Almost at the same time.

In the camp of the two races.

The top floor was shaken.

The twenty diamond-level powerhouses sent out by the bear people were all dead.


A pure white bearman said as he stood up abruptly.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

They have thought it through.

The opponent's combat power is even a diamond-level peak, and they are sent out, a diamond-level peak beast master, five late diamond ranks, and fourteen mid-diamond ranks.

Such a lineup.

It's already incomparably luxurious.

Just to kill the celestial pride that has not grown up.

But the good news was not received, but it was such bad news.

Twenty Diamond-Rank Beast Master.

Even if it's a bear people, it will hurt for a while.

"Damn the human race, I want you to pay it back, pass my order, attack with all your might, I want to take the dragon country as quickly as possible, and treat the people of the dragon country as the blood food of the royal beast. The

white bear man roared loudly with angry eyes.

As soon as these words came out.

The bear man didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly went to give the order.

At the same time, this is also happening to the nezumi people.

The tenth leader of the nezumi clan died tragically with nine diamond-level powerhouses.

It also completely angered them.

The others don't want to bother with it either.

There is only crazy revenge in the heart.

The one-eyed rat-man coldly ordered.

"Regardless of the cost, kill me! Break through the third fortress of the Terrans as quickly as possible. "

Hear that.

Just a dozen minutes of construction site.

A scaly rat appears in the nezumien's camp.

That's a million heads, if not a million.

Mighty towards the Terran fortress to kill.

Jiang Chen didn't know.

His unintentional move made both races feel heartache.

At the same time, it also accelerated the arrival of the Great War.

Of course, he doesn't know it now.

At this moment, they have embarked on the journey back.

Along the way, Jiang Chen escorted.

There were no incidents.


As they approached.

More and more I feel that something is wrong.

Regardless, this is the territory of the nezumi.

But after walking for half a day, I didn't find a rat demon.

This made Wyvern's brow furrow.

Because the reproduction ability of rat monsters is too strong.

In almost a year, several litters can be reproduced.

As a result, there is never a shortage of rat monsters here.

But after flying thousands of miles, there was no trace of rats and monsters.

This is very wrong.

"Something happened.

The wyvern muttered suddenly.

This made Jiang Chen stunned for a moment.

"Brother Long, what did you say, something happened?"

Wyvern looked up at a few people.

"The nezumi should gather the power of the demon beasts and prepare to launch a general attack, we must go back as soon as possible. "

Hear that.

Jiang Chen frowned.

At the same time, it is also to speed up Xiaobai and Xiaohei.

"We flew thousands of miles, but we didn't find a rat-like demon beast, this is the territory of the rat people, and their favorite thing to do is to raise demon rats.

"But there is no one here, which means that someone has already left with the demon rat.

"At this time, there is only one possibility of large-scale migration, and something big is about to happen. As

soon as these words came out.

Several people also frowned.

Didn't say much.

Hurry up.

Flew hundreds of miles again.

Finally saw a herd of demon beasts.

This is a combination of thousands of demon rats.

And at the forefront of this group of gold-rank demon beasts, there was a diamond-level demon rat leading the way.

On this demon rat, there is a rat man.

"Grab him and ask about the situation.

Wyvern said directly.

Hear this.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate.

Summoning Antoun directly.


The ground cracked, and hot lava erupted.

Towards the many gold-rank demon beasts.

The speed of these monsters is comparable to the control speed of Antun.

Just a few breaths.

Thousands of gold-level demon rats are left in the magma.

The nezumi had already noticed that something was wrong.

The beast commanded by himself sprinted at full speed, trying to escape.

But a wall of hot magma appeared.

directly blocked the other party's way.

Jiang Chen and the others also fell one after another, blocking the other party's way.

And the nezumi frowned.

Immediately furious.

"The Terran spy is so bold that he dares to take the lead. "

There was almost no hesitation.

Summons all the beasts and prepares for battle.

It's just that in the face of absolute power, everything is in vain.

The Lava Hand appears.

In an instant, he pinched and exploded the four diamond-rank imperial beasts that were summoned.

And the rat man also spit out a mouthful of blood because of the backlash.

The calmness just now also disappeared from his face.

I couldn't believe it, looking at Jiang Chen.

There was only one sentence left in my heart.

, I won the lottery.

"I ask you to answer, or I will use many ways to make your life worse than death.

Jiang Chen said coldly.

But the nezumi also smiled disdainfully.

"Hahaha! The nezumi have ever been afraid of death, come on, let me see your methods. "

Hear that.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate.

said directly and indifferently.

"Antun, roast it with magma, melt the bones little by little, and let him die in agony. "

At the same time, it also summons small skeletons.

Its function is also very simple, after a while, put some blood on the other party.

Slowly tortured.

"You, you are the devil. As

he spoke, a stream of magma appeared above his feet.

The nezumi let out an instantaneous wail of pain.


At the same time, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Jiang Chen angrily.

"Cut it thinner. "

Hear that.

A chill flashed.

The nezumi only felt that something was missing from his face.

Reach out and touch it.

But I felt blood, and at the same time, my face was also hot and painful.

"Honestly, I'll let you die a happy death, or else there will be one day before your death. "

Hear that.

The nezumik's body trembled.

Fear was written in his eyes.

"Where are you going?"

asked directly.

Hear this.

The nezumi thought about it, but in the end it didn't hold on.


"The front line must launch a general attack on the Terrans, gather all the forces that can be gathered, and within ten days, break through the other Terran fortresses. "

Hear that.

The hearts of several people sank.

Sure enough, it was just as they had guessed.

The nezumi have launched a general attack.

"Moreover, the bear people have sent a million demon beast herds and a hundred diamond-level powerhouses. The

pupils of several people shrank slightly.

It's not just the rat people who exert their strength, even the bear people are also working hard.

It seems that this time the trouble is really big.


for a moment.

A big hand appeared, along with the diamond-level demon rat, and was pinched and exploded by the big lava hand.

Do it all.

"We're probably going to have to speed up. "

I'm afraid the two races want to occupy the Dragon Kingdom as quickly as possible.

The reason for this situation is that I am afraid that some foreign countries should not be able to hold on.


They wouldn't be so eager to break through the Dragon Kingdom and occupy territory.

"Don't talk about it, let's go back quickly. Feilong

said quickly.

Hear this.

Several of them nodded slightly.

Able to clearly sense suppressed emotions.

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