When Rogge comes over, the person he contacts can sell the VR training equipment, which will allow them to train in a variety of combat methods, including indoor combat.

However, before that, Su Xiao asked them to accept Lao Wei's prosthetic transformation to strengthen their own combat effectiveness.

Of course, Su Xiao didn't want everyone to put on "Sian Westan".

This is not a matter of money, but that this thing cannot be installed casually.

The stronger the prosthesis, the greater the side effects.

Many cyberpsychopaths go crazy because they blindly pursue intensity.

Although strength is also important, stability and health are more important.

Su Xiao is not the kind of cold-blooded lunatic who treats his subordinates as tools.

Therefore, he asked Lao Wei to transform their prosthetic bodies, replacing all the messy prosthetic bodies they had with genuine ones that suited them.

Wanderers are generally poor and use whatever they have. This leads to the fact that most of the prosthetic bodies they use are Sanwu products of unknown origin.

If such a prosthetic body is used too much, it will also be harmful to the body.

Therefore, let Lao Wei replace all their prosthetics with genuine products, and then gradually upgrade them according to each person's situation.

Of course, there will eventually be a limit to the upgrade of prosthetics. After all, they are not V Zhentian, and not all prosthetics can be installed on their bodies.

In fact, even if Su Xiao didn't mention these things, Lao Wei would do it.

Unless they want to mass-produce cybermaniacs, no one will blindly maximize the strength.

However, equipping all thirty people with genuine prosthetics requires a considerable expense.

Fortunately, Su Xiao is not what he used to be, so he can still come up with this little money.

He asked Lao Wei to just go ahead and do it without worrying about money.

In this way, a few more days passed, and there was finally news from Rogge.

She made a phone call and asked him to come over, but she didn't say what it was on the phone.

Su Xiao thought it was Rogge who should have contacted him, the seller of VR training equipment.

But when Su Xiao arrived in the "afterlife" and met Rogge offline, she realized that this was not the case.

"Do you remember what I once told you about the Voodoo Gang?"


Although time has passed a bit far, Su Xiao still thought of it immediately after Rogge said this.

The Voodoo Gang, a gang in Taiping Chau, once hired Evelyn to help them record a video in the penthouse suite of Champy Building.

In order for them to steal the relic hidden in the penthouse suite of Arasaka Yoribu.

The Voodoo Gang wants to find Johnny's girlfriend Ott Cunningham through the consciousness of Johnny Silverhand in Relic.

At that time, Rogge told Su Xiao that when the time came, he would entrust Su Xiao to help investigate what the Voodoo Gang wanted to do.

But after that, Rogge never mentioned it, and Su Xiao put it behind her for the time being.

He thought that Rogge had forgotten about it, or that he was no longer needed to handle it.

Now that Rogge is bringing up old matters again, could it be that...

Rogge nodded and ordered two drinks: "I have figured out what the madmen of the Voodoo Gang want."

Su Xiao took a sip of Coke: "Okay, what do these voodoo boys want to do?"

"They want Ultra to leave a place for them in the new world."

Silence fell in the box.

Lidya Su blinked, he thought he heard wrongly.

"Wait, what new world? What place?"

Rogge asked unexpectedly: "Before I explain, let me ask you a question. Do you know that Johnny's girlfriend, Otto, is actually still alive in this world?"

Su Xiao felt strange and asked: "She is still alive? But isn't it because of her death that Johnny wanted to blow up the Arasaka Tower in order to take revenge on Arasaka?"

Immediately afterwards, a thought flashed through Su Xiao's mind like lightning, causing him to speak subconsciously.

"Could it be that

Te did not die, but was transformed into a digital life? "

Roger nodded.

"Have you seen "A Song of Ice and Fire"? If the black wall that protects us is compared to the Great Wall, and the savages isolated outside the black wall are compared to the out-of-control AI, then the current Ultra is the 'King Beyond the Wall' .”

Of course Su Xiao has read A Song of Ice and Fire, not only the original novel, but also the TV series and fan fiction.


Is the Ultra who has become an AI still the original Ultra?

Su Xiao expressed doubts about this.

What puzzled him even more was...

"How do you know so clearly?"

Should I say he is worthy of Rogge?

Even gangs like the Voodoo Gang, which reject outsiders, can get inside information.

Roger smiled.

"There was a guy from the Voodoo Gang who didn't want to live in a muddle with his kind anymore. He asked someone to contact me and asked me to help him get a way to Europe."

"It's best to go to Northern Europe, followed by Britain, France and Germany. If it doesn't work, Italy and Spain are not impossible."

"I promised to help him go to Europe, and he told me everything he knew."

Su Xiao put her index and middle fingers on her chin: "So, he betrayed his companions?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Rogge's lips.

"To be more precise, it should be that he is awake and has not been brainwashed as thoroughly as his companions."

Lidya Su nodded: "Okay, then what did he tell you?"

Rogge said calmly.

"The new world is the goal that the Voodoo Gang has always pursued. They believe that the current world is old and decadent. They have seen a truth from thousands of years of human development history, a truth that they think is right: "

"They feel that if they continue to let humans commit suicide, sooner or later, humans will commit suicide themselves."

"Even from an optimistic point of view, even if human beings do not commit suicide and let human beings continue to consume internally. When one day, human beings exhaust all the resources on the earth, the end of the human race will come."

Lidya Su frowned.

"Isn't this statement wrong? Haven't humans already built colonies on the moon?"

Although we are still only building colonies on the moon, this is a big step for mankind to develop into the universe.

The earth's resources will indeed be exhausted one day, but that will have to be at least many, many years from now.

Before that, humans may have already spread their footprints throughout the solar system.

If it only stops at the earth, then this view of the Voodoo Gang may still make some sense.

But if humans march into space in the future and include other planets within human spheres of influence, where will the exhaustion of resources come from, and where will the talk of the end of humanity come from?

Facing Su Xiao's question, Rogge shook his head and said: "This is the opinion of the Voodoo Gang, not mine. What's more, we don't need to be obsessed with whether a gang's ideas are right or wrong, because if you change Gang, you will find that the other party has a completely different idea.”

"For example, there is a pitifully small gang in Night City called the Atomic Cult. They believe that nuclear reactions are the source of the world and that all life is born from this."

"You don't have to refute the gang's ideas like this, because the other party won't listen to you at all, and you can't convince them."

"The same goes for the Voodoo Gang. They insist that AI is the future. They all think so. What else can you say? Why don't you obey them?"

Chapter 291: Follow the network cable to beat people (3K)

What Rogge said makes sense.

It is indeed painful to communicate with people who have different ideas.

It would be better if both sides could seek common ground while reserving differences.

But if you encounter someone who has not only been brainwashed, but also drags you down, communicating with such a person is both troublesome and a waste of time.

"Then let's not worry about the future development of mankind for now, let's continue talking about the Voodoo Gang."

Rogge then continued: "As I just said, the Voodoo Gang believes that if fate continues to be controlled by humans, then the future of mankind will be gloomy."

"So their purpose is to contact Ultra on the other side of the black wall and let Ultra transform them into AI."

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.

"Fuck! Do they want to be raped?!"

As mentioned before, even if Johnny's girlfriend Ott Cunningham really lives on the other side of the black wall in the form of AI, there's no telling whether he will still be the Ott he was before.

Su Xiao most likely thinks that it won't be the previous Ultra.

And the purpose of these lunatics from the Voodoo Gang in contacting Ultra is that they themselves want to become AI?

Roger picked up the wine and took another sip.

“Over the years, they don’t know how many loopholes they have exploited in the black wall, although every time they were discovered by network monitors in time, the loopholes were patched.”

"But instead of stopping, the Voodoo Gang intensified. However, the other side of the black wall is not a paradise. Even if they can bypass the blockade of network surveillance and successfully enter

After entering the other side of the black wall, they failed to see Ultra. "

"Most of the Voodoo Gang's hackers were torn to pieces by the out-of-control AI running on the other side of the black wall before they found Ultra."

"Although the Voodoo Gang is very cruel to outsiders, they are pretty good to their own people. After realizing that blindly sending people to the other side of the black wall is not an option."

"That's why they want to rely on Johnny Silverhand to find Ultra. In other words, to attract Ultra."

Lidya Su smiled.

"Attraction? What do they think Johnny is? Fishing bait?"

"Absolutely." Rogge didn't look too angry.

But it's also possible that he's already angry.

"I have a question here, Roger."

"you say."

"The spy of the Voodoo Gang told you that they want Ultra to transform them into AI. It's not that I don't believe you, or that spy of yours. It's just hard for me to believe that Ultra would easily agree to a human ask."

First of all, there is a high probability that the Ultra on the other side of the black wall may no longer be Johnny’s girlfriend.

Secondly, even if they are still the same person (although this is impossible), why would Ultra help the Voodoo Gang?

Helping a gang member to become an AI was something Su Xiao didn't know if Ultra could do, but what he was sure of was that the Voodoo Gang would definitely not be able to do it.

If they could do it, they wouldn't have to ask Otto.

So the question becomes, why does Ultra want to help the Voodoo Gang?

In other words, why do the Voodoo Gang think that Ultra will help them?

Ultra is no longer a human being, and does not even have the most basic empathy and sympathy of humans. Even if a person dies in front of it, Su Xiao estimates that it will not blink.

Isn’t it a bit funny to expect such an AI to be kind?

"Of course they are not naive enough to think that Ultra can easily agree to their request, so they will give Ultra a reason that he cannot refuse."

"The reason why you can't refuse? What is that?"

"They will help Ultra to knock down the black wall. Even if they can't knock down the entire black wall, they will open a hole in the black wall. It will be a much bigger hole than the previous small fights, enough for Ultra and the out-of-control AI. Come in here.”

"What the hell?!"

The reason why this world has not become like the world of Terminator is that it relies entirely on the black wall to block the out-of-control AI on the other side of the black wall.

If the black wall is destroyed and out-of-control AI invades the real world, the consequences will be disastrous.

You must know that in this year 2077, except for monks, almost everyone is equipped with neural sockets and electronic brains.

Even for the upper class, they are not pursuing pure humans or original ecology like other film and television works. They are pursuing better prosthetics and higher-tech body modifications.

This means that once out-of-control AI invades the real world, even these upper-class people may not be able to hide.

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