"And, how long does it take to train a special forces member? According to public reports, the training cycle for a SEAL is as long as two years, including hundreds of hours of training and thousands of hours of actual combat training."

"In addition, food, accommodation, medical care and other support need to be provided during the training period. In peacetime, maybe your country can provide these, but when it is in a state of war, does your country still have the energy to train slowly?"

"However, if there is a "combat assist device", the situation is completely different. It does not require such a long training time. As long as this "combat assist device" is implanted, everyone can become the same as a SEAL. . "

Chapter 320 Bamboo Village (3K)

After listening to Su Xiao's words, Liszt fell into silence again.

As Su Xiao said, in theory, as long as you have money, you can mass-produce a large number of special forces.

The Republic of Texas, on the other hand, was not short of money at this time.

In addition, Lidya Su was right.

Training special forces is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Money is a trivial matter. The key point is that during a real war, the speed of training special forces will definitely not be able to match the speed of attrition.

In the early days of the Pacific War, the Japanese Zero fighter jets caused the United States a lot of trouble. However, in the middle and late stages of the war, the Zero fighter jets were jokingly called "turkey hunting" by the U.S. military.

Although there is a reason why the performance of US military aircraft exceeds that of the Zero, there is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

Those were the elite pilots trained by Japan before the war. Within a few years of the start of the Pacific War, they were like the cherry blossoms, fleeting and withering.

The subsequent pilots who came in were completely unable to compare with their predecessors, and the performance of the Zero was gradually surpassed by US military aircraft.

Only then, as a last resort, did they reorganize the Zero and the pilots into a kamikaze squad, shouting the slogan "one aircraft for one ship", and consume the precious pilots as big soldiers like the Army's Red Deer.

On the other hand, the U.S. military is constantly being replenished with fresh blood and is getting stronger with more fighting.

That’s why the sky over the Pacific Ocean will become the home ground of the US military.

Same thing.

The "Shadow" special forces are indeed the pride of Texas, but Lister has to admit it.

There are only 1,500 troops, which is indeed too few.

If we are once again involved in a war with the new United States, if we suffer huge losses during the war and there is no time to replenish them, we will undoubtedly fall into a huge disadvantage and passivity.

However, it would be different if there was this "combat aid".

Even if a civilian who has never touched a gun for a day can be equipped with this chip, he can immediately be put into use like a special force.

Moreover, this combat auxiliary can also be used by the Texas Shadow Special Forces to make them stronger.

Thinking of this, Liszt already had the idea of ​​buying it.

So he said: "The price of 700,000 is too high. If we can lower it to 600,000 and extend the warranty time to two

year, then I can report to the superiors. "

"Okay, six hundred and fifty thousand, no less. In addition, the warranty can be extended to three years. Just think of it as making a friend."

The cost of the combat auxiliary device is only tens of thousands of euros, and it does not matter if the warranty is extended to three years. As long as the two parties reach a basis for cooperation, they can continue to deepen their cooperation in the future.

Liszt readily agreed, and then added each other's contact information with Su Xiao.

The Republic of Texas is not ruled by a military government. Although Lister is the liaison, he cannot make the final decision on such a large military expenditure.

This matter must be reported to Congress, and the money will be available to call Su Xiao only after Congress agrees to allocate funds.

After the conversation, after Liszt left, Su Xiao also checked out of the Kanbi Building.

Although the deal was negotiated in the luxurious suite of Kanbi Building, Su Xiao was not worried at all that Arasaka would interfere with it.

Because he had known for a long time that cameras were installed in the rooms in the Kanbi Building.

So when he came in, he brought some hacker gadgets with him.

This thing is only about the size of a finger, but if it is attached to the monitor, it will interfere with the monitor's signal and seriously disrupt the monitor's function.

When Su Xiao entered the luxury suite, she had already used this jammer to disrupt the cameras in the room.

Therefore, except for the two of them, no third person will know what they were talking about in the room.

Six hundred and fifty thousand for a combat auxiliary device.

If the Republic of Texas is prepared to purchase three thousand, that's 1.95 billion euros.

Now, in the short term, Lidya Su does not need to worry about money.

However, Su Xiao will not use the money to repay the 700 million debt owed to Rogge. It is not that he wants to be a deadbeat, but he has agreed to pay it back in a few years, so there is definitely no need to pay it back now.

Moreover, Shuguang Military Company has recruited so many people now, and it wants to develop in Bolivia. Where does it not need money?

Rogge's debt was agreed to be repaid in a few years. He also had three mineral properties in Bolivia. The income from mining the minerals alone was enough to repay Rogge's money, so there was no need to worry.

As for the combat auxiliary enhancer, it is the one that can turn a person into Captain America...

Lidya Su is not stupid, how could he sell that?

The weapons of any country are the same, and all they sell are castrated versions.

Of course, the enhanced version is reserved for your own use.

If we take out the best and most advanced equipment and sell them to others, doesn’t that mean we are endangering the enemy?

After finishing the things in Night City, it’s time to go back to Bolivia.

However, just when Su Xiao was planning to find Meredith and buy another aircraft.

An unexpected phone call suddenly came to him.

"Susan, are you free now? Can you come out and meet me?"

Su Xiao recognized this awkward voice immediately. It was Zhucun's voice.


Why did Takemura's voice become like this?

He was hoarse and much more tired than last time.

"Where are you now? I'll go look for you."

The place where I met Goro Takemura again was the abandoned pier in Japan Street.

When Goro Takemura appeared in front of Su Xiao.

Lidya Su could hardly believe her eyes.

To this day, Su Xiao can still remember clearly the first time she met Goro Takemura.

At that time, Goro Takemura was high-spirited and looked like a senior guard captain.

But now, he is thin, his face is dull, and his eyes are depressed.

He is no longer wearing the high-end windbreaker, but a tattered coat that he dug out of an unknown trash can.

There were even holes in some places on the ragged coat.

Not only the clothes, but also the samurai's hair was messy, dirty and greasy.

His cheeks were thin and tired, his eyes had lost their luster, and there were obvious dark circles under his eyes.

He had a thick, rough beard and couldn't even shave regularly.

His fingernails were no longer as neatly trimmed as before, but became long and not very clean.

Obviously, Goro Takemura has not received adequate rest and nutrition for a long time. His whole body exudes an aura of poverty, suffering and frustration all the time.

This once high-spirited person is now in such a state of decline.

It's sad.

"Takemura? How did you become like this?"

Su Xiao didn't ask nonsense like "how are you doing?" because it was clear at a glance that Zhucun was even worse than they were last time.

"I was screwed."

Then, Goro Takemura began to talk about what he experienced after they separated last time.

Goro Takemura was once a valet of Saburo Arasaka. After Saburo Arasaka's death, he was accused by Arasaka Yorinobu as the murderer of Saburo Arasaka.

All the Arasaka prosthetics all over his body were remotely closed, and his electronic bank account was directly canceled. He did not dare to show his face, otherwise he would die if he was discovered by Arasaka ninjas.

The penniless Goro Takemura cannot leave Night City, let alone return to Japan.

Because Japan is Arasaka’s home base.

Takemura Goro had to stay in the city.

Since he had no money and was under pressure to survive, Takemura Goro had no choice but to

Go into the mercenary industry that he looked down upon before.

Then, he was tricked.

In fact, it is not that rare to be cheated as a mercenary.

This profession is like this, let alone mercenaries, it is an intelligence agency affiliated with the country. There are also situations where the intelligence collected is wrong, and then wrong judgments are made, and people's lives are wasted in the end, let alone mercenaries.

The same was true for Goro Takemura's last mission. They messed up. Not only did the mission fail, they also angered a rich man.

The rich man put out a reward of 10 million for the heads of Goro Takemura and the other mercenaries.

The mercenaries who acted with Goro Takemura were all killed by those who coveted the bounty.

In the end, only Goro Takemura was left.

He knew he couldn't stay in Night City any longer.

Even if you find other middlemen, those middlemen are not willing to get involved in this muddy water.

When he fell into despair, he thought of Lidya Su.

"So, you want me to help you sneak out of Night City?"

Takemura Goro nodded.

"I will definitely keep my gratitude in my heart and repay you in the future."

"It's not a problem to help you sneak away, it's just..."

Anyway, Su Xiao himself was about to leave, and taking Goro Takemura with him was just one more person.

It's just that Shuguang Military Company is now hiring people, and Su Xiao knows Zhucun's strength.

But Takemura Goro thought that Su Xiao was hesitant for other reasons.

"Susan, I don't have any money now, not even a penny, but don't worry, we warriors make the heaviest promise, and we will definitely keep it when we say it."

"Or, if you are really worried, I can also serve you for half a year... no, one year."

Seeing that Takemura Goro had obviously misunderstood, Su Xiao said.

"No, you misunderstood, Takemura, that's not what I meant."

The twisted melon is not sweet.

Forcing others to work for him is something Su Xiao would not do.

What you have to do is to make others willingly sacrifice their lives for you. This is the upper class.

"If I remember correctly, Takemura, your previous plan was not to meet Hanako Arasaka? The Arasaka Festival is just around the corner. After the Arasaka Festival, Hanako Arasaka will leave Night City and return to Japan. .”

"If you miss it this time, you may never be able to see Hanako Arasaka again."

"If you choose to leave with me, you may never be able to return to Arasaka. Are you willing?"

Takemura was silent.

Of course, he also knew that if he followed Su Xiao and left Night City at this moment, he would no longer have the possibility of making a difference in Arasaka.

Chapter 321 I didn’t want to agree, but he gave too much (4K)

Takemura knew that if he was taken out of Night City by Su Xiao, he would miss the meeting with Hanako Arasaka, and he would never be able to return to Arasaka again, and he would never be able to get back everything he lost.


If we say that after being framed by Arasaka Yorinobu, all his energy and hopes were pinned on Arasaka Hanako.

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