Rather, it is good for this kind of person to see others tripping.

"You don't want to allocate money, do you? It's okay, just keep reporting to them."

Just like the protagonist Andy in the movie "Shawshank Redemption", he kept writing letters to the governor to apply for funding to build a library in Shawshank Prison.

What Mosley can do now is continue to report to the British headquarters.

Their current situation is nothing like "The Shawshank Redemption."

The prison library in the movie is considered dispensable in the eyes of others, which is why the prison has not had a library for so many years.

But the existence of the Voodoo Gang is a real threat to the security of Black Wall.

Colleagues and bosses who wanted to see Mosley make a fool of themselves were so patronizing that they forgot that if Mosley messed up, they wouldn't be able to reap the rewards.

If Mosley is fired because of incompetence, it will be someone else's turn to be "assigned" to Night City.

By then, will they still be able to laugh?

Mosley had the opposite attitude towards Su Xiao's thoughts.

He felt that doing this again would be of no use.

It's just that the money is not in place and Lidya Su is unwilling to do it, so there is nothing he can do.

There is nothing wrong with being idle, so I can only continue to try as Su Xiao said.

However, what Mosley did not expect was that things would turn around a few days later.

The attitude of the British headquarters suddenly changed.

Because their black wall detection program actually detected that an out-of-control AI had bypassed the black wall and came to the world on the other side of the wall.

This is a big crisis, and the entire British headquarters is moving quickly.

Everyone was full of energy and burst out with 120,000 points of strength.

Then they quickly found out why.

It turned out that something was wrong here in Night City.

It was the hacker from the Voodoo Gang who brought the out-of-control AI to this side of the wall.

After figuring out the reason, the entire British headquarters was surprised.

Because since the establishment of the black wall, no hacker has been able to live peacefully with out-of-control AI.

Why is it called out-of-control AI? It's because they attack humans for no reason and can't communicate at all.

But now, the Voodoo Gang has done it.

Although many people within the British headquarters believe that it is not that the Voodoo Gang can get along with the out-of-control AI, but that the Voodoo Gang most likely used some method to capture the out-of-control AI.

No matter how good the Voodoo Gang is, it is only a small gang after all, and it is impossible to have the technology to communicate with out-of-control AI.

However, even so, it is an indisputable fact that the Voodoo Gang brought out-of-control AI through the black wall.

The Internet Monitoring Company doesn’t know what the Voodoo Gang wants to do, but what they know is that they must not let the Voodoo Gang’s actions, which are almost equivalent to leading the party, go unchecked.

Realizing the dangers of the Voodoo Gang, even colleagues and bosses who wanted to see Mosley's jokes no longer dared to refuse Mosley's request.

Not only did they agree to increase the budget allocated to Mosley, but they also added some more budget based on Mosley's request.

That is to say, a total of 30 million euros were allocated to Mosley.

And their request is very simple, that is, to eradicate the Voodoo Gang.

Mosley was excited.

The British headquarters not only agreed to his proposal, but also increased the budget to 30 million.

However, a distressing question also arises.

According to the previous agreement he reached with Su Xiao, if the network monitoring company allocates him a budget of 20 million, then Su Xiao will give him a free donation of 3 million euros.

This was discussed before.

But now, how should we divide these 30 million?

What Mosley didn't expect was that Su Xiao waved his hand boldly.

"In this way, the employment fee we agreed on before was 20 million, so I won't share the 20 million with you, but you can keep the remaining 10 million yourself."

Mosley looked at Lidya Su in surprise.

Originally, according to his expectation, the company would increase the budget allocated to him, and Su Xiao might also raise the price accordingly.

But Su Xiao did not do this. Instead, he just withdrew the pre-agreed kickback, but took the initiative to give himself a profit of 10 million.

Domosli can still tell which side is between three million and ten million.

It means that Su Xiao only made three million more, but he made a full seven million more.

But why?

Wouldn't Lidya Su suffer a loss in this way?

"The remuneration we agreed on is 20 million. Although your company has increased the budget for you, it is still the amount we agreed on before. You must be reputable and cannot change it casually."

Chapter 297: Attacking the Voodoo Gang (3K)

Lidya Su said this from the bottom of her heart, not hypocritically.

However, there is another reason that Lidya Su did not say.

Now the threat of the Voodoo Gang has attracted greater attention from network monitoring companies.

So if they eliminate this threat, they will not only be able to write this record on the official website of Shuguang Military Company, but also earn Mosley a huge favor.

Mosley is capable, but he has no background or background. In the past, he only focused on doing things and did not manage interpersonal relationships at all...

So after working in an Internet surveillance company for so many years, he still worked at the grassroots level.

But this time is different.

As long as the Voodoo Gang's affairs are resolved, he will be promoted.

In the past, Mosley simply resigned just to get a kickback, but now, faced with the opportunity of promotion and salary increase, would Mosley still choose to resign?

That probably won't happen.

Therefore, compared with forming a friendship and building a closer relationship with a network surveillance agent who can be promoted, this ten million is really not much.

People can't be too greedy. If they take all the profits and don't share them with others, they are destined to be short-lived.

Su Xiao asked Mosley to accept the money with peace of mind. As long as the two of them continue to cooperate, there will be many opportunities to make money together in the future.

After the negotiation, Su Xiao was also very happy. The network monitoring company finally allocated funds, and he was finally able to take action.

He immediately informed V and Lucy that they were bringing someone over, and then at about three o'clock in the morning on the third day, three vans drove into the underground parking lot of the Empire Mall under the cover of darkness.

Su Xiao had already prepared rooms and conference rooms for them on the top floor. Everyone came upstairs to have a good sleep first.

Su Xiao waited until daytime to wake them up. After breakfast, they gathered in the conference room.

There were only people from them in the conference room, not to mention people from the Animal Gang, even Mo

Sridu was not allowed to come near.

After all, the next action is of great importance and there is no room for error.

In order to facilitate the explanation, Su Xiao arranged a projector in the conference room early.

Everyone else was sitting below, looking attentively at the picture projected on the wall.

There were more than twenty people sitting in the conference room. Except for River and a few people who stayed behind to look after the house in Stoneridge Mountain, almost everyone else came.

By the way, at Su Xiao's request, the engineering team gave priority to building walls and automatic turrets, which could save a lot of manpower. When ordinary scavengers see these tall walls and automatic turrets, they will instinctively shrink back. , I didn’t dare to get close at all.

Even if they are the Luan Dao Club, they are bully and afraid of the strong. They have the courage to pinch the weak persimmons, but they would never dare to let them attack the heavily guarded company headquarters.

After closing all the smart glass in the conference room, Su Xiao used the projector to bring up the projection images of Bati Hotel and Jingxin Bible Hall.

What is on this projection screen is the attack route and evacuation route made by Su Xiao based on the results of the drone detection, and there is more than one.

Mitch looked at the attack route and evacuation route on the projection screen and said: "Boss, you are moving too fast. It has only been a few days, and you have even made such a detailed plan."

"Strictly speaking, the target we have to deal with is no simpler than taking the life of a company executive. Although the number of the Voodoo Gang is small, we must not let a fish slip through the net, otherwise it will bring us endless trouble. "

Scorpion said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, there will definitely not be a single person left alive."

"This is the best," Su Xiao nodded, "Mitch, Xiezi, you take ten people to raid the Jingxin Bible Church. The detailed map of the Jingxin Bible Church is here. Take a look first and see if there is any doubt. Ask somewhere else."

"V, Lucy, and the remaining ten people, follow me to the Badi Hotel. The Badi Hotel has multiple entrances and exits, so we have to divide into three teams and block one entrance and exit respectively. We can't let the Voodoo Gang People escaped through other exits."

When Su Xiao saw V raising her hand, she nodded to her: "You tell me."

"To attack the Batty Hotel, Lucy and I will lead the team. You stay in the Great Empire Mall and command by remote control."

Su Xiao knew in his heart that V was worried about his own safety, he shook his head and said.

"No, although the Batty Hotel is the apparent stronghold of the Voodoo Gang, most of the members of the Voodoo Gang are there. I really can't rest assured if I don't go there myself."

Seeing that V seemed to want to say something more, Su Xiao stretched out her hand to stop her and said, "Okay, that's the end of this topic. Our time is limited, and I don't want to continue arguing on this topic."

Mitch on the other side raised his hand.

"Boss, can this map inside the Meditation Bible Church be guaranteed to be completely authentic?"

"The map was provided by an insider of the Voodoo Gang. It cannot be guaranteed to be completely authentic, but I can only say that it is very authentic."

The information was handed over to Su Xiao after passing through Rogge's hands.

Rogge has been in Night City for so many years, so he doesn't even have the ability to recognize people.

Besides, if the spy is fake, then there is no need for the Voodoo Gang to hire a spy to ask Rogge to provide false information.

Because there is no benefit to the Voodoo Gang at all.

On the contrary, it will create more enemies for the Voodoo Gang.

Only a fool would do this.

However, Su Xiao also knew that it was a bad behavior to place all hope on others.

So he added: "Even if the authenticity of the map is true, considering that the Jingxin Bible Hall is a secret stronghold, there will not be too many voodoo gangs left inside, so a large number of booby traps will definitely be laid."

"I have prepared multiple reconnaissance vehicles for you. Use the reconnaissance vehicles to clear the way before rushing in. Be careful."

Late at night.

But the leader of the Voodoo Gang, Maman Bridget, still couldn't sleep.

Originally, the Voodoo Gang was close to success:

They once spent a lot of money to find out that Arasaka Yorinobu came to Night City with a relic containing Johnny Silverhand's consciousness.

She met in private with Evelyn Parker, Arasaka Yorinobu's favorite sex doll, and promised her benefits. The only request was that when Evelyn was called upon by Arasaka Yorinobu again, she could record Mewtwo from the top floor suite of the Kanbi Building. Leave it to her.

As long as she has this Mewtwo video, she can plan a sneak plan to steal the relic.

And as long as she gets Johnny Silverhand, Bridget firmly believes that she can lure Ultra out.

However, what Bridget didn't expect was that something happened to the Kanbi Building when they were planning the infiltration plan.

Dexter, a middleman who had stayed in Taipingzhou for a period of time, and several mercenaries that she could not find out, went to the Kanbi Building to steal things. Not only did Saburo Arasaka die, but Relic's whereabouts were also unknown.

Although there is no direct evidence that Evelin is related to this shocking robbery that shocked the whole city, if Bridget could not guess that Evelin was involved, she would not be the leader of the Voodoo Gang.

That's why Bridget took matters into her own hands and burned the head of Evelin who had escaped to "Yunding".

In fact, given the Voodoo Gang's tradition of treating outsiders as foot-wipes, Bridget originally

He won’t let Evelin go either.

However, Bridget could have just let Evelin die, but she did not do so.

She did it on purpose.

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