Wang Zhan smiled helplessly, in fact, when he met his beloved woman, even if he was said so by the other party, he felt very happy.

Because this love is more pure.

Although in modern society, that man does not have an ex-girlfriend and that woman does not have an ex-boyfriend, in fact, everyone wants to come together for a lifetime and hopes to be each other's first love.

So Wang Bang doesn't feel ashamed of not having a girlfriend, although he is now 18 years old, he has experienced a lot of things during this time and has grown.

And the heart of the fishing otaku knows a lot of things, as long as it has gone through a period of practice, it will be very mature and understandable

, because otaku like to read, like to read a lot of books, will read various plots and some views, and the three views of otaku are generally very positive.

The heart may be very obscene and sullen, but the three views are fine, and they are generally very kind, attach importance to family and friendship, and do not say anything to women.

There are generally no women.

Lang Yuan will sleep in the bedroom, and Wang Zhan will rest in the living room to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

Another three days passed.

I have been treated for the past three days, and I don't know if I can't believe it, or what the reason is.

Although it is not a terminal disease, it is also very tricky and cannot be cured.

One of them is diabetes, and it is the kind that starts to have complications, although it is said that diabetes is deadly, but once it comes to complications.

Then diabetes is also a life-threatening disease.

Wang Fang received such a patient.

Level 65 diabetic monster, special, boos monster.

Although it is a boos disease monster, it is still special, and the level is as high as level 65, which means that it is already very serious, but after the nine needles of Qihuang.

Wang Bang is still relatively easy to solve the battle, which is also based on having pets, blood essence stones, and black dragon beast tooth chains.

Otherwise, Wang Zhan really didn't dare to say that he would be able to defeat this weakened BOOS that still had level 59.

In fact, it may be because of these levels of reduction.

If it's really level 60, I don't know if I can beat it.

The level has been reduced, especially this level 59 and level 49 disease monster, which is very critical, and level 59 and level 60 are only one level apart.

But this level may be the gap between heaven and earth.

It seems that the boos monster will drop equipment for every piece.,Wang Bang's 50-level equipment and 60-level equipment are available.,The attributes are not bad.,It's a pity that they can't be used.。

Equipment, accessories, and accessories are not used, unless the belt ignores the level limit.

Where is the live broadcast room tentatively scheduled for a few days, he wants to go back to his hometown.

But in the end, it went on as usual, but the address changed to the hometown.

When the time comes, you can take the time to treat it.

Although I agreed, although I already wanted to open it, when I came this day, Lang Yuan was still a little apprehensive.

With two little girls.

Lang Yuan felt even more bottomless.

I bought a lot of gifts, which is also an attitude and expression.

I can't sleep at night.

Finally, he directly pushed open Wang Zhan's bedroom door.

Wang Zhan's bedroom is not locked, and the door is ......

Then Wang Fang felt a soft body burrow into his arms.

All in pajamas.

Wang Fang is a kung fu master, so naturally Lang Yuan actually woke up as soon as he came in, but he was a little confused.

Lang Yuan knew that Wang Bang had woken up, and whispered, "I can't sleep!"

The lazy voice, full of magnetism, made Wang Bang unconsciously hug her tightly.


! Really satisfied, holding this perfect body with a slight force.

"Yuan Yuan, you are a big woman in my heart, a woman whose face does not change when Mount Tai collapses in front of me. Wang Fang said with a smile.

"Do you want to call Auntie first?" Lang Yuan whispered.

Seeing Lang Yuan like this, Wang Fang felt funny.

"Well, sleep, to have a girlfriend like you, that's the blessing I have been cultivating for ten lifetimes. Wang Fang said with a smile.

Lang Yuan smiled, and then quickly fell asleep.

Wang Zhen couldn't sleep.

Holding a peerless and enchanting woman in his arms, this is a stunning beauty, it is strange to be able to sleep, but he likes it very much.

Just holding her so quietly, it feels very good and beautiful.

Lang Yuan slept well, but Wang Fang didn't sleep much, looking at Lang Yuan in sleep is a kind of happiness.

He thinks he is licking a dog, but licking a dog is licking to the end of nothing, and he is not, so he is not ...... to say so

What's more, this is his girlfriend.

With a delicate face, she is less enchanting when she is asleep, and more quiet, with a picturesque face, very quiet.

Her figure is so good, she is so unreservedly squeezed in his arms, although through the pajamas, but because of this, he can't sleep.

It's really a goblin, she was so angry in the living room before, and she finally fell asleep in a daze, so she squeezed in.

Don't sleep now.

However, Wang Fang is full of energy, and he doesn't sleep for a few days and doesn't delay anything, and his physique is too good.

The sky is already dark.

Lang Yuan opened his eyes and saw Wang Fang looking at him gently, and his face flushed: "You didn't sleep!" "I can't sleep!" Wang Fang

smiled embarrassedly.

Lang Yuan soon knew what the situation was, and pressed Wang Fang under him with a soft smile, hugging Wang Fang's neck: "Don't move!" Wang Fang

looked at her with a wry smile.

"The little villain thinks about bad things every day. Lang Yuan and Wang Fang smiled softly with their faces against their faces.

At this time, the light in the room was just bright outside, and the floor-to-ceiling windows shone in a little light.

It's dawn when it's crooked.

Get up and go home today.

Lang Yuan drive.

Wang Fang also has two little girls.

Just like that, the group went back.

Before going back, I treated Su Tangsao, and it was the last time, which was completely cured.

Wang Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Tangsao also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, he was bombed by Wang so many days like this...... It's also embarrassing.

Mission progress reached 8/10.

Wang Zhen still remembered that he told Su Tangsao yesterday that he was cured, and it was okay, and then Su Tangsao's eyes were gone.

Wang Fang didn't understand a little, she was very calm.

She was still very happy, but Wang Fang still felt that she didn't seem to be as relaxed and happy as she was when she first got along with her.

He doesn't understand.

A woman's heart is really complicated, and he doesn't understand Lang Yuan, he knows that this woman is good to herself, and he can be good to her.

Wang Fang can't drive.

Lang Yuan drive.

Leave early in the morning and have lunch at home before noon.

Wang Zhen has already called his parents.

Tell them that the girlfriend is with them, and there are two granddaughters ......

Although Zhou Yun had been vaccinated before, he was still a little shocked, but he still smiled: "Okay, pay attention to safety on the road and drive slowly." Lang

Yuan was even more nervous.

But fortunately, she is a business tycoon, because she cares about Wang Zhan, so she is so uneasy, but she quickly adjusted.

The car enters Z County.

Then enter the community of Wang Fang's house.

The car is the cheapest one in Langyuan, BMW, more than one million.

It's still striking in this small county.

Zhou Yun and Wang Hong, who heard the movement, came down. Lang Yuan carried the gift.

Zhou Yun was stunned again when he saw Lang Yuan.

Last time, Su Tangsuo, and this one is not bad at all compared to Su Tangsao, each has its own merits, not a type.

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