On the void island, Zhang Feng got up from the ground, feeling that his body was normal, and there was nothing unusual about him. It seems that this danger of mine is over.

Opening the spatial eye again, Zhang Feng saw that something had happened in the place where the ceremony was held just now.

There used to be some stones there, and some patterns carved for ceremonies, but now they are all gone, as if a mysterious figure wiped them out of thin air.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to go to that place anymore, so he drove the Void Island and flew towards the place where he was originally staying.

During the flight, Zhang Feng discovered that his spatial eyes had also changed, and the distance he saw actually increased. The field of vision reached 700 to 800 meters, an increase of 200 meters.

Stopping the void island, Zhang Feng returned to this usual resting place.

Seeing the message sent by Yu Zixia before, it turned out that it was time for dinner.

After hastily eating breakfast, Zhang Feng sent Yu Zixia 20 wind and snow crystal cores, and then told her that she needed to rest and would not eat at noon, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

For some reason, he couldn't sleep well. After falling asleep, Zhang Feng dreamed that he had turned into a cluster of flames wandering in endless magma. At some point, he knew that devouring other flames could strengthen him.

Since then, the world of flames is no longer peaceful, and every day is devouring and being devoured.

Until one day, the magma world no longer has flames that can be swallowed by itself. At this time, the flame was already extremely powerful, so it stepped out of the magma and came to the outside world.

The practice world is complex and exciting. After wandering outside for an unknown number of years, he was framed and sealed by the Snow Wind Elf clan.

In just one dream, Zhang Feng experienced the ups and downs of his life.

When he woke up, it was already dark. After sleeping for more than ten hours, Zhang felt refreshed after waking up.

After experiencing the property seizure incident, Zhang Feng always felt that something had changed in him, so he opened the properties panel to check.

Name: Zhang Feng

Age: 17

Title: Perfect Trialist

Realm: 1st floor of Qi training period (level 10)

Innate supernatural powers: space magic eye, deduction, flame control

Native Spiritual Object: Five Elements Tree (Sprouting)

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 15

Spirit: 72

Attribute affinity: all attributes +2, fire +10,

Attribute resistance: all attributes +3, fire +10

Magic Equipment: Qingyun Sword

Spatial God's Eye: Innate supernatural powers, with the ability of perspective and ultra-long-distance vision.

Deduction: Innate supernatural powers, deduce the upgrades of skills, skills, and spells to make them more suitable for self-cultivation.

Flame Control: Born to control flames, command all fires.

Five Elements Tree (Sprout): Innate spiritual root, Zhang Feng's natal spiritual object, contains the Five Elements Avenue.

Exercises: "Five Elements Derivation Classic"

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship (Level 3 135/4000), "Basic Archery" (Level 4 248/8000), "Clear Water Jue" (Level 2 9828/10000), "Gengjin Jue" (Level 2 1292/10000)

Basic Swordsmanship: Increase the power of sword weapons by 15

Basic Archery: The power of bow and arrow weapons is increased by 20.

The attribute panel has changed a lot, and a talent supernatural power of flame control has been added.

Although I don't know what the effect is, but it is amazing to be able to increase the affinity and resistance of the fire attribute on the attribute panel by 10 at the same time.

As the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, the natal supernatural power should not be too bad, and you will know after practicing the "Red Fire Jue" after a while.

Then the state of the Five Elements Tree changed from seed to sprout. Although he didn't know what changes would be brought to him, Zhang Feng was still very happy, this time thanks to the Five Elements Tree seeds. Otherwise, I might not exist in this world.

The Five Elements Tree becomes stronger, and can help him solve more powerful crises in the future.

The last thing is attribute growth, which Zhang Feng doesn't care about the most.

I heard from the school teacher that after the strength reaches the third level, the attribute points will no longer be displayed in pure numbers.

The current attribute panel numbers are just for reference, and the data recorded on it are the data when I was in the best state. The real strength still depends on the performance on the spot.

After learning about the changes in my own attributes, it's time to face the assessment again.

Today, it's time for me to harvest the first-level spiritual plant on the void island again. It's a pity that I was delayed by my sleeping self, so I'd better go out and pick it in the dark.

The snow outside was still falling, but it was already much smaller. Zhang Feng asked the puppets to clear the snow in front, and he harvested spiritual plants in the back.

This time, no seeds were added to the ground. It seemed that the cold snap was about to pass, so let's wait for the weather to get warmer before planting new spiritual plants.

After eating, life returned to the right track again, sitting on the bed and practicing the "Five Elements Derivation Classic", this time there is a new difference in practice.

First of all, the spiritual energy entering the body from the outside world has increased significantly, and secondly, a certain part of the body has been exuding spiritual energy. These spiritual energy directly enter the dantian, and then flow out of the dantian to warm and nourish the meridians.

Finally, after opening up the sea of ​​consciousness, the mental power becomes stronger and the training time becomes longer. Some time ago, because of the blessing of the divine light of heaven, his mental power would hardly be exhausted.

After the Tiandao Divine Light is exhausted, you can practice for more than one hour a day at most, and you will be forced to stop practicing due to lack of mental strength, but now you can easily practice for two hours.

In the morning, Zhang Feng stretched out after getting up, and walked out of the wooden house. The snow had stopped, and the temperature was rising rapidly. This time, the cold snap was only two days long, and it felt a bit rushed.

After eating, taking advantage of the absence of bad weather, Zhang Feng started to drive the Void Island and left this place. He always felt that what happened yesterday morning might be a bit involved, so it's better to avoid it.

After flying all morning, Zhang Feng was hundreds of kilometers away from his original location, so he finally felt a sense of security. Clear out an area without monsters again, and then move the void island to the middle.

Leisurely, Zhang Feng didn't feel any change in the weather. I opened the regional channel and looked through the posts. Several people have said that the temperature in their area has risen sharply.

It looks like the next wave of natural disasters will be high temperatures.

Looking at the remaining number of 3016256, this heavy snowfall has reduced nearly one million employees, and the speed is too fast.

"College beauty, how is your side? I heard that the next test will be high temperature. Are you ready?" Care about your own cook. Why don't you cook for yourself again.

"It's okay now, the temperature has not risen much, I don't know what will happen in the afternoon."

"Then pay attention to watering Lingzhi. If you have any problems, don't forget to ask me for help." Zhang Feng urged.

"Oh, I see."

"Student Xiaohua, I want to know if you are looking forward to the trial, I will go to your room and eat you. Why don't you cook for me every day!!!" Zhang Feng followed Yu Zixia in a lewd tone Said.

"Cooking, I forgot again, you wait for me for a while." Yu Zixia hastily cut off the chat.

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