The scavenger touched Liangzi's face with a gentle tone: "It won't hurt, be good, don't cry."

Ryoko, who realized that she had stepped into the abyss, had a look of despair in her eyes.

Tears flowed silently from the corners of his eyes.

Fear, panic, regret, helplessness...

It was like endless darkness, covering her.

It left her breathless.


At this moment, the car body shook violently.

The rear of the car seemed to be hit by something, and the direction of the entire vehicle turned 180 degrees.

The people in the car suddenly staggered around.

"Brother, it seems someone just hit us."

"Be confident and get rid of it."

"This is no ordinary collision! It's an American Precision Immobilization Technique! The SUV behind is trying to force us to stop!"

"Reverse, reverse quickly!"

The driver hurriedly reversed the car.

After pulling some distance away, he wanted to turn around, but under the action of inertia, his center of gravity became unstable and he lost his balance, causing the car to overturn.

The van was overturned on the side of the road with its rear door open.

Except for Ryoko, who was strapped to the stretcher, she was safe and sound.

The scavengers in the car were all thrown out.

"What a fool, I want to see who the bastard is who dares to drive away from our car!"

The scavenger who spoke picked up the guy and staggered out of the open rear door.

The other scavengers also hurriedly followed.

But soon, there were screams outside and the muffled sound of sharp weapons cutting flesh.

and screams from passers-by.

The sound of fighting did not last long.

A young man walked in and untied Liangzi's restraints.

As soon as the restraints were released, Ryoko screamed in fright and tried to escape in panic.

Lidya Su grabbed her shoulders, asked her to face him, and comforted her with words.

"Hey, don't be afraid, remember me? Little girl, we met outside Dr. Victor's clinic."

"Doctor Victor?"

The look of panic on Liangzi's face slowly faded away.

Only then did she remember that she and Lidya Su had indeed met a few days ago.

Seeing a familiar face (even though it was a familiar face that she had only met once), Liangzi burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Brother, save mom... please save mom... mom, she... wuwu... mom..."

Originally I was just passing by and saw a little girl being abducted into a car by a scavenger, so

Su Xiao, who had just come to the rescue, immediately realized that things were not simple.

"Let's go, get in the car first, and then we'll talk about it in the car."

The rooms in the apartment building were littered with the corpses of the Fa Zheng team.

Sticky blood covered the floor and walls.

Graffiti like street art.

Qianhua sat on her knees on the ground, covered in injuries.

The blood was already drowning her.

There was too much blood and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Self-ICE's defense line is on the verge of collapse, and the neural network is almost about to be eroded by the virus.

Even the sight was almost blurry.

Her body hurt terribly, but she felt a sense of peace of mind.

Because at least Ryoko escaped.

More than a dozen members of the Fa Zheng team gathered around Qianhua, keeping a certain distance apart.

Although they were sure that Qianhua had suffered excessive injuries, even if they gave her another knife, she would not be able to raise her arm to kill.

But looking at the corpses all over the ground, they still stayed far away.

"What a terrible woman. She killed so many people on our side when the neural network has been eroded."

"This is how strong a mother is. Mother is really great."

"You are full of jingles. Do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination? NCPD will be here in a few minutes. Hurry and cut off this woman's head and bring it back to Lord Jotaro."

Chapter 70 Lift your skull (4K)

"What about the kid who ran away?"

"Don't worry about it, it's just a kid. In this night city, life is very difficult for adults, let alone a kid."

"Scavengers, Uzumaki Gang, Random Swordsmen, if you happen to meet any one of them, that kid is doomed, don't worry. Compared to this, who will go up and kill this woman?"

"Why are you looking at me? Are you bothering me?"

"Whoever is cowardly is your grandson!"

"Then why don't your third grandson come?"

Although Qianhua is now kneeling on the ground.

There is little air coming in and too much air coming out, and he looks like he is dying.

But as long as you take a casual glance, you will see that there are twenty or thirty corpses lying scattered in this room. Even the most ferocious Yakuza will have their calves tremble subconsciously.

You know, this woman was infected by the virus on Nantong Sang's cyber black key.

Even after losing more than half of their combat effectiveness, they were still able to kill so many of them.

Who can guarantee that her current appearance is not just an act?

Who can guarantee that when you go up to hit the target, you won't encounter a near-death counterattack from her?

Finally, the one who was pushed to the front was Cockscomb Head, who had just joined the Fa Zheng group.

Cockscomb Head walked to Qianhua tremblingly.

"Don't blame me, I'm just following orders."

At this moment, a hole suddenly opened in the riddled wall.

A pool of hot blood splashed onto the ceiling.

The cockscomb head stared at himself blankly, bleeding out and amputating his hand.

He was stunned for several seconds before screaming.

It was only then that the terrifying sound of the technical sniper rifle came from afar.

The other members of the Zhengfa team watched helplessly as Cockscomb Head's palm was shattered, along with the kinetic energy pistol in his hand.

Gun parts sputtered like a goddess scattering flowers.

Like Cockscomb Head, their brains were blank and they were stunned in place.

I didn't realize what was going on.

It wasn't until the shocking gunshot sounded that he came back to his senses.

"what's the situation?"

"There are snipers!"

"Damn it! Who is spying on us?"

"Hide quickly!"

"It's useless to hide. The opponent is using technical weapons that can penetrate walls. If we want to survive, we have to go downstairs as quickly as possible. Only by joining Nantong Sang and the others can we..."

The head of the team member who spoke popped like a balloon hitting an open flame.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

I don’t know who it was, but I yelled “Run!”

The remaining team members in the room no longer cared about Kakyoin Chika.

No one even made up for the last hit.

The group of people rushed downstairs like bereaved dogs.

Before running a few steps, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw a white-haired girl standing on the stairs.

"Get away!"

Lucy's eyes flashed red.


Electric sparks burst out from the nerve sockets behind the necks of the three Fa Zheng team members.

The three of them immediately fell to the ground.

A burning smell filled the air.


"Kill her!"

The only two remaining team members had stern expressions on their faces.

They dare not use guns.

Because if you are far away, the snipers hiding in the dark will kill them one by one.

So the two picked up baseball bats and samurai swords.

Jumping towards Lucy.

Only by killing her and using her body as a human shield could they possibly leave alive.

Seeing the members of the Fa Zheng team rushing towards me like hungry wolves.

Lucy was unfazed.

He took a few steps back and distanced himself from the two of them.

Then he glared at one of the team members.

The team member holding the katana suddenly burst into flames.

His body seemed to be made of flammable material, and the flames quickly spread throughout his body.

Turn into a blazing torch.

Screaming and rolling down the stairs.

Lucy ducked to the side, dodged and rolled down

At the same time as the burning man went, he threw out the single molecular line.

He tightly wrapped the baseball bat that hit him with a whirring sound.

Lucy held the monomolecular wire with both hands and wrestled with the team member who also held a baseball bat in both hands.

The two were in a stalemate.

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