Start Making Yu-Gi-Oh: The Whole World Is Crazy

100 Perfect Virtual Projection + Super Artificial Intelligence

【Extremely looking forward to Dream making Pokémon, I'm TM buying it!】

【Pikachu fans came to report, and the scene of saving Xiaozhi in the end brought tears to my eyes!】

[Little Charmander, my love, is fire and dragon, it suits my taste too]

【Believe in the dream, believe in Su Dong, take my money immediately after you make it!】

This short article written by this B station UP immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and countless fans expressed their great anticipation for the gamification of Pokémon.

But there are not a few who hold opposing views.

The comment with the most likes said:

[I admit that Dream Group is the game company with the most advanced technology in the whole country, no, the world, but it is too difficult for Pokémon to achieve the same effect as in the animation.

Although the dreamy virtual projection and artificial intelligence are very strong, don't forget that the setting in the animation is that elves are distributed in every corner of the world,

Even if Mengmeng makes a Pokémon game, I think at most these sprites will move within the scope of the game city, it is impossible to achieve the effect of animation, please think calmly]

This comment got a lot of likes. 403

Thinking about it carefully, what he said did make sense.

To achieve the same effect as in the animation is too exaggerated.

If it can be done, it is not as simple as simply making a game.

It's a whole new world!

There are even constant discussions about "Pokémon", which means that this time "Pokémon" will be released during the global division.

As for the love of cute animals, there is no difference among people from all over the world.

But no matter how heated the discussion among netizens is, the initiative still lies with Dream Group and Su Li.

However, the official did not give any answer to this question that hundreds of millions of netizens are discussing.

With the sponsorship of the World Riding Duel Competition and the broadcast copyright of two new animations.

Dream Group was ranked among the top 100 listed companies in Longguo newly released by "Fortune" at the beginning of the year.

Overwhelmed the net suppression and got the sixth place.

The top five are Workers' Bank, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, and Longguo Bank.

It can be said that it is unshakable.

As for the fifth place, it is a pity that it is still a penguin. (cdej)

After all, he is a monster who has monopolized Longguo's network services for nearly 20 years, so he won't be crushed by Dream in just two years.

But as long as you look closely, you can find it.

Penguin's net profit this year is about 1600 trillion.

And Dream Group is 1550 trillion.

The difference is negligible!

"The penguin is about to give up the position of the leader."

After seeing this ranking list, many financial leaders had the same idea in their hearts.

At night, Su Li's manor house.

"This station B's writing is pretty good..."

After entering the sage time, Su Li turned on her phone even though she was not sleepy, and happened to come across the blog post that is now causing heated discussions on the Internet.

Looked at the name of that UP... Elf fan AJ?

It is a small UP with only a few thousand followers.

"I was brushed off..."

At this time, Boss Yang who was lying next to Su Li suddenly opened his eyes, hugged Su Li's arm and complained.

Today she went to the "Wandering Blue Star" crew to audition, but was rejected by the director Guo Fan mercilessly.

When did her big honey suffer from such grievances?

That night, I ran to Su Li for comfort.

"Normal, I'm surprised that your acting skills were chosen."

Su Li still stared at the phone and said.

"But I said that I was recommended by you."

Boss Yang complained quietly.

"You are not recommended by me, I just give you an audition opportunity."

Su Li said indifferently: "And I greeted Guo Fan in advance, and told him that if you are not suitable, you will be removed immediately."

Boss Yang's eyes instantly became even more resentful [the expert gave you back...

Stinky man!

Su Li got up and walked to the backyard. Seeing this, Boss Yang resisted the soreness coming from below and wanted to follow up to have a look.

"No one is allowed to go to the back mountain."

Su Li said something coldly, and pushed Boss Yang back again.

But I still couldn't help but wonder in my heart, what secrets are hidden in the back of the manor?

At the back of Su Li's estate.

A hot spring is emitting hot steam.

A group of squirrels lie on their backs, or swim freely in the pool.

When Su Li stepped into the hot spring pool, two of them showed cute smiles and came up together.

If the fairy fans saw this scene, they would definitely be dumbfounded.

This, isn't this a Squirrel?!

After Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Pikachu and other Pokémon who are now popular on the Internet also came together one after another, making coquettish gestures to Su Li.

"Okay, darling~"

Su Li smiled slightly, and put his palm on the head of one of the Zishui kings, while the other party rubbed his bare head back with a satisfied face.

But as long as you observe carefully, you can find that Su Zheng's hands didn't really touch the bodies of these elves.

That's right, these Pokémon are all exchanged by Su Li through the system, and there are three-dimensional images.

But to say that the exchange is actually somewhat inaccurate, it should be said that it was "exchanged" from the second dimension.

It is slightly different from the virtual projection used by Yu-Gi-Oh. Although they also have no body, they all have self-awareness and are infinitely close to life.

In other words, it is Yu-Gi-Oh's perfect virtual projection technology + super artificial intelligence.

But Su Li felt that it was as if the system projected the elves in the elf world into the world doctor in a form without a body.

Why do you feel a bit like Emiya Shiro?

But that's good too, if the entity is really summoned, then this book will directly change from an urban game article to a fantasy animal article.

The dog author can't write fantasy at all, okay?

Among Su Li's current group of elves whose bodies are only three-dimensional projections, there is a most special existence.

"Chu Mi~"

At this time, one of Zishui Wang Ba, who was lying on his back soaking in the hot spring, flashed a white light, and turned into a pink cat, and let out a lazy moan.

Su Li hugged Meng Meng in her arms, and in the eyes of the other party's reproach, held her in her arms and ravaged her twice.

"Yeah, I'm so satisfied."

Su Li buried her face in Dream's arms and sucked two mouthfuls like some cat addicts.

"Mi! Mimi Mi!"

Dream struggled and screamed. .

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