Kidnapping, torture, and murder are just small pleasures in their depraved lives.

There are always some young, frivolous, unruly, or drunk Tiger Claw gang members who like to bully others.

They pick fights in the streets and have no regard for the so-called gang ideals.

Although this kind of behavior will be looked down upon by most senior members of the Tiger Claw Gang, once someone responds to a member's provocation, the gang will still defend themselves.

For example, Lizzy Bar is a living example.

——When Lizzie Bar was not the territory of the Mox Gang, the former owner of the bar, Lizzie, took great care of the employees in the store.

But one time, someone from the Tiger Claw Gang beat the girl in the store half to death.

Li Zi turned around and hit the guy.

This incident originally started because of the Tiger Claw Gang, and the fault lies entirely with the Tiger Claw Gang.

If it were any other gang in the city, the most they would do is ask Li Zi to pay more and the matter would be over.

But the Tiger Claw Gang came over the next day, destroyed Lizzy's Bar, and brutally killed Lizzy.

Precisely because the Tiger Claw Gang's behavior is so domineering and extremely defensive (especially since the Tiger Claw Gang is still the black glove of the Arasaka Company), outsiders will basically choose to avoid conflict after being provoked.

But when the masked man and his party went to Victor's clinic, they got a bad result.

So, the masked man asked Shohō Jotaro for instructions on what to do.

But to the masked man's surprise, Shohō Jotaro, the leader of the Shōpō team, behaved unusually calmly.

"Watson District is not entirely our territory. Don't go too far. That prosthetic doctor... wait until this matter is over and give him some money. If another woman from the Tiger Claw Gang escapes to him in the future, let him He predicts us."

In an inconspicuous apartment building in the Kabuki district of Watson District.

Liangzi sat obediently on the chair, her short legs dangling so that they could not touch the ground.

After a while, Ryoko jumped down from the chair and held up her homework book in front of her mother as if to take credit.

"Mom, look, I've finished writing this page."

Qianhua took the homework book, read it carefully, and then nodded.

"Ryoko is great. Okay, let's take a break first and then continue our homework later."

"Okay," Ryoko cheered, looking forward to it, "Can we watch animation then?"

"Okay, but don't make any noise."

Ryoko turned on the TV in the room.

after awhile.

Ryoko, who was shaking her short legs, suddenly said: "Mom."


"Why does mother want me to study? Keiko said that her mother never wanted her to do this. Anyway, as long as she gets older, she can find a man to marry."

Chika sat down next to Ryoko.

He gently touched his daughter's little head.

Liangzi closed her eyes as if enjoying it.

"Because only by studying hard can you go to college, and only then can you change your destiny."


Liangzi's eyes widened in confusion, full of doubts.

"If you don't study, you will always do the hardest and most tiring work, and you will get the least salary."

Qianhua picked up Ryoko and walked to the window.

Pointing to the skyscrapers lined with company plazas in the distance.

"Only by studying can you have the opportunity to work in those buildings."

Liangzi, who was held in her arms, tilted her cute little head.

"But Mom, I heard others say that working in a company is equivalent to selling your soul to the company. It's not much better than working on the street."

When her daughter refuted her, Qianhua was not angry. Instead, she touched her daughter's head lovingly and kissed her again.

"This kind of thing is usually said by people who can't get into the company and can only hang out on the streets. If the company gives them a chance, they will be like moths to a flame, stepping on other people's shoulders to join without hesitation. ."

Liangzi said "Oh" as if she didn't understand.

Chika put Ryoko down.

"Okay, let's continue with our homework."

Ryoko puffed out her mouth like a hamster stuffed with food.

"But, Mom, I just turned on the TV and haven't watched much yet."

"Good boy, when you grow up, you can watch as long as you want, but now

It is the right age for learning. If you miss it, you will regret it. "

Liangzi couldn't understand why if he missed it now, he would regret it later.

But she still nodded sensibly: "I understand."

Return to the desk.

Seeing that her daughter is so sensible, Qianhua couldn't help but feel relieved.

My efforts and dedication were finally not in vain.

Next, just run to Europe first.

Then use your own strengths to find a job that suits you in Europe.

In this way, I provided for my daughter until she went to college and completed her studies.

In fact, Qianhua also knows that the company does not mean heaven.

But no matter what, it's better than doing dirty work for a gang.

It was precisely because she had been working for the Tiger Claw Gang all these years that she was even more unwilling to see her daughter fall into the abyss of the gang like herself.

Moreover, companies in Europe are relatively more restrained than Night City.

In this rotten world, it is a fool's errand to expect that human stars will shine.

Humanoid stars are pretty much the same when they shine.

But at the very least, the threshold for working in a company is much higher than hanging out on the streets.

As long as my daughter can successfully complete her studies and enter a super company.

Find a reliable boyfriend and take care of the mortgage and car loans together.

By then, even if I die, I will be able to rest in peace.

At this time, a sudden knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Liangzi trembled like a frightened little animal.

Qianhua waved her hand at her daughter.

Ryoko nodded quickly.

He desperately covered his mouth with both hands.

Qianhua walked lightly, making no sound like a cat.

He quietly came to the door and leaned his back against the wall.

People outside kept knocking for a while.

Then it seemed as if he had given up, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

Qianhua breathed a sigh of relief.

But suddenly, she had a bad premonition.

As a former soldier and a killer who did dirty work for the Tiger Claw Gang, he has experienced countless death battles so far.

There were injuries all over his body.

That's why she always wears a trench coat.

Just to cover up the scars on my body.

She made several gestures towards Ryoko.

Signaling the latter to get the bag containing emergency supplies.

After Liangzi got the bag, he slammed his elbow on the door.

The wooden door suddenly fell apart and turned into fragments, attacking the three members of the Fa Zheng team who were standing in front of the door, defenseless.

In the shocked eyes of the three people, they saw cold light flashing in the air.

Qianhua pulled out a tactical dagger from the outside of her thigh.

The trajectory of the dagger's swing is like a butterfly dancing.

But when this beautiful dance stopped, the three Dharma-rectification groups also stopped breathing.

His neck and heart were cut open and pierced with daggers.

It looked like he couldn't live anymore.

When the Fa Zheng team who was blocking the stairwell saw her showing her head, they immediately raised their guns and fired a hail of bullets at her.

Qianhua quickly retreated to the room.

Since the door had just been broken by her, she glanced to the side, put down the locker, pulled it over, and blocked the door.

Then he went over and picked up his daughter.

"Ryoko, hold on to me."


Liangzi buried her head tightly in her mother's arms, her little fingers grabbing her mother's clothes, her body trembling like a frightened little animal.

Qianhua took Ryoko and broke the window in one go.

First, he stepped on the outdoor air conditioner of his neighbor downstairs and kept lowering the height before finally falling to the ground.

Pedestrians passing by were frightened and ran away, screaming again and again.


Downstairs in the apartment, a group of members of the Fa-rectification team were also shocked.

However, after they saw clearly Qianhua jumping down from above, and Ryoko trembling slightly in Qianhua's arms...

"It's this woman, come on!"

"Lord Jotaro said, no matter life or death, there will be great rewards!"

Facing the Zhengfa team that was besieging her from all directions, Qianhua held her daughter in both hands, seemingly at her wits' end.

But at this moment, the back of Qianhua's windbreaker suddenly tore open.

PS: Today is also an 8,000-word update.

Current progress (13000/63000).

Keep up the good work tomorrow!

Chapter 68: Rapid Chase (4K)

Several metal arms that reflect sunlight extend from it.

At the top of the metal arm are gleaming sharp knives.

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