Start Making Yu-Gi-Oh: The Whole World Is Crazy

296 A Dream Group That Benefits The World

Three years later.

The Gaul rooster conquered Bali.

At the press conference, Zhiwei, the richest man in the world, was already firmly occupied, and his worth was dozens of times that of Su Li, the second-ranked man surnamed Ma who wanted to go to Mars all day long.

A press conference was held in Bali to announce the reality of the sixth game of the Pokémon series, "Pokémon XY". The release location was decided to be Bali.

The second-generation virtual game universe play equipment will also be released at the same time as "Pokémon XY-".

It has been three years since the release of "Pokémon Black and White".

And today, Su Li finally launched a new virtual game somatosensory suit—

Somatosensory helmet.

The game helmet is connected to the player's brain nerves, which can perfectly simulate the feeling in "Sword and Sword" that the player only needs to sit on a chair and can move freely in the game.

There is no need to match the omni-directional induction treadmill to achieve the walking conditions in the virtual world like the first generation of equipment.

However, although the second-generation equipment is equally popular, it has not received unanimous praise from billions of players around the world.

Many players expressed that they still feel that the first-generation equipment is more realistic.

But even so, the sales volume of the second-generation virtual game equipment exceeded 300 million on the first day.

Except for those players who prefer the second-generation equipment design, there are many die-hard fans of Li Li and Dream Group.

They are all purchased with the attitude of buying a collection.

Many players in Su Li's previous life saw that the Pokémon series games were getting worse and worse, but the sales were getting higher and higher.

Always joked that this is a game of faith.

And in this life, Dream Group has really become the belief of countless players around the world.

After all, this generation of equipment is more suitable for the kind of dead fat house that doesn't want to move.

For example, Milk Tea Lun... This guy often complains to Su Li on V letters that the virtual game still needs to walk on the treadmill, which is too tiring.

Of course, this second generation of virtual game equipment also brought another epoch-making breakthrough.

That is, it allows countless people who are bedridden and lose the ability to act autonomously to get a second chance to regain their lives in the virtual world.

For example, at Station B, there was a young man UP who lost his legs in a car accident, and expressed his gratitude to Su Li and Dream Group through video.

Said that the second-generation virtual game equipment gave him a second chance in life in another world.

Such examples abound all over the world.

Not to mention anything else, just in Longguo, according to rough statistics.

The number of people with disabilities has reached as many as 80 million.

But why are ordinary people walking on the street unnoticed?

The reason is very simple, because people don't go to the streets at all!

Not to mention the many inconveniences in action.

Just the strange gaze cast by others will leave an indelible pain in the heart of this poor person.

Many poor people who have lost the ability to act independently due to diseases, accidents, and genetics.

They all found opportunities to communicate with ordinary people through this brand new game equipment.

Here, they don't need to bear the strange eyes of ordinary people in China.

They can walk in this vast virtual world like ordinary people, and they can also have ordinary conversations with other players like ordinary people.

Zhu Xiaodong is a small UP owner with 30,000 fans at Station B.

On the way to the college entrance examination, he lost his legs due to an accidental car accident and had a high degree of amputation.

And because my hand was also pressed by the wheels of the truck at that time.

As a result, his whole body was up and down, and only one left hand could barely be used normally.

After the age of eighteen, he needs to use a wheelchair to move around, and uses Kasailu to defecate. As an ordinary person, he may have fallen into the abyss called "Despair", and he will never be able to cheer up again.

But Zhu Xiaodong accepted this reality abruptly with his optimistic attitude, and shared his daily life after becoming like this at station B.

Became a little UP.

However, whenever you step away from the camera and feel the pain coming from your body.

Why didn't Zhu Xiaodong cry alone?

However, when Su Li accidentally glanced at his video and gave him a second-generation virtual gaming helmet.

Zhu Xiaodong's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

You know, in order to heal his body [the whole family continues to be gutted.

It is impossible for their family to afford the six-figure price of this equipment.

But Su Li gave it to him for free.

But in fact, Su Li sent far more equipment than this one.

...seeking flowers 00

On December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Su Li distributed one million second-generation game equipment helmets to the world.

Zhu Xiaodong is one of them.

After putting on the helmet and entering the game.

Zhu Xiaodong walks on the stage of "Pokémon XY", in the Carlos area.

Looking at the Pokémon running around, the NPCs and players coming and going, the tall buildings that have not been seen for many years, and my own legs that can run around freely.

Zhu Xiaodong, who had been disabled for many years, was choked up with excitement, fell to his knees on the spot, and wailed excitedly.


Players around who are addicted to the new Pokémon work heard Zhu Xiaodong's cry, especially when he heard his cry in Chinese.

Long Guo players gathered together one after another, stepped forward to comfort and said:

"Brother, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Did someone bully you?"

"Which bastard dares to bully our Dragon Girl player? Fuck him!"

In the game circle, don't mess with Long Heo players.

Although they often fight each other, when outsiders come to attack, they will definitely twist together as soon as possible, and then kill the foreign enemies.

Sensing the kindness of the surrounding players, Zhu Xiaodong gradually stopped crying, but he still said with tears streaming down his face:

"Thank you, thank you everyone, I, I'm so happy......"

Zhu Xiaodong looked at his legs in the game and wailed endlessly:

"I, I really didn't expect that I, I would still be able to stand up one day, thank you, thank you Su Dong, thank you Dream Group..."

Zhu Xiaodong's explanation gave the Dragon Kingdom players gathered around a general understanding of what was going on.

Many people sent him invitations to form a team, and everyone played together.

Zhu Xiaodong, who has not communicated with anyone other than his family for many years, felt the warmth of his friends again after many years.

PS: The author was very touched to write this chapter, because I am also a sick child. Of course, it is not as serious as amputation... Chronic gastroenteropathy.

I would like to wish all readers good health, and health is more important than anything else.

Please also support Zero for future books. .

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