Although there is far more than one venue for playing cards in Fantasy Game City.

But today, there are too many tourists coming for [Dimensional Duel].

Shuiyue got up early in the morning and waited in line for nearly two hours before it was his turn.

Whenever he heard the players who had finished playing cards discuss their feelings about the duel with excitement, he felt itchy.

"Finally it's my turn!"

I lined up from morning to noon, and when it was my turn, I was so excited that I was about to cry.

"Hello, please choose your opponent and challenge difficulty."

As soon as Shuiyue entered the arena, the staff at the door handed over an iPad.

This kind of work still requires the body, so it cannot be replaced by virtual characters.

This reminds Shuiyue of the scene when ordering food in Haidilao.

Of course, what is displayed on the iPad screen cannot be a menu.

It's the list of opponents and difficulty options for the dimensional duel.

Suigetsu looked at the screen carefully, and the duelists who played cards in the animation were basically in the opponent list.

Not only Yugi Muto, but also people like Jounouchi and Malik, the supporting roles Maicock Mai, Isis and even Lishid are among them.

Of course, it's not just the characters from the first generation, the second generation Yujo Juyo, Maruto Ryo, the third generation Fudo Yusei, Jack and others are also in it.

If you were an ordinary person, you might have to struggle for a while.

But Shuiyue had already thought about her opponent when she decided to come yesterday.

Challenge Object: Seahorse Seto!

Difficulty setting: LV1——LV10.

On the difficulty setting option, Shuiyue hesitated for a while.

But after thinking about it, he was the man who won the duel city, so of course he had to choose the highest difficulty.

Thinking of this, Shuiyue clicked on the LV10 difficulty without hesitation.


Sui Yue returned the iPad to the staff.

"OK, just a second."

The staff quickly entered the backstage control room on the side of the venue.

Half a minute later, on the opposite side of the venue where Shuiyue was, a vague afterimage slowly emerged.

After about ten seconds, the afterimage became clearer and clearer, and finally formed a complete human form.

Anti-gravity cloak, proud and unruly expression.

Isn't it the domineering president Seaba Seto in the animation?!

"Damn it, you broke the dimensional wall! Dream Group is awesome!"

Seeing the lifelike Seahorse Seto on the opposite side of the field, Suigetsu jumped and screamed excitedly.

"It's so loud! Mediocre!"

However, when Suigetsu was in ecstasy, Seto Kaiba said in a cold voice:

"Hurry up and start the duel! I will make you regret challenging me!"

Shuiyue was speechless for a moment, exactly the same character as the seahorse in the animation.

And Shuiyue brought an assistant this time, and followed the live broadcast throughout the whole process.

After seeing Shuiyue being stunned by Haima at the very beginning, the online live broadcast viewers with more than 10,000 viewers were completely happy.

【Haha! I was directly attacked by the president!】

[Fantasy is so damn awesome, this kind of gameplay that breaks through the dimension can be done]

【I didn’t get a ticket, cry!】

【I want to know how intelligent this virtual character is, and how far can I chat?】

[I don't want to play cards, I just want to fall in love with Miss Isis and Shiliu Yeqiu]

At this time, the referee sounded on the radio:

"The duel begins!"

"My turn! Draw a card!"

Under the highest difficulty, Haima took the lead in drawing cards, aggressively drawing a card from his duel board.

Both himself and the dueling disk on his arm are actually three-dimensional projections.

After drawing out a new card, Seto Kaiba smiled coldly and shouted:

"Let me show you the power of the ultimate dragon! Fusion Summoning!!!"

Hearing the words "Ultimate Dragon" and "Fusion Summon" from Haima's mouth.

The scene and the audience in front of the screen immediately thought of something.

In an instant, three blue-eyed white dragons flew out from behind the hippocampus, and merged into one body in the sky, turning into a giant dragon with three heads!

Seto Kaiba roared: "Come on now! Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!!"

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, ATK: 4500, DEF: 3800

"Set a card to end this turn.

Haima folded his cards and taunted:

"Okay, come on, mediocre duelist."

"I go--!!!"

Seeing the blue-eyed ultimate dragon appearing in the first round, Shuyong's whole body is numb.

No, even if it is the highest difficulty, aren't you exaggerating too much?

There are three blue-eyed white dragons in the hand, and one fusion is added.

If one of the cards is missing, it will definitely kill you!

[The president doesn't shuffle cards every day]

[Starting with Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, is this the highest difficulty? Isn’t the setting too perverted?]

【Look at how Brother Shui responds】

Seeing that Haima summoned the Ultimate Dragon in one round, the fans on the scene and watching the battle through computers and mobile phones couldn't hold back their inner desire to complain.

Is this too exaggerated?

々My turn! Draw a card!"

Suigetsu also shouted twenty-footed and drew a new card.

Looking down, it was a trap card, a forced ejection device.

This card can force one of the opponent's monsters to return to the hand.

Sometimes it is better than the holy shield and mirror power.

"Draw a good card."

Shuiyue smiled secretly, then raised her head and shouted

"Summon the Hatchling of the Black Dragon, by sending this card to the graveyard, I can Special Summon the Red-Eyed Black Dragon!"

Boiling heat spewed up, and the red-eyed black dragon with shining black armor and the flames of hell descended.

"Hmph! It's actually that mediocre card. Sure enough, you, like that guy, are an out-and-out mediocre duelist."

Seeing this, Seto Kaiba sneered.

Haima's continuous ridicule hit the laughing point of the audience again.

【Lying gun in the city】

[Isn't this virtual character AI too good? Cursing people can still strike so accurately]

【I can't help it anymore, when will I get the tickets? I want to play a game too! (Good job)】

"My turn!"

In the new round, Haima drew out a new card vigorously, and then raised his hand to Dao 2

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, kill that mediocre monster! Ultimate Blast Gale Bomb!"

The three dragon heads of the ultimate dragon spit out jets of white light at the same time, and they were about to annihilate the black dragon in the holy light.

"Open the cover card! Forced ejection device!"

Shuiyue pressed the button to activate the card on the duel board, and shouted: "This card makes your Ultimate Dragon forcefully return to the hand card!"

"Hmph! Naive!"

Haima sneered and waved:

"Open the cover card! Fusion release! This card allows the ultimate dragon to return to the deck, and special summons the blue-eyed white dragon in the graveyard!"

As soon as the words fell, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon disintegrated instantly, turning into three Blue-Eyes White Dragons with roaring white lights in their mouths!

"You cheated you!!!"

Shuiyue couldn't help it this time, but the seahorse said heavenly.

What kind of dimensional duel is this TMD? Inka duel?

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