"But fortunately, we have the best track for us, which is Shiny."

"Although European and American countries are advanced and developed, the people are lazy by nature, especially obsessed with glitter. Not only drug addicts, but even the elites often smoke and smoke."

"And South America and the Golden Triangle are the two most important places where sparkling raw materials are grown. To develop the economy, we can only rely on sparkling."

"My boss asked me to give you a message: He is willing to support you to become the president of this country, and can even give you more support than during President Anton's period. The only condition is..."

"I hope you can allow my boss to keep his current territory and not hinder us from continuing to sell Twinkle."

"Of course, we will only sell Winky to Europe and the United States, and we will not let Winky poison the people of Bolivia, and Bolivia can profit from Winky. I really don't see any reason why you can refuse. What do you think? ?”

Lidya Su's expression did not change, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

He just said lightly: "So, your boss is very rich?"

Gustavo thought that Su Xiao was shaken, so he quickly said: "You are rich, very rich. The dividends my boss will give you will definitely satisfy you."

Very good.

Lidya Su smiled.

I originally wanted to leave the Shining Group to deal with it later.

But since Shining Group is so rich...

What else can you say?

Just take your first surgery.

Chapter 333 Ashina Yishin gives you a thumbs up (4K)

"Mr. Gustavo, your proposal is very interesting. However, I have a little question that I hope you can help me answer."

Gustavo had a smile on his face.

In his opinion, Su Xiao is already in the bag.

But President Anton No. 2.

"Mr. Su, just say it, I will tell you everything I know."

"That's not that exaggerated. The question I want to ask is actually not complicated. It's...since your boss is so rich and the entire Shining Group is so rich, why can you only spend part of your money to support me? Not all of them?"


Stavo looked at Lidya Su in surprise.

He instantly felt that the atmosphere was different from before.

"Mr. Su, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"What I mean is, if I kill you, everything you have will also be mine."

When the last word fell, Su Xiao had disappeared from Gustavo's eyes.

Gustavo instinctively wanted to turn around and escape from the reception room, but before his feet could take a step forward, he felt a sharp pain from the nerve socket.

Then, starting from the neck, the strength receded from the whole body like a tide.

Gustavo fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Zhucun." Su Xiao shouted towards the outside.

Soon, Goro Takemura, who had been waiting outside without going anywhere, walked in from outside the reception room.

"Pry open his ICE, see what's in his electronic brain, use his implant, call his boss, and tell them everything is fine and I agree to cooperate with them to paralyze them."

Takemura nodded seriously, then pulled out the black personal connection cable from his wrist and inserted it into the interface on the back of Gustavo's neck.

Gustavo looked at Goro Takemura's operations in horror.

However, Su Xiao was unable to do anything with the blocker inserted into the nerve slot.

He could do nothing but watch Goro Takemura's movements.

Then, his vision went dark, and Takemura Goro cut off the electronic brain's perception of the outside world, and fell into a coma.

Goro Takemura looks like a thug.

But in fact, he is also an expert in electronic warfare.

Of course, his attainments in the field of hacking are not as proficient as Lucy's, but they are much higher than those of ordinary hackers.

However, Takemura quickly stopped and pulled out the thread.

Not out of pity.

It's because Gustavo's electronic brain is equipped with several safety measures.

These insurance measures are very high-level ICE, specifically designed to deal with electronic intrusions.

But these insurance measures are not the real reason why Takemura stopped.

The real reason was that he discovered that in addition to these insurance measures, there was also a deeply hidden small program in Gustavo's electronic brain.

This small program is inconspicuous at first glance. It looks like an app such as Mobile Phone Manager. It is only used to clean up the garbage, cache, and anti-virus of the electronic computer.

But in fact, this small program is the final insurance.

If all the previous safety measures are breached, then this small program will be launched, and it will only take less than a second to completely burn out Gustavo's electronic brain.

Although Goro Takemura is proficient in electronic warfare, he is not yet the top in the field of hacking.

He knew that the information in Gustavo's electronic brain was much more important than Gustavo's life.

So after seeing it, he didn't dare to try it casually, but told Lidya Su what he found.

Originally, he thought that Gustavo's mind was just filled with common ICE on the market.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a self-destruct program.

But Su Xiao didn't believe that Gustavo was willing.

Most likely even he himself doesn't know about this little program.

The reason is very simple, because this small program is different from the self-destruction program that the company gives to the company's middle-level leaders and technical backbones. Because the company's self-destruction program is forced to be implanted, unless you are unwilling to be promoted and remain a junior for the rest of your life. staff.

Otherwise, you will be forced to install it when you climb to the middle level, and you will be informed.

Of course, except for a few people who are willing, most people are still willing. After all, if you want to climb up, you have to pay the price.

If an individual without any background or connections wants to achieve a class leap, he or she must make sacrifices that are difficult for ordinary people to understand or even imagine.

No one can complete the leap of class without paying anything.

But the small program in Gustavo's electronic brain is different from the one in the company.

This small program is disguised.

In Takemura's words, if it is an ordinary hacker, there is a high probability that it will be misunderstood, and it will not even be able to recognize what this thing is.

A device whose main function is to burn the host's brain is not revealed openly, but is hidden and disguised as other programs.

Then there is only one possibility.

This self-destruction program is installed without the knowledge of the host, and even the host does not know about it.

Therefore, Su Xiao looked at Gustavo with pity.

At the same time, he also thought secretly in his heart.

That is to say, if you deal with the Shining Group, you can get some good juice.

He suspected that Diego's father, President Anton, might have been secretly installed with a similar small program.

But he had no evidence, just suspicion.

Of course, this doesn't matter, after all, everyone is dead.

Since Takemura can't handle it, he can only wait for Lucy to come.

The next day, Lucy and others from Dawn Military Company arrived.

He no longer needs to worry too much about personnel deployment and rotation of rest. After all, this is what Thor and Mitch do.

When you are a boss, you must know how to let your subordinates help share their worries. If something happens,

If you have to do everything yourself, it will not only tire you out, but will also not be conducive to cultivating the abilities of your subordinates.

This sounds a bit like a black-hearted capitalist.

But the difference between Su Xiao and the black-hearted capitalists is that the black-hearted capitalists will not give any substantive benefits other than drawing cakes.

But Su Xiao will really delegate power to them. When Shuguang Military Company expands, they will also follow the rise of Shuguang Military Company.

Su Xiao asked Lucy to get something in Gustavo's mind.

Lucy lived up to Su Xiao's expectations. After more than two hours of operation, she closed the self-destruction program disguised as other software.

As for those insurance measures, for Lucy, they are just child's play.

She easily pried open the protection and obtained a large amount of information about the Shining Group from the electronic brain.

This information not only includes several important figures and leaders of the Shining Group, but also includes the export channels and contact information of the Shining Group.

Being able to access so much important information shows that Gustavo's level in the Shining Group is not low.

But think about it, how could it be possible for an ordinary pawn to lurk in the capital for a long time and serve as the liaison between the Shining Group and the outside world.

But it is a pity that in Gustavo's electronic brain, there is no information about how much wealth the Shining Group holds, nor does it know where the Shining Group grows coca leaves.

But being able to get so much information is actually pretty good.

Next, the bloody storm begins.

The death of President Anton was beyond the expectations of many people.

No one thought that this president would die in such a hasty way in the capital of his country.

As for Dawn Military Company's massive military presence in La Paz, this did not cause any disturbance.

After all, in the past year, Dawn Military Company's actions in Bolivia have been obvious to all.

Especially the guys from this company treat eastern Bolivia as their own territory. If it is just to make wedding dresses for others, then there is no need to do so.

Wouldn't it be nice to be like United Fruit, happily sucking the blood of local people, treating other countries' resources as their own, and crazily stuffing them into their own pockets?

Shuguang Military Company did not do this. Instead, it built roads, schools and hospitals for the local people, and even set up a relatively complete medical system for the local people.

If it is said that Shuguang Military Company has no intention of stealing the country, it would be an insult to people's intelligence.

And this is indeed the case.

It is said that the elites of the Bolivian government returned to the capital and wanted to transfer their property after learning that the rebels were driven out of the capital.

As a result, they were blocked by former government soldiers who were now working for Dawn Military Company.

They claim that all assets in the capital, including plants and trees, belong to Dawn Military Corporation and Bolivian nationals, and the elite cannot take away anything.

Such a result naturally makes those elites very dissatisfied.

They loudly vented their dissatisfaction in public and were immediately arrested.

He didn't beat them, he just simply starved them for a few meals to make them more honest.

These arrested elites were finally released after they signed a letter of commitment that they were willing to voluntarily give up all their property and leave Bolivia.

Moreover, Dawn Military Company was very considerate and prepared tickets for them to leave Bolivia.

Whether it’s going to Europe or the new America.

Even if they want to go to Night City, Dawn Military Company is friendly and considerate to help them pay for their air tickets.

After the security forces of the Dawn Military Company arrived, took over the capital, and drove away the elite...

Everyone thought that the next step would be a full-scale war between Shuguang Military Company and the rebels.

After all, there is no room for others to sleep on the side of the bed. If Dawn Military Company really wants to steal the entire Bolivia, then it is absolutely impossible to tolerate the existence of rebels like the anti-government armed forces.

As for whether the Shining Group will be left behind after the anti-government rebels are eliminated, there are different opinions.

Most people think that Dawning Military Company will cooperate with Shining Group for no other reason than Shining Group can provide a lot of benefits to Dawning Military Company. Although Bolivia is rich in natural resources, it is actually a poor country.

Economic development cannot rely solely on ideals and slogans. They do not believe that replacing Bolivia with the Dawn Military Company will change the reality of poverty and backwardness in Bolivia.

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