Therefore, despite their ugly faces, both of them chose to be patient.

Judy ignored Maiko Maeda's weirdness and continued to explain to others...mainly Su Xiao.

"The body reacts as if it were executing a well-trained sequence of movements."

Judy smiled and patted Tom: "It has been tried on Tom. The pulses of the chip will replace all the natural reflexes of the human body. Therefore, the user will feel as if he is suffering from cyberpsychosis."

"Kung Fu chip?"

Su Xiao the first time

, what comes to mind is that the high-level executive who died in Arasaka, Tanaka Katsuo, Tanaka's son, once installed one of the most advanced kung fu chips on the market.

It works exactly as Judy said.

However, this stuff is basically used by novices, and even veterans dismiss it.

the reason is simple.

Judy said it just now.

After installing this chip, the body reacts as if it is executing a series of well-trained movements.

But the problem is that this set of actions are all programmed in advance.

Lack of ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

It’s okay to beat a noob.

If you really want to go head-to-head with those well-trained special forces, you will only be beaten violently.

Judy heard what Lidya Su said.

She was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, it's almost that kind of thing."

"If it's a kung fu chip, can't you just buy it directly? There's no need to make it yourself..." Su Xiaogang was about to say this, then he looked at Tom and then at Roxanne.

His eyes finally fell on Judy.

He didn't say anything anymore.

Although the actual combat value of this kung fu chip is not high, the price premium is serious. Except for rich young masters and ladies who can install this COS kung fu master, how can ordinary people afford this?

Modification and modification are the daily routine of ordinary people.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"I learned the working principle of the behavioral chip at Genting, and I always thought it was quite easy to control. I didn't even think of this when we went to find Maiko."

Maiko Maeda stepped in for no reason.

"You're in luck, there are tons of monitors and microphones, and the Tiger Claw gang would rather take a screwdriver and pull out those chips one by one than give this idea a chance."

While Maeda Maiko was preaching, Judy lowered her head.

He touched his neck with his hand, then clenched his fingers into a fist and tapped lightly on the glass table.

"Have you finished saying that? I came here just to let you make sarcastic remarks?"

Maiko Maeda raised her hands in a gesture of surrender: "Don't get angry, but if you want me to believe your plan, you have to let me see how much effect your modified chip can play."

"this is very simple."

Tom stood up and walked to the corner of the private room.

Roxanne picked up a bottle of wine on the table and threw it at Tom.

Tom saw the opportunity and punched the bottle to pieces.

Scattered drinks splattered everywhere.

Tom Wuhu said excitedly.

"Did you see it? Do you still have questions?"

Maeda Maiko was unmoved.

"What did you see? The acrobatic troupe performance just now? We are going to bring down all the Tiger Claw Gang in the cloud top, not show off our acrobatics for them."

"How about some real skills? Don't we have a famous Su here? Let's see if your behavioral chip can defeat him."

If Maiko Maeda was just talking about herself, Judy would still be able to bear it.

But Maiko Maeda also involved Lidya Su, so she couldn't bear it anymore.

Judy glared at Maiko Maeda angrily.

"Maiko, what does this have to do with Su? Don't drag him into it!"

"I just wanted to see for myself how useful your toy soldiers can be."

"It's okay, Judy," Su Xiao stopped the angry Judy, "I just want to try it too."

In Su Xiao's heart, Maeda Maiko was already a dead person.

The day they liberated Genting was the day Maiko Maeda died.

Therefore, there is no need to vent your anger on a dead man.

Moreover, he really wanted to confirm how the chip modified by Judy was.

The space in this private room is quite large.

Several people moved the glass table in the middle, enough to make some space for the two of them.

Judy and the others stood at the edge of the private room, while Su Xiao and Tom stood in the center of the private room.

There was only one or two steps between the two.

"bring it on."

Lidya Su waved to Tom.

"Then I'm here, be careful."

Tom turned on the battle mode switch on the modified behavior chip, and a blue light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the whole figure seemed to be controlled, and he put on a very standard fighting posture.

Two minutes later.

Su Xiao stood there, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle.

But Tom sat on the ground like a defeated rooster, dejected.

"How about it, can you still stand up?"

Tom was pulled up from the ground by Su Xiao.

In just two minutes, no matter how Tom attacked, Su Xiao easily defused it.

It's like dealing with a child.

It was not until two minutes passed that Su Xiao responded with a blow and knocked Tom away.

Originally, after turning on the modified behavioral chip, Tom felt a constant surge of power.

However, the battle with Lidya Su was like pouring cold water on him.

Let him recognize the real gap between himself and professionals.

"That's it?"

Maiko Maeda is not a professional.

She couldn't see the value of this modified behavioral chip.

All she saw was Tom looking like a little

Like the students, they were beaten by Su Xiao.

She looked at Judy with suspicious eyes.

"Are you sure this thing works?"

But Judy didn't notice Maiko Maeda's eyes.

She just looked at Lidya Su blankly.

Judy didn't expect that the behavioral chip she modified would turn Tom into Captain America.

But she didn't expect that Tom would not be able to get through even one round under Lidya Su's hands.

Chapter 316: Disarm? Expelliarmus (3K)

"It's not a problem with the chip. This chip is already very good."

Being able to turn an ordinary person into a soldier in an instant is already very good.

It is not qualified to install this behavioral chip to fight special forces.

But when it comes to fighting Bolivian militias, that's not a problem.

At this moment, a familiar voice that I hadn't heard for a long time suddenly sounded.

"If you think about this modified behavioral chip, there is room for further improvement."

"Do you want to spend 1,000 potential points to obtain a combat auxiliary device and a combat auxiliary enhancer?"

Lidya Su was stunned.

Then the corners of his mouth twitched.

This system has not been online for a long time, which makes him seriously doubt whether the God of Creation who created this world has forgotten this system before.

Of course Lidya Su answered "yes".

Without opening the system panel, Su Xiao knew that it was no problem to pay this mere 1,000 points for her potential.

"1000 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Combat Auxiliary Device, Combat Auxiliary Enhancer"

A large amount of data and information flowed into Su Xiao's mind like a river flowing into the sea.

It lasted for more than half a minute before it stopped.

It took Su Xiao another half minute to digest and absorb all this information.

Then I understood the difference between this combat auxiliary device and the combat auxiliary enhancer.

Both of these are implants, and as their names suggest, they can instantly turn the user into a professional who is good at fighting.

The difference is that combat aids can only enhance the user to the level of a special forces unit.

The combat auxiliary enhancer can be enhanced to the level of Captain America.

Of course, any power comes at a price.

It's not about squeezing life span, but the duration of combat mode, which is only a short hour.

In other words, it is unrealistic to completely mass-produce Special Forces/Captain America using these two prosthetics.

At most, it can only be used at critical times.

"Su? Su."

Judy's call brought Su Xiao back to her senses.

"What were you thinking about just now?"

Su Xiao changed the subject: "Nothing, have you finished discussing it?"

Maeda Maiko didn't think too much about why Su Xiao was in a daze just now.

She turned to Judy and said, "Now let's get down to business. You now have three strong thugs and a technician. What next?"

Judy revealed her plan in full, hiding nothing anymore.

"Get rid of the guards and the Tiger Claw gang inside and outside Genting - knock them down, disarm them, and send them out. Genting will be ours."

"Give the gang leaders an ultimatum and let them suffer some financial losses in exchange for them never appearing in Genting and having no right to decide how Genting operates."

Judy's plan was incredibly crude.

Lidya Su couldn’t believe her ears.

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