"Hug, sorry..."

As if he knew what she was going to do, Lidya Su took out a box of tissue paper.

He bought this together when he was just buying drinks.

"take it."

Lucy took the paper and ran away quickly.

About ten minutes later, Lucy finally came back.

She seemed to have cried for a while, but her mood was generally stable.

She sat down next to Lidya Su again, bent her legs, and wrapped her arms around her knees.

"My full name is Lucyna Kushinada. I am half Japanese and Japanese. I grew up in an Arasaka facility in another country..."

she was talking.

He is listening.

Even the night breeze that never stopped on the rooftop was listening quietly at this moment.

All this time, Lucy had no one to talk to.

He has been evading pursuit and on the run.

There is no one to trust.

The secrets in her heart tormented her.

The depression made her miserable.

Now, it's all pouring out.

I feel much more comfortable.

But it also means leaving your destiny to the young man in front of you.

If he reports himself to Arasaka.

Then you're done.

This time, Su Xiao no longer made Lucy feel lonely and unable to fit into the team.

He hugged her.

Hold her in your arms.

"We are a team, your business is my business. I will help you hide the secret. Arasaka, I will help you carry it."

The softness inside is touched.

Lucy, lying on Su Xiao's shoulder, burst into tears.

At the same time, subtle changes occurred in his thinking.

Lucy suddenly felt that it no longer mattered whether she went to the moon or not.

Now, he is her moon.

PS1: This chapter has 3500 words.

Current progress (36500/63000)

Chapter 78 The way you two brother and sister get along is really special (4K)

Lidya Su was woken up by a burst of fragrance.

In the kitchen, two women were busy working.

V walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate and placed it on the table.

Seeing that he was awake, he smiled and said to him.

"Hey, you're awake. Just in time, breakfast is almost ready."

"Have you... chatted?"

Lidya Su looked strange.

Last night, he went crazy and took Lucy to the rooftop to get some fresh air.

Later the two came down from above.

Lucy wants to go back.

But seeing that it was too late, Su Xiao took it upon herself to leave Lucy in V's apartment.

There is only one bed in V's apartment, but there are two rows of couches.

Su Xiao lets Lucy choose.

I am sleeping

Lucy picked the rest.

Now I see V and Lucy making breakfast together in the kitchen. It's obvious that the two girls have communicated.

"What, I'm sorry, I took it upon myself to keep Lucy here without your consent."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's too crude."

V paused and continued.

"By the way, Su, you should call Jack and ask him if he's up and if he wants to come to our place for breakfast. Or should we meet up at Lao Wei's place and bring him some by the way."

"Lao Wei? Meet up?"

Lidya Su scratched her head.

I always feel like I've missed something.

Lucy's voice floated out from the kitchen and came to Su Xiao's rescue: "V, Su was in seclusion for half a month before. He probably doesn't know about that yet, right?"

"Oh, yes, it's my problem, I ignored it."

Later, with V's explanation, Su Xiao realized what was going on.

It turned out that today was the day when Lao Wei operated on her and Jack to install the fourth-generation "Krenzikov".

The principle adopted by Victor is to start with the difficult before the easy, first with the urgent before the slow.

When Su Xiao was in retreat, Victor had been busy with Lucy's affairs.

He first spent ten days using various methods to help Lucy adjust her body to its best condition.

Then the actual surgery began.

All the counterfeit goods marked in red in Lucy's body were replaced with the genuine prosthetics that Su Xiao got from Rogge.

The surgery was successful with no issues.

But Lao Wei did not relax.

Instead, they insisted that Lucy be kept in the hospital for 24 hours for observation.

It took three days to confirm that Lucy had no rejection or side effects.

Only then was she allowed to leave the clinic.

V and Jack's surgeries were put behind Victor.

That is today.

Su Xiao had been in seclusion for half a month before. Everyone felt that this matter was not urgent and they were afraid of disturbing Su Xiao, so they did not tell him.

After breakfast, the three of them went out.

In addition to maintenance elevators, the super skyscraper H10 also has two passenger elevators for residents and a freight elevator.

One of the passenger elevators provides direct access to the parking lot.

And it's not far away. It's less than ten meters away from V's house and turn right.

However, when the three of them came to the elevator that led directly to the parking lot, they found that two women were already standing in front of the elevator.

One of the women angrily kicked the closed elevator door.

"This broken elevator broke down again, this is the third time."

"The first two times I paid someone to fix it, and they said they could take care of it for at least a year. They were both liars."

"I have to go talk to the real estate agent."

They passed by Su Xiao and others, and one of the women glanced at Su Xiao and gave a kind reminder.

"Do you want to take that elevator? No chance, that thing is broken and can't be pried open. You can either go down the stairs or take another elevator. It's up to you."

Su Xiao thanked the other party and turned to look at V and Lucy.

"Looks like we'll have to take the other elevator, ladies."

The sun's rays fall down the central patio of the super skyscraper, and dust scatters in the air, flying all over the sky, forming the Tyndall effect.

The super skyscraper in Night City is not just a high-rise building.

It is an upgraded and enhanced version of Kowloon Walled City.

Every super skyscraper is equivalent to a small town.

The narrow public space is used by the residents who give full play to their subjective initiative.

Fast food restaurants, breakfast shops, convenience stores, grocery stores, boxing gyms, and gun stores.

There was even a holographic billboard placed in the aisle, and a display screen hanging on the far wall played the trauma team's "Seven minutes to save life, or your money back" advertisement.

Trauma team insurance is tiered.

The monthly premium for the lowest level ordinary member is about a few hundred euros.

Although this super skyscraper looks like a place where only poor people live, in fact, the people who can live here are at least not the lowest class.

"Hey, V, why did you get up so early?" The speaker was the gun shop owner, a bald man. He stood behind the window with iron bars and looked at Su Xiao and others, "Are these people your friends?"

V nodded.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Wilson. As you can see, I am the owner of a gun shop. How about you? Do you want to come in and take a look?"

"Let's talk about it later when we have a chance. We still have something to do."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

In the elevator, the host of WNS looked serious.

"Hello everyone, local news is being broadcast now. A solemn event - the Wild Soul Festival is coming."

"To enhance the atmosphere, exquisite multi-story roller coasters will appear on the streets of Night City."

"During this festival, many pipa masters will perform for the public on site, and traditional Japanese Noh theater performances will also be performed."

"This festival will be fully sponsored by Arasaka Company. What is even more exciting to the public is that even Hanako Arasaka himself has announced that he will attend this roller coaster parade."

“The entire WNS staff wishes you a wonderful holiday

Have a happy and healthy life, everyone, please enjoy it! After a short break... Cyberpsychosis, rumor or reality? be right back! "

After getting out of the elevator, Su Xiao went to drive.

V and Lucy were waiting outside.

Pull out the car and pick them up.

Go to the Wild Wolf Bar and pick up Jack.

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