But this is the idea of ​​Su Xiao and others.

But the elites headed by the president feel that this is their benefit, why should they be distributed to those idiots?

This is why the refugees living in tents and cardboard boxes appeared in front of Su Xiao.

"Then Mr. President, does he want to buy more "Demon Lizard" armored vehicles and "Manticore" heavy armored aircraft from our company? "

Su Xiao knew that there were very few vehicles left in the hands of the government army. The "Magic Lizard" and "Manticore" he had bought for the government army were all gone.

As the saying goes, it doesn't hurt to sell your cubs. These dozens of "Magic Lizards" and "Manticores" were bought by the president from himself at the cost of two gold mines and one copper mine.

As a result, these equipment did not last long when it was in the hands of the government troops, and was almost completely destroyed by the government troops.

Therefore, Su Xiao thought that the president specially invited him to visit the capital La Paz just to purchase another batch of equipment.

To Su Xiao's surprise, the president shook his head.

"I hope to hire your company to fight for our country. We have seen with our own eyes the power of your company."

The territory of the rebels is the west, east and north of Bolivia.

The Shining Group's sphere of influence is the southern part of Bolivia.

Government forces only control the capital, La Paz, and a small central area nearby.

For several years, the government forces have been surrounded by anti-government forces on three sides. Although the Shining Group generally does not conflict with the government forces (provided that the government forces do not care about them and the issue of coca cultivation), the anti-government forces alone One enemy is enough for the government troops.

Government forces fought against the rebels more than once, but failed to drive them away.

Until the arrival of Dawn Military Company a year ago.

It only took Dawn Military Company a few months to achieve what the government forces had not been able to achieve for several years, completely driving the anti-government armed forces out of eastern Bolivia.

The president and the generals of the Ministry of National Defense actually knew that their government troops were powerful, but they did not expect that Shuguang Military Company could be so powerful, completely suppressing the anti-government forces.

You must know that Shuguang Military Company a year ago only had only a few hundred


Now it has grown to 30,000 people.

There are even more people than government troops.

And they are all elite troops with high-quality equipment.

Therefore, the generals of the Ministry of National Defense proposed to the president whether they could simply hire Dawn Military Company to help them fight the war? They might as well be responsible for receiving it.

Chapter 324: Excellent matching mechanism in Latin America (4K)

Although Shuguang Military Company promised to help them train their troops, no matter how hard the government troops trained, that was all.

On the battlefield, he was as greedy as ever and even gave some "Demon Lizards" and "Manticores" to the rebels.

With such an army, the generals do not expect to be able to defeat the rebels.

And since you can't do it but others can, why not just hire others to help fight the war?

As long as all the hostile forces in the country can be eliminated, everything else is easy.

The president thought so too, so he invited Lidya Su here.

As for what Saul and the others were worried about, the president didn't even dare to think about it.

Now Shuguang Military Company is their only ally. If they offend Shuguang Military Company, wouldn't they be enemies on all sides?

No matter how stupid you are, you won't be so stupid.

"Okay, Mr. President, let's say I agree, but what benefits can your country give me?"

The president quickly replied: "The territory of eastern Bolivia will be yours from now on. I mean in name only. Your company will be the ruler of eastern Bolivia from now on."

This condition is not unattractive.

After all, although Dawn Military Company currently occupies eastern Bolivia, it can only be regarded as a nameless company.

But if the president personally signs, the eastern land will be donated to Dawn Military Company for free, or at a symbolic price of one euro...

Then Dawn Military Company has legitimacy.

Rather than being illegal occupiers.

Some people may find it disapproving, but these are necessary. Even the Anglo-Saxons will do everything they should do on the surface so that no one can fault them.

However, although this condition was very tempting, Su Xiao did not agree immediately.

"I'm afraid I can't answer you right away. I'll have to discuss it with my subordinates."

Lidya Su shook her head.

This condition is indeed very tempting, allowing Dawn Military Company to no longer be an illegal occupier, but to occupy eastern Bolivia reasonably and legally.

Even if the president regrets in the future, or if a new president is elected and does not recognize this contract, it will be impossible to take back the eastern part of Bolivia that was donated to Dawn Military Company.

However, although the rewards are attractive, the price is not easy either.

Dawn Military Company indeed drove the rebels out of eastern Bolivia.

However, they still occupy northern and western Bolivia and are powerful.

They must be driven out of northern and western Bolivia, or even completely eliminated...

It is not an easy task for Su Xiao and Shuguang Military Company alone to achieve the 30,000 people they currently have.

More importantly, there is another very important reason why Dawning Military Company is able to operate smoothly in eastern Bolivia, and that is that Dawning Military Company really operates eastern Bolivia as its own territory.

That's why they purchase food from civilians at prices on the international market, and they pay in euros.

That's why they allow civilians to see a doctor first and pay later, and the monthly medical expenses paid by civilians will not put too heavy a burden on them.

It is precisely with these measures to treat ordinary people as human beings that Dawn Military Company can win the hearts and minds of the people and make people stand on their side.

However, if we agree to the president's request and help them fight the rebels in western and northern Bolivia, will Dawn Military Company do the same thing as it did in the east?

If so, then the land will be returned to the government forces after the war is over?

Or will Shuguang Military Company take over a village and hand it over to the government forces?

If it's the former, then with the government troops' performance like this, can they hold on?

Maybe Shuguang Military Company will leave on the front foot, and the anti-government armed forces will counterattack on the back foot, and the government forces will be defeated.

At that time, Shuguang Military Company will have to compete with the rebels for this village.

As long as the command level of the anti-government armed forces is a little smarter, they will seize the disadvantage of Shuguang Military Company's lack of troops and not engage in direct combat with Shuguang Military Company, but will only be responsible for catching the government troops and exporting them.

Dawn Military Company will never try to eliminate the anti-government armed forces.

Moreover, even if we take a step back, Su Xiao can really help the president to wipe out all the anti-government armed forces and the Shining Group and complete the reunification of the country.

But as long as the elite of this country still governs the country as before.

So even if the anti-government armed forces are eliminated, new rebellions may be born again, one after another.

Su Xiao did not agree immediately, which made the president unable to conceal his disappointment.

"I...I understand, then let's postpone this matter a little bit."


During the rest of the journey, the atmosphere in the car was very silent.

Neither Su Xiao nor the president has

Talk again.

Suddenly, the limousine suddenly braked.

The two people sitting in the stretch car were jolted.

"Asshole! What's going on?!"

Because Su Xiao did not immediately agree to the president's request, the president was already angry, but now there was such a sudden sudden stop, which made the president feel that he could not hold it in his face, and he immediately cursed.

The driver was so nervous that his body was shaking.

He said after communicating with the soldiers of the Presidential Guard on the off-road vehicle in front of him.

"Your Excellency, there are refugees blocking the front of the convoy."

"A mere refugee..."

The president's words stopped suddenly.

If this were done in the past, they would have just asked the guards to drag away the refugees who were blocking the road.

Like kicking stray cats and dogs out of the way.

But now, when he was about to issue the order, the president suddenly remembered something.

Right now, he was not the only one in this limousine.

During this year, the president also heard about what Dawn Military Company was doing in eastern Bolivia.

Although the president and the elite do not agree with Dawn Military Company's approach, they feel that Dawn Military Company is throwing a lot of money into the water.

However, through this approach, they also realized what kind of character the people in Dawn Military Company were like.

Hypocrisy or Holy Mother.

In short, if he ordered the guards to drag him away as before, he might be displeased by Su Xiao, who was also sitting in the car.

The president, who thought of this, thought about it carefully and continued.

"I'd better go down and take a look."

Several guards in the car said: "Your Excellency, you are in danger."

"Is there any danger? This is the capital, and all around are my people."

What the president said was very righteous, and the awe of justice seemed to burst out from his body.

As a result, when he got off the bus, it was a slow process.

It wasn't until the presidential guards formed a protective circle in front of the car door that he was finally willing to get out of the car.

And when moving, six soldiers of the Presidential Guard also followed the president inseparably, following him in a hexagonal formation.

After the president got off the car, Su Xiao also got off the car, and Goro Takemura, who was on the Hummer behind him, saw Su Xiao getting off the car, so he immediately got off the car and followed him.

The two of them followed the president to the Hummer leading the way in front of the motorcade.

I happened to see a man being beaten by several soldiers from the Presidential Guard who got off a Humvee.

The man was wearing tattered clothes and he was obviously a refugee.

He held his head and screamed miserably after being beaten, but he did not dare to fight back.

The soldiers of the Presidential Guard who besieged him hit him with their rifle butts and kicked him, and laughed while fighting back. Everyone's face was filled with happy expressions.

Just like how glorious and proud it is to bully others.

When the president saw this situation, his heart dropped.

He first cursed a few pig heads in his heart, then quickly glanced at Lidya Su, and then shouted.

"Why don't you stop quickly?!"

The soldiers finally stopped when they saw that it was the president who was speaking.

But the poor man who was beaten by them was bruised and covered in blood.

The president walked over, glanced at the civilians, and asked the soldiers, "What's going on?"

The soldier who was being questioned immediately pressed his legs together, raised his head, raised his chest and retracted his abdomen, and said loudly in a clear tone: "Your Excellency, President! I'm very sorry! I'll deal with him right now!!!"

The soldier thought the president got out of the car because they didn't drag the refugee away immediately and blocked the president's way.

He didn't notice at all that after hearing his words, the president's face turned pale and bloodless, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

If it weren't for the concern that this was a public occasion, if there were two outsiders, Su Xiao and Takemura Goro, or if it wasn't for the fear of killing someone casually, it would leave a brutal impression on people...

The president even wanted to shoot the soldier who didn't know how to look at his face and kill him on the spot.

He glanced at Lidya Su again. Fortunately, Lidya Su did not get angry or show anger as he thought.

This gave him some relief.

He was begging Lidya Su for something now, so he was naturally worried about making Lidya Su unhappy.

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