Zhang Feng looked it up on the newly-appeared city lord panel. As the city lord himself, he doesn't have much authority right now.

The first authority is the appointment and removal of officials, but the officials to be appointed and removed must meet the most basic conditions for appointment and removal, such as appointing guards, then the strength of the appointed person must reach level 17 or above.

The second permission is to receive tasks in advance. Houtucheng can sense the distribution of monsters inside the Jiuzhou Barrier, as well as various emergencies. Based on this information, Houtucheng automatically generates countless tasks for adventurers in the city to accept. As the lord of the city, Zhang Feng can accept the task 15 minutes before the task is released.

The third authority is that after the main city of Houtu City is opened, he can enter the city lord's mansion at any time, and also owns 12 private shops of the city lord.

The fourth authority is city management. This part of authority is very complicated, such as mobilizing aura to repair buildings, mobilizing city guards, participating in the Central Continent Void Conference, and so on.

Now the main city has not been opened, and most of his permissions are still restricted. Only the button to accept tasks in advance can be used, and other permissions are grayed out and cannot be used.

There are two ways to open the main city, one is to go to the inner city as the city lord Zhang Feng to open it, and the other is to wait until a day later, Houtucheng chooses an acting city supervisor to open it.

City Supervisor is a position unique to the nine cities in the Kyushu Barrier. Because there is no real city lord in the nine cities, every time a city is opened, someone needs to help manage the adventurers in the city. At this time, the city will release a large number of tasks for adventurers to complete, and then select a few of them as candidates for managing the city. After all the candidates are selected, one person will be selected comprehensively through the votes of the whole city, contributions to the city, and the recent completion of tasks, as the city management personnel, that is, the city supervisor position.

The duty of the city supervisor is to manage the adventurers and resident personnel inside the city according to the established rules. His rights are divided from the city lord, and the city lord can take it back.

Zhang Feng was extremely excited after seeing the authority of his own city lord. With such a city lord authority, I don't have to worry about cultivating resources or task selection in the future.

Excited Zhang Feng ordered two more expensive dishes and began to eat. Gradually, the comments of other diners reached Zhang Feng's ears.

"Have you heard that Ma Qingzhong temporarily returned to Black Rock City because of his daughter's injury. This made him fail in a mission, and his points were much lower than the others, and he was about to fall out of the first echelon. It seems that our Dragon Kingdom wants to win It's a bit difficult to gain control of Houtucheng." A Longguo diner said.

"Yes, at the beginning he had the most points, but now he has fallen behind a lot. Now it's the last day, and he can't catch up much." His companion responded.

"I think that the young master of the Huang family is going to be unlucky. At such a critical moment, he actually took Ma Yan out to practice, and it hurt people. If Ma Qingzhong loses the election, the Dragon Kingdom military will definitely not give their family a good face in the future." of."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng had a guess about the identities of the young monks he saw that day, and he also had an explanation for their strange behavior at that time.

It was obviously a conspiracy that day, the purpose was to injure that Ma Yan, and then attract his father back, affecting the progress of his father's mission.

Just when Zhang Feng finished his meal and was about to get up to pay the bill and leave, four more people from the Sun Country entered the hall. They sat on the table in front of Zhang Feng's left, discussing things and ordering food.

Almost all the jade slips in the Central Continent are recorded in traditional characters. Since the Earth Star humans entered the Void Realm 5,000 years ago, Chinese has directly become the common language of the Central Continent. Later, it spread to Earth Star, and Chinese became the language most used by Earth Star people. Therefore, Zhang Feng, a man from the Sun Country, can still understand his speech.

"The time is coming to an end. Watanabe-kun has already been confirmed as the candidate for the city supervisor. Let's go around the city to promote it later, so that more people will choose Watanabe-kun tomorrow. After this, Tucheng will belong to our Great Sun Empire. ’” said the leader.

"I didn't expect that when I got in touch with the young master of the Huang family some time ago, it directly caused Ma Qingzhong to fall behind by a large margin and was almost eliminated. If I knew it earlier, I would have asked the young master Huang to be more aggressive, so that Ma Qingzhong would be eliminated directly."

"Okay, if it's a heavy hand, then Young Master Huang will not dare. This effect is good, and this matter is not allowed to be discussed in the future. If it is leaked, we may be retaliated." The leader said.

Several people immediately fell silent.

"I didn't expect that there would be so much inside information about seeing those five young monks in Black Rock City that day." Zhang Feng secretly took a few photos without knowing it. This is the behind-the-scenes instigator who caused Ma Yan to be injured. This information may be useful in the future, and the photos may be used in the future, so keep it slowly.

[Ding dong, the candidates for city management have been announced. The general public is invited to cast their votes and choose the most suitable city management in their minds. ]

Just after 12 o'clock, a system announcement sounded throughout Houtu City.

As the system announcement resounded throughout the city, Zhang Feng also heard the system prompt that belonged exclusively to the city lord.

[Ding dong, the candidate for city supervisor has been elected. The city lord can directly deny the candidate, or vote for the candidate. The city owner has a total of 10 votes, and each vote occupies 5 of the total votes in Houtu City. ]

After reading the system prompt, Zhang Feng had a weird expression. It is said that all kinds of competitions, all kinds of shady scenes, today I finally saw it.

As the lord of the city, he can directly veto the candidates, and he can also directly manipulate the votes. Whoever votes for these 50 votes can directly affect the outcome of the election.

Zhang Feng opened the city lord panel and saw the profiles of several candidates.

Ichiro Watanabe (Sun Country): 5847 points, 125 votes;

York (Beautiful Country): 5736 points, 86 votes;

Park Jiyu (Korea): 5428 points, 68 votes;

Alexander (Arctic State): 5328 points, 122 votes;

Ma Qingzhong (Longguo): 5089 points, 145 votes;

Five countries, five candidates, the dragon country has the lowest points, and the sun country has the highest points. According to the rule of adding one point for every 100 votes, Dragon Kingdom needs 80,000 more votes than Sun Kingdom to win. However, there are only more than 1 million permanent residents in Houtucheng who have the right to vote.

Dragon Kingdom is going to be eliminated early, this is what most people think.

Zhang Feng has ten votes in his hand. According to the number of votes, each vote is less than 50,000 votes. Let's wait now, and the vote will be shocking until the end of tomorrow.

After the system announcement, the entire restaurant was blown up, and countless people talked about it.

"It seems that the Dragon Kingdom will be eliminated in advance. Although the management method of the Dragon Kingdom is stricter, it is more fair. The management of other countries will make it difficult for us casual cultivators to have a bright future."

"Yes, it's a pity, if the Sun Nation manages the city. With their arrogance and selfishness, we will be cleared out of the city sooner or later."

"The management of the beautiful Chinese people is even worse for our casual cultivators. They know how to squeeze our casual cultivators."


After paying the bill and leaving the restaurant, Zhang Feng is going to do a task before the main city is opened. Familiarize yourself with the mission mode of Kyushu Enchantment.

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