At night, Zhang Feng sat on the bed and practiced "Gengjin Jue". Usually he will practice until midnight, and then he will practice the "Five Elements Derivation Sutra".

"Boom" an explosion sounded, this is the sound of the spell tower attacking.

Zhang Feng's originally pinched handprints were released immediately, and the condensed golden aura also dissipated.

Taking out the long sword, he quickly walked out of the wooden house, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, and the snow under his feet was 4 centimeters thick. It seemed that the snow had been falling for a long time.

Zhang Feng opened his spatial eyes, looked around, and found that two white monsters had landed on the void island, and there were more than 40 monsters surrounding the void island, slowly marching towards the void island.

【Snow Spirit】

Grade: 9

Grade: ordinary

Features: Slow to move.

Zhang Feng quickly activated the Void Island, found a direction with fewer monsters and rushed out, but just after flying not far away, Zhang Feng stopped again.

During the flight, two more monsters landed on the void island. As soon as the two monsters landed on the void island, they went straight to several buildings and began to destroy wooden houses and stone monuments.

In a hurry, Zhang Feng sent a request to Yu Zixia for help.

The defense tower needs to deal with the monsters running towards the void island from afar, and has no spare power to kill the monsters that are close at hand on the island. Zhang Feng raised his sword and went straight to the Snow Wind Elf under the second-level Sword Qi Tower.

According to the experience of the previous practitioners, the probability of the Snow Wind Spirit appearing in the cold current is extremely low, usually only a few dozen people will encounter it every year, but Zhang Feng did not expect to encounter it this year.

Snow Wind Spirit's speed is slow, his attack is not high, and his defense is strong. This is the experience summed up by the predecessors.

"Ding..." Zhang Feng slashed at the neck of the Snow Wind Elf with a single strike. The Snow Wind Elf didn't turn around to attack Zhang Feng, but was still hitting the Sword Qi Tower.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng began to attack quickly. It was not until seven or eight swords later that the Snow Wind Spirit turned his head and attacked Zhang Feng.

After Zhang Feng dodged back, he continued to attack a few times, and the Snow Wind Elf fell to the ground and died.

In such a short time, the large group of monsters behind was very close to the Void Island again, so frightened Zhang Feng quickly urged the Void Island to run forward again for more than 100 meters.

It’s not that Zhang Feng doesn’t want to run a longer distance forward. It’s too dark and snowing, and Zhang Feng’s field of vision is only more than 100 meters. He still needs to keep a certain safe distance, and he can only move forward for more than 100 meters at a time. .

After stopping the Void Island, Zhang Feng took out two Fireball Talismans from the inventory, and threw them at the two snow wind elves who were destroying the wooden house.

The hit monster turned around and ran towards Zhang Feng. After seeing the two elves being attracted, Zhang Feng ran towards the monster under the arrow tower with his sword. The arrow tower was about to be demolished now.

With a flash of white light, Yu Zixia appeared next to the wooden house.

"What's the situation here?" Yu Zixia, who didn't know why when she first arrived, yelled.

"A wind and snow spirit is coming to attack. You help me drag the two monsters in the middle, just use a bow and arrow, and I will deal with the one under the arrow tower first." Zhang Feng hurriedly ordered.

Holding the sword, he stabbed at the monster under the arrow tower. With previous experience, Zhang Feng attacked quickly at the beginning, and took two steps back when the monster turned its head to attack him.

The monster's speed was quite slow. When it chased Zhang Feng forward, Zhang Feng quickly took two steps to the side, and then made a few more strikes, and the monster was killed.

Turning her head to look at Yu Zixia, she was holding a bow and arrow to attract two wind and snow elves to circle the wooden house.

Moved the void island forward again, this time Zhang Feng only moved 50 meters, because there was also a wind and snow elf in front of him.

It seemed that he was surrounded, but fortunately, through the space god's eyes, he saw that the snow wind elves in front did not move to this side.

Zhang Feng took out his long sword again, and ran towards the two monsters attracted by Yu Zixia.

After slashing the monster behind the monster several times, the monster stopped.

When the monster turned around to attack Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng followed the monster's turning direction, circled behind the monster again, swung his long sword again, and killed the monster with only three swords.

At this time, Yu Zixia also took the long sword to deal with the last monster, but although her sword is no longer a novice sword, its attack power is obviously not high, and it takes more than ten swords to kill less than half of the monster's blood quantity.

Zhang Feng chased after the monster, attacked several times in a row, and finally ended the battle on the void island.

"What's going on, I just wanted to sleep when I received your call for help." Yu Zixia asked after seeing the end of the battle.

"I'll talk about it later. There are still monsters outside the island." Zhang Feng began to steer the Void Island to fly sideways again, this time flying slowly, keeping a distance of 10 meters from the monster. All defense towers are attacking frantically at this time.

While operating the Void Island, Zhang Feng explained to Yu Zixia what happened.

"I don't know what's going on. When I was practicing "Gengjin Jue", I heard the attack sound of the defense tower, and when I came out, I saw monsters coming to the island, and there were many monsters around.

I asked for your help after driving the void island out of the monster siege. Thanks for stopping by to help! "

"You're being polite, let's help each other. It is said that a piece of Snow Wind Spirit's core can expand the void island by one square meter. With so many Snow Wind Spirits, your task progress can be improved a lot at once." Yu Zixia said enviously.

"At that time, I will share with you." Zhang Feng said generously.

"Okay, don't go back on your word."

"What I say to you is always ignored. If you call me husband, I will give you all the crystal cores." Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"It's not serious, I'll go back first."

"Don't go, you're gone, what about my Lingzhi, you can't come today." Seeing that Yu Zixia was leaving, Zhang Feng quickly stopped her.

There is only one chance a day to help or be helped. This time, he still needs to use up 1000 aura points on the void island.

Yu Zixia has come to help Zhang Feng now, and today she cannot come to Zhang Feng again, nor can she go to other empty islands to help others, and she cannot ask others for help today.

"Then what should I do, you still have to preside over the Void Island to resist monsters, and there is still so much snow on the island, how can I use the "Red Fire Art"?"

"There is a way, I don't know if it will work or not," Zhang Feng said.

"Low-level puppet." Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

"Crack, creak." A few footsteps came.

"Ah! What is this?" Yu Zixia was taken aback by the sudden movement beside her.

"It's the puppet I got during the first trial."

"Go and clear the snow next to Lingzhi, don't hurt Lingzhi." Zhang Feng ordered the puppet.

After hearing the command, the puppet "creaked" and left.

"You have so many things! Let me see if your puppet is reliable." Yu Zixia followed the puppet.

After a period of stalemate, more and more monsters were killed, and fewer and fewer monsters followed the void island.

Twenty minutes after Yu Zixia followed the puppet away, Zhang Feng finally killed all the monsters.

Driving the Void Island back to the resting place along the way it came, and collected 47 snow crystal nuclei along the way, plus the four monsters that died on the Void Island, a total of 51 crystal nuclei were obtained.

【Blizzard Crystal Nucleus】

Equal grade: first grade

Efficacy: Integrating into the void island can expand the void island by 1 square meter.

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