Jiang Chen knocked on the door.

Immediately after, everyone's eyes were focused on one point.

In the eyes of these students, there is envy, jealousy, and fanaticism.


Jiang Chen was uncomfortable when he was seen.

"What? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Hearing this, all the students were speechless.

Don't you know what you have done?

They now regret listening to Jiang Chen's results.

More than 4,000 points, is this something that a high school student should do?"

Jiang Chen was late and had a demerit.

Zhang Manman, who was on the podium, suddenly spoke.

This made Jiang Chen stunned.

looked at Zhang Manman with some astonishment.

"No, teacher, I didn't come back until midnight yesterday, so I got up a little late. "

Hehe, didn't the other students come in the middle of the night?" Zhang

Manman said with some unhappiness.

It's noon, so I came to school, and Jiang Chen was able to come out.

If she didn't come again, she felt that Jiang Chen had skipped class.

"It's like.....",

something suddenly came to mind.

"But they sleep like dead pigs, we are different!"

Everyone's eyes became fierce.

Listen! Is this a human talk?

But as long as they are able to cross Jiang Chen, it is impossible for him to stand in front of him and force Lai Lai.


"You come out with me."

Zhang Manman coughed twice in embarrassment.

Hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen out.

Say a few more words, and you're going to be the enemy of the class.

"Bastard, if I had a beast like that, I could do it too.

"That's it, but it's just luck.

Seeing Jiang Chen leaving, many people said a little sourly.

At this moment, Zhang Manman had already pulled Jiang Chen towards his office.

This bear child, why can't he speak so much.

At the same time, I also wondered why the group of pioneers didn't drug Jiang Chen.

It stands to reason that everyone should be treated equally.

Zhang Manman could never have dreamed that Jiang Chen had become the reserve of the Wasteland Army.

As long as the strength is reached, you can become a full member.

Of course, Jiang Chen will definitely not reveal his identity.

Not for anything else.

To put it bluntly now, he is a little fat sheep, and there are many big bad wolves waiting for him to come up.

He didn't dare to expose himself to the public eye.

With the entry into the office.

"Jiang Chen!" Zhang

Manman suddenly shouted.

Jiang Chen, who was following, stumbled in fright.

A little confused, he looked up at the head teacher who suddenly changed his face.

"Teacher, is there something wrong?"

looked at Jiang Chen with a confused expression.

Zhang Manman finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! You're terrible. "

I let you scavenge the wool, but I didn't let you be so ruthless!"

"This time, you almost wiped out the school's wool." As

soon as these words came out.

Jiang Chen was even more puzzled.

He also gave a rough estimate of his earnings this time.

It should be in the early 2,000 points.

These points shouldn't be nothing to the school.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, do you know how many points you got this time?"

Zhang Manman looked at Jiang Chen's innocent face, and said a little speechlessly.

"I don't know. "

4387 points!"

Hearing the number of points, Jiang Chen's first reaction was that the school had miscalculated.

How could there be so many.

And Zhang Manman seemed to see the doubts in Jiang Chen's heart.

"In fact, the different levels of gold-level demon beasts can earn different points, and the two gold-level peak demon beasts you killed will bring you a thousand points. "

That's pretty much it.

He only remembered that he had killed nine gold-rank demon beasts, and he didn't count the silver and bronze crystal nuclei left.

It's a backpack anyway.

"Do you know how much the school's points allocation is for a year?"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

This kind of thing, where would he know.

"10,000 points, you took away 4,003 points alone, and the current principal has repented of his intestines.

"If he knew that you had this strength, he would have regretted holding this special training now. "

Forehead, forehead!" Jiang

Chen was stunned.

10,000 a year, if you count your own allocation points this month, nearly 5,000 points.

By myself, I contracted half of the points.

To know.

Even if the number of students in Yulong High School is small, there are more than a thousand students.

After you go on your own.

Those juniors and sisters will definitely have a lot less resources.

I'm afraid that there are a large number of juniors and sisters who will hate themselves.

Even so.

Jiang Chen didn't want to do it either.

Points are earned by oneself based on one's ability, so why not.

Don't be stupid.

Not only that, but also less.

"Ahem, the materials you want have already arrived, and the others should take some time.

Zhang Manman directly took out a courier.

It was handed to Jiang Chen.

"This is the material you want, if you want to advance your Imperial Beast now, you can go to the school's cultivation room. "

Hear that.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate.

Say yes in one bite.

"Then thank you, teacher. "

Anyway, we need to find a place to advance our heads.

If you go to the Beast Master Alliance, you still need money, and the school can't ask me for money.

What a pleasure.

I didn't expect Jiang Chen to agree so happily, which made Zhang Manman subconsciously think of the principal's imminent collapse today.

"Bastard boy, you're poisonous, let you get wool, didn't let you slaughter sheep!"

"It's over, it looks like you're going to have to tighten your belt next year." Soon

, Jiang Chen was taken to the school's training room.

"This is it, let's go inside. "

Good teacher. "

I walked in directly, but it was no different from the training room of the Beastmaster Alliance.

Directly summoned the flat head.


Pingtou ran towards Jiang Chen.

Stick out your tongue and want to lick it.

"Roll the calves. The

moment he dodged, he shouted angrily.

was so murdered, and the flat head also stopped.

looked at Jiang Chen with blank eyes.

This made Jiang Chen very unhappy.

Lao Tzu is not sweet, it's okay to lick me all the time.

"Be honest, I'll give you an advance today. Hearing

the word advanced, Pingtou's eyes lit up significantly.

The next moment, I remembered to lick Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen saw through all this at a glance.

"Sit down, if you dare to move around, you won't be allowed to advance, and let that rogue rabbit guy bully you every day. "

Hear that.

Pingtou sat obediently on the ground on the spot.

Jiang Chen also opened the package.

There are only two things in it.

One is a dark red heart.

Name: Berserk HeartGrade

: Gold Rank

Introduction: A material that allows the Royal Beast to advance

and the other is a Crystal Nucleus.

Name: Darkiron Quartz

Grade: Gold Rank Introduction:

The moment these two items that can make the advanced materials of the Royal Beast

come out, the flat head becomes a little restless, and the tail is even more wagging non-stop.

Very hungry for two items.

"Open your mouth.

Since the two items were only the size of a fist, Jiang Chen easily threw them into Pingtou's mouth.

Followed by.

Flat head lay on the ground.

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