But a silencer doesn't completely silence the sound.

Moreover, it is impossible to isolate the screams of the anti-government militiamen before they die.

Therefore, the laborers in the central shed were awakened by the screams, and they hid in the shed and shivered.

Fortunately, faced with such a situation, Lidya Su had already considered this aspect.

He asked his men to go to the militia's house immediately to get food and water and distribute the food and water.

These workers usually eat very poorly and are not at the same level as these militiamen.

Although it was late at night, I was already hungry.

Seeing Su Xiao's men bringing food and drinking water, his eyes suddenly lit up.

But no one dared to move.

Past experiences and painful lessons taught them.

If they dare to touch that food and water.

The lightest one was a beating.

The serious consequence is that you may lose your life.

So no workers dared to move.

Lidya Su saw their fear.

He asked his men to put food and water on a blanket, and he took the people back twenty or thirty meters. He told the workers in Spanish that they should feel free to eat without worrying.

These workers did not trust Su Xiao and Su Xiao's people, but they gradually couldn't resist the hunger in their stomachs.

Finally, one of the workers couldn't help but pick up the food placed on the blanket and ate it in big gulps.

He didn't know if he would be killed. He might be shot immediately, or he might be beaten severely.

But he can't control that much.

Ever since I was caught here, I have barely had enough to eat.

People who have never been hungry may not understand what it feels like.

Let's put it this way, if you have to choose a way to die, beheading or a lucky death can be considered a mercy.

Starving a person to death is truly cruel.

Unexpectedly, the workers saw Su Xiao and his party and did not stop them.

Seeing this, others gradually became bolder.

Seeing their companions eating so deliciously, they kept swallowing their saliva.

Finally, the second man took action.

If there is a second one, there will naturally be a third and fourth one.

No longer hesitate.

I also gave up thinking.

People follow the crowd, even if they are tortured, ill-treated, or executed, anyway, there are so many people, at most they will die together.

While the workers were devouring the gold, Su Xiao asked Saul from behind to send someone to take over the gold mine. At the same time, he asked Lao Wei and Gloria to come with them.

Su Xiao had no intention of forcing these workers to work for him, but before letting them go, he could ask Lao Wei to see a doctor for them.

Of course, there is no charge.

at this time.

A worker walked towards Su Xiao.

Someone immediately stopped him and warned him not to go any further.

Adecado, who was standing next to Su Xiao, also clenched the weapons in his hands.

As long as the worker acted rashly, his life would be taken.

But Su Xiao waved his hand and asked someone to let him go.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?"

The laborer glanced fearfully at the Adecados beside Su Xiao: "Dear Sir, are you from the government army?"

"No, we are from Shuguang Military Company."

"Shuguang Military Company?" The worker was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head, "I have never heard of this name."

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. All you need to know is that this gold mine now belongs to me. Of course, I am not a robber. In fact, this gold mine was given to me by the president of Bolivia."

Chapter 322: Vote with your feet (3K)

"Then, my dear sir, what do you plan to do with us? Are you going to force us to work for you?"

"No need. If you want to leave, you can leave now, but I suggest you wait."

After a pause, Su Xiao continued: "My medical team is already on the way. They will help you check your body and treat you if you are sick."

"We have no money," the worker said.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to pay, it's free."

The laborer was stunned.

His eyes looked at Lidya Su again.

He noticed that there was no playful or frivolous expression on Lidya Su's face.

Including others.

He paused and asked hesitantly: "With all due respect, Your Excellency, what is your purpose?"

The purpose is to hope that you can spread the good reputation of yourself and Dawn Military Company. This is Su Xiao's purpose.

But, of course, you cannot say this to the workers in front of you.

Therefore, Su Xiao said without thinking: "There is no purpose, it's just that I think I should do it."

The laborer didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

After much hesitation, he finally made up his mind.

"Your kindness is admirable, Your Excellency. If you don't mind, we are willing to serve you."

Settling down the workers in this gold mine.

Next, Su Xiao led people to capture another gold and copper mine.

After knocking down those two minerals, Su Xiao also left people to protect them and sent patrols to protect the communication lines between these minerals and the capital La Paz.

Everyone knows how important transportation lines are. If there are no transportation lines, then these three mines will be dead.

The three mines need more laborers. If there are not enough people, they can recruit workers from nearby villages. However, Su Xiao's approach is not to recruit more workers like the government forces or anti-government forces.

Instead, pay them a salary.

To be fair, the wages Su Xiao paid them were on a higher level than those in Night City.

But this made the workers desperate.

Because the local standards are insanely lower than those in Night City, even the salary level in Night City is considered high income locally.

Not to mention that Su Xiao is still paid a salary that is higher than that of Night City.

This approach quickly spread the reputation of Shuguang Military Company in nearby villages.

Without even spending too much time, people throughout eastern Bolivia knew that there was a "good man" who hired workers and was willing to give money.

The reason why this good man is put in quotation marks is because Su Xiao feels that when hiring people to do work, they should be paid.

But the local people seemed to really regard Su Xiao and his party as messengers sent by God.

After occupying these three minerals and ensuring the transportation of the transportation lines, Su Xiao and Sol discussed and decided to strike while the iron was hot and continue to attack to expand their sphere of influence instead of just limiting themselves to these three minerals. superior.

Because of their approach, local civilians supported their arrival and even provided them with enemy intelligence.

Time is like water, years are like a shuttle.

Soon, Dawn Military Company had been in Bolivia for a year.

During this year.

Dawn Military Company has completely established a foothold in Bolivia.

Even the original few hundred people were not enough to stabilize the existing territory.

Therefore, Su Xiao recruited a large number of passionate young people from the local area.

Today, Dawn Military Company has more than 30,000 troops.

These 30,000 people are not the militia of the anti-government armed forces, but real warriors trained under the rigorous training of Adecado and the cyber mercenaries who followed Su Xiao from the City of Night.

First of all, these soldiers have all gone through strict screening and, most importantly, loyalty testing before joining Dawn Military Company.

Secondly, they are all equipped with sophisticated weapons and advanced prosthetics.

Some people may ask, where did Su Xiao get so much money to equip 30,000 people with advanced prosthetics?

Can you make that much money from gold mining?

In fact, of course, mining gold cannot make that much money.

But don't forget, Su Xiao had a deal with the Republic of Texas before.

do you remember?

before texas

Liszt, the weapons procurement liaison of the Republic of Sri Lanka in Night City, reported back to the country the combat auxiliary device that Su Xiao was going to sell to them.

After a long period of wrangling, the Texas Congress finally agreed to allocate funds to the military, allowing them to purchase 3,500 combat auxiliary devices from Su Xiao at a price of 650,000 each.

That's right.

Not three thousand, but thirty-five hundred combat auxiliaries.

That is 2.275 billion euros.

Together with Texas' original 1,500-man "Shadow" Special Forces, Texas plans to expand the number of special forces to 5,000.

Of course.

Although this combat auxiliary device can enhance ordinary people to the strength of special forces, if it is used by soldiers, it can achieve better strengthening effects.

Therefore, the 3,500 people in Texas' expansion are also good seedlings in the army.

In this year, Dawn Military Company has developed very rapidly.

Dawn Military Company purchases the food from local civilians at the price of Night City (Night City is already exploitative enough, but compared to Bolivia, it even seems conscientious), and the settlement is in euros. Instead of "Boliviano" which is no different from gold dollar coupons.

At the same time, local civilians can also go to the medical station set up by Shuguang Military Company for medical treatment, which is not free of charge.

However, local civilians are allowed to see a doctor first and then collect money. Moreover, the money collection does not require them to pay in one lump sum. Instead, they agree to use one-tenth of their income every month to repay medical expenses.

With these two simple measures, Dawn Military Company gained great support from local civilians.

People here don’t know what liberal democracy is, and many people can’t even write.

But they supported Dawn Military Company by "voting with their feet."

After gaining the support of the local people, Sol and his men took the initiative and defeated the anti-government armed forces in eastern Bolivia.

The original anti-government armed militias were far inferior to Dawn Military Company in terms of training level, personnel quality, weapons and equipment, prosthetic transformation, morale and belief, etc.

Now Dawn Military Company also has the support of civilians.

The rebels no longer have any advantage at all.

Rebels have been entrenched in eastern Bolivia for several years.

What the government forces and the President of Bolivia could not do even after exhausting their efforts, Dawn Military Company drove the rebels out of eastern Bolivia in just a few months, leaving no one behind.

After the Dawn Military Company occupied eastern Bolivia, it did not return the land to the government forces.

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