Arasaka Yorinobu originally thought that Su Xiao could say something wise.

Is this the result?

Isn’t this proposal exactly the same as my own idea?

Lidya Su was not angry either.

"High-end business wars often only require the simplest means. You think business wars involve hackers, spies, and stock manipulation, but in reality, business wars involve scratching your car seat, climbing over walls to take secret photos, and hitting people with hammers."

Su Xiao spread her hands: "Look, it's so simple and unpretentious."

"We are not politicians who hide their knives in their smiles. We are entrepreneurs. We entrepreneurs should do what entrepreneurs should do. As long as you physically get rid of all the people who oppose you, who can still oppose you? ?”

"I don't know much about Arasaka Company, but I know that the crux of the so-called factions and clans lies in the leader. Once the leader dies, the faction will immediately disband."

"Stick to the end? That doesn't exist. It's all about money when you go to work. Who would go to work for their dreams? What a joke, how many people don't even have their own dreams?"

In fact, it's just that simple.

It’s not Su Xiao’s own YY.

But during the Fourth Corporate War, this was how Arasaka and Military Technology fought.

During that time, the middle-level leaders of both sides were in high-risk occupations and were assassinated by the opposite party at every turn.

Even the highest levels of both parties have faced assassination.

Not just once.

Arasaka Yorinobu's older brother, Arasaka Kei, died in the Fourth Company War.

The reason why Arasaka Yorinobu didn't do this was not because he didn't think that he could do it, but because he didn't have the ability.

Arasaka Corporation has a total of 500,000 employees worldwide, but most of them are clerks, and the number of armed personnel is less than one-third.

As for Arasaka's most elite executioner unit "Troy", which is specifically designed to target traitors, their number is even smaller.

Originally, "Troy" was the most suitable for assassination.

But the problem is that "Troy" only obeys the orders of the Arasaka family patriarch, and they don't follow orders blindly.

After all, it has been so many years, and old Japan has long since perished. How can there be any bushido spirit of serving the country for seven lives now?

"Troy" will carry out the order requested by Arasaka Yorinobu to hunt down Goro Takemura.

That's because no matter how good Takemura Goro is, he is only a senior guard captain at most.

Just kill, it's no big deal.

But if Arasaka Yorinobu wants "Troy" to get rid of his sister and niece, then "Troy" will never agree.

They will not take sides.

If you stand on the right side, it's okay, but if you stand on the wrong side, the game will be over.

The captain of "Troy" is not stupid, how could they easily give up and take sides?

Wouldn't it be nice to just sit back and watch, and then just obey the orders of the new head of the family who came out to fight?

As for whether they will be liquidated in the future, the captain of "Troy" doesn't think so, because no matter who is the new head of the family, they will be useful.

Liquidating them is no different than cutting off one's own arm. No one would be so stupid.

Chapter 340: As long as I can keep Arasaka, I will give you as much as you want (4K)

Arasaka Yorinobu cannot command "Troy", and the security forces cannot be mobilized.

Arasaka Corporation has more than half a million employees spread all over the world.

But with so many employees, most of them are civilians.

After all, the security industry is only one of the three pillars of Arasaka Company. It is not only the security industry that can continuously provide Arasaka with wealth, but also the banking and manufacturing industries.

In fact, the contribution of the latter two is much greater than that of the security industry.

The security force of less than 200,000 seems to be a lot, but more than half of it here provides security services to the rich and powerful around the world.

Arasaka Company itself can really mobilize only tens of thousands of people at any time.

The actual strength of Night City Arasaka's security forces is less than 30,000.

With just these people, Arasaka Yorinobu still had to guard against military technology, and he couldn't spare too many people to deal with his sister and niece.

Moreover, using the security forces as assassins, Arasaka Yorinobu is not so lucid.

If Hanako Arasaka and Michiko Arasaka were in Night City right now, Yorinobu Arasaka might give it a try.

But the problem is that both of them are in Japan now, and they must be strictly protected by their respective subordinates.

If Arasaka Yorinobu sends his men to Japan to assassinate Hanako Arasaka and Michiko Arasaka, the risk of doing so would be too high, and the possibility of exposure would be too high.

Once leaked, Arasaka Yorinobu will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism. Not only will he not be able to stay in Arasaka anymore, military technology will also be very happy to get rid of this guy who always creates trouble for them.

This is why Arasaka Yorinobu also feels that physically eliminating opponents is the right approach, but he has never done so.

But now, Su Xiao proposed that there was no need for Arasaka Yorinobu to do it himself, he could help Arasaka Yorinobu solve his troubles.

"I'm not doubting you, it's just that the opponents you have to face are different from those militiamen in Latin America."

Arasaka Yorinobu knew that Su Xiao’s company had won many battles in Bolivia.

But he knew better what kind of person Su Xiao's previous opponents were.

Be it government troops or rebels.

That's all.

Holding a gun and making a protruding sound may seem quite intimidating, but in fact, in the eyes of professionals, it is completely unqualified.

Of course, the mercenaries of the Shining Group still have two skills.

However, without an entrepreneurial spirit, and not as mercenaries fighting for the country, it is okay to fight against the wind, but not against the wind.

After all, they are mercenaries, so there is no shame in taking money to do things.

Escape is shameful but useful.

But the company's security force is different.

Because the company takes good care of its employees' families, soldiers in the security forces will basically fight to the end and die for the company.

Someone may have something to say here:

That's not right. Doesn't the company use its employees as pawns and throw them away after using them?

Yes, but also no.

I say "yes" because the company does not take good care of every employee's family. When the company weighs the pros and cons and feels that taking care of the employees' families is a bad deal, the company will not do it.

I say "no" because sometimes the company still needs to establish some glorious images and create a few positive examples to motivate employees: Look! Although the company does not behave as a human being most of the time, there are still times when the company behaves as a human being. You can go with peace of mind, the company will take care of your wife and daughter.

Besides, sometimes it’s not really necessary to do something practical.

As long as the company increases its publicity and makes employees feel that "the company will take care of their families," that will be enough.

It's like a lie. If one person tells it and doesn't believe it, if more people tell it and the time goes by, someone will believe it.

In addition to loyalty, the security forces have received strict military training, and their prosthetics and weapons and equipment are not comparable to those in Latin America.

This makes Arasaka Yorinobu have to worry.

Although he has information about the location of his sister and niece, this information can only be used once at most.

If the assassination fails, his sister and niece will realize that he has planted nails beside them.

At that time, not only may the nails be pulled out, but the number of guards around them will also be increased several times.

If you try to find an opportunity to assassinate him again in the future, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase countless times.

"I know what you are worried about, but I have to say that your worries are unnecessary. My people are not just for free. As long as you give me real information, I can put the heads of your sister and niece on your head." in front of me.”

"You should pay attention to your tone, Mr. Su, you are talking about my sister and niece."

"That's right, but aren't you the one who killed them, Mr. Lai Xuan?" Although he was facing one of the most powerful people in the world, Su Xiao didn't mean it tactfully, "Let's just say, Mr. Yori Xuan, do you want to achieve your goal without bloodshed? We are all adults, so stop having such unrealistic delusions."

Being pointed out so bluntly, Arasaka Yorinobu was a little unhappy, but after all, he was a person who did important things, so he quickly suppressed this emotion.

"If you can really succeed in the assassination, I can give you as much financial assistance as you want."

Bolivia is only a country of more than one million square kilometers, which is only about the size of four Japans. Compared with being able to integrate the forces within Arasaka, the price paid is completely acceptable.

Moreover, providing economic assistance to Bolivia means that Japanese capital can enter Bolivia.

Although Arasaka Yorinobu is still not sure what Su Xiao wants to do...

But what he could see was that Su Xiao was definitely not just satisfied with being a head of state.

In the future, Bolivia is likely to become a regional power, or possibly even higher.

Arasaka Yorinobu just hopes to nationalize Arasaka and smash the shackles of the company that binds the world.


But this does not mean that he will choose to retire after achieving his goal.

If good people don't take power, isn't that the same as giving the fruits of victory to bad people?

If possible, he would not mind becoming the next Prime Minister of Japan.

And if we can establish a close cooperative relationship with Bolivia, a future regional power in Latin America...

So no matter from which aspect, this is beneficial and harmless.

Lidya Su didn't stay in the conference room for long.

The two parties quickly reached a cooperation.

Su Xiao obtained detailed information from Arasaka Yorinobu.

It can be seen that Arasaka Yorinobu is sincere about letting his sister and niece disappear from the world, and he also appears very anxious.

So unlike Dae-young, he offers nothing but practical support.

Arasaka Yorinobu, in addition to information, gave money to money and guns to guns.

Of course there are prosthetics.

Although the power he controls is only the Arasaka Company of the Night City branch.

But even so, it cannot be underestimated.

Arasaka Yorinobu had money, but no soldiers, and it was impossible to find mercenaries for this matter.

If nothing else, loyalty is hard to guarantee.

Don't look back and sell him after things didn't work out.

This kind of example has happened many times before, and Arasaka Yorinobu believes that it will happen countless times again in the future.

He didn't want to become one of the unlucky ones.

Now that Akebono Military Company is on top, Arasaka Yorinobu naturally opened the door to make things happen.

Whatever Shuguang Military Company wants, no problem, just go directly to Arasaka's warehouse and pick it up.

Even if Arasaka doesn't have it, Arasaka Yorinobu can find a way to buy it for Su Xiao through connections and spending a lot of money.

Arasaka Yorinobu was so interesting, Su Xiao was naturally not polite.

Arasaka's smart gun is a small problem. Su Xiao can mass-produce this thing himself, and the quality is better than Arasaka's genuine products.

What really made Su Xiao's eyes light up was that after he visited the warehouse at Arasaka Beach, he found that there were piles of materials that Su Xiao needed.

what material?

Of course, it is the material used to make the exoskeleton armor "Falsion".

The materials required for this thing are very demanding. Even a big boss like Rogge can only get a little, just enough for Su Xiao to build an exoskeleton armor.

Although this exoskeleton armor can completely protect against the impact of bullets and even artillery shells, this is equipment to be used on the battlefield. Who dares to pat their chests and guarantee that it will never break?

If it's broken, Su Xiaoxiu won't be able to repair it without materials.

So after the incident at the Cangbi Building, Su Xiao hid it and was reluctant to use it.

But things are different now.

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