next to the door.

This kind of box was originally used on the street to store items such as clothes and quilts for well-wishers so that the poor in need could take them for free.

But for some reason, these guys used it as a locker.

River did not take action immediately, but first asked in the communication channel: "Boss, what should we do?"

Su Xiao used the tactical eyepiece to scan the guys in the room.

There were only four people in total.

It is enough for them to deal with each other one by one.

So he nodded and also said in the communication channel: "Put the long gun in, but don't put the pistol."

He was the boss, and with his words, River, Mitch and Scorpion put their spears into the donation box without any objection.

But the voice from the speaker still refused to give up.

"And your pistols, throw them in as well."

Su Xiao winked at River, who immediately understood.

"Don't go too far, okay? We have shown sincerity. I can understand that you don't believe us, but we don't believe you either. What if you cheat on us?"

"You can't come in with weapons, that's the rule."

"Since it is a rule set by humans, it can be changed. People move living things and trees move dead. If you really don't want to change, I can understand. If it doesn't work, we will leave. Anyway, you are not the only ones in the entire Night City. You can only buy goods here.”

With that said, River took out the spears he had just put in the donation box and distributed them again.

There is really a posture of "I don't sell my master here, I have my own place to sell my master".

Now it was the people inside's turn to be anxious.

"You guys wait a moment..."

Several people inside briefly discussed it and finally chose to give in.

"Okay, you can come in, but don't play tricks. This is our territory, and the entire community belongs to us."

The door opened, and a Latino holding a "Copperhead" kinetic assault rifle stood by the door with an evil look on his face.

The Copperhead is the AK47 of 2077. It doesn’t have any amazing surprises or genius designs, but it always adheres to the most basic functions and lethality, as well as reliability, which is why this gun is popular.

River was the first to take the lead and walked in first, followed by Su Xiao.

After Mitch and Scorpion also entered the house, the Latino who was guarding the door with a copperhead suddenly slammed the door hard.

The light in the originally small room suddenly became a lot darker.

There was a large sofa in the center of the room, but there was only one person sitting on it.

There were two Latinos standing behind this man.

One of them was holding a "Killing" kinetic energy shotgun produced by "Affordable Firepower".

The other hand held the "DS1 Pulse" kinetic energy submachine gun of "Dala Technology".

Seeing this, Su Xiao understood that these guys were all amateurs.

First of all, their positioning is very problematic.

One is behind Su Xiao and others, and three are in front.

On the surface, it looks like they are flanking Su Xiao and his group.

But in fact, the four people on the other side are all within each other's shooting range. Once they exchange fire, it will definitely cause accidental damage.

Secondly, the "Killing" kinetic energy shotgun can be said to have the greatest recoil among the shotgun series of weapons.

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