Delete the post about the rental shop, and the matter of the shop has come to an end for the time being. As for the last No. 99 shop that is not rented out, then keep it for yourself. After a while, throw the messy things you collected into it and sell them.

After Zhang Feng finished his meal, he lowered his head and walked on the street when he suddenly felt that he bumped into something. Looking up, it turned out that Ma Yan was standing in front of her, glaring at herself. But Ma Yan is the type with a super cute appearance, even if she is angry, it still makes people feel cute.

"Miss Ma Yan, why are you here?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You don't look forward when you walk, you bumped into me just now." After seeing Zhang Feng just now, Ma Yan deliberately stood in front of him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng bumped directly into it. It was infuriating to see him still look innocent.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now and didn't see you."

"Sister Yu Zixia, why isn't she with you?" Ma Yan looked around.

"Don't look at it, her mother wants her to go back to prepare for the Jiang Cheng Practitioner Academy, and she won't enter the Void Realm for a while."

"Oh, that's it. Doesn't that mean you won't see her for a long time? Are you going to prepare for the exam too?" Ma Yan said disappointedly.

"Yeah, I'm also working hard to cultivate, and try to meet your sister Zixia in Jiang Cheng next year." Just as Zhang Feng finished speaking, three people walked by, and he felt a little familiar.

"Ma Yan, why are you out shopping? Where are you going? I'll accompany you." The leader said to Ma Yan.

"Huang Tao, I'm here to go shopping with Zhang Feng big brother, so I don't need to trouble you." After Ma Yan finished speaking, she pulled up Zhang Feng's sleeve and walked forward.

"Who is that Zhang Feng, do you know him?" Huang Tao asked the two attendants next to him. But the two shook their heads in unison.

"Then you two follow them from a distance to see if you can find out some information." The two followers immediately chased after hearing about it.

Seeing everyone else leave, Huang Tao felt a little regretful. Some time ago, for 10,000 spirit stones, he plotted against Ma Yan and injured her, which finally caused Ma Qingzhong to almost fail in the election. Because of this incident, a rift appeared in the relationship between Ma Huang and his family, and his relationship with Ma Yan also became cold.

Ma Qingzhong is now the city supervisor of Houtucheng, a position that represents enormous power and enormous benefits. If he could win the favor of the little princess of the Ma family, the benefits to himself and the family would be immeasurable. The first step now is to find a way to repair the relationship with Ma Yan. Huang Tao stood in the middle of the road, silently thinking of various ways to get close to Ma Yan.

"This Huang Tao is really annoying!" Ma Yan complained next to Zhang Feng.

When Zhang Feng heard the name Huang Tao, he recalled the leader who plotted against Ma Yan.

"Why, after you went back, your family didn't bother Huang Tao." Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Father and the others said that there is no conclusive evidence. At the sensitive moment when my father just won the election, it is not easy to fall out with their Huang family. They just asked me not to associate with Huang Tao in the future." Ma Yan said bitterly.

"You big families, it's really complicated. However, you will be annoying in the future. Judging by Huang Tao's appearance just now, he should continue to pester you. You'd better go home and practice. It's better to go out less in the future, otherwise you will definitely I will meet Huang Tao by chance." Zhang Feng said casually.

"It seems to be alas. I met him on the street yesterday. It seems that it is better not to come out in the future. By the way, on the 15th of this month, the major chambers of commerce will jointly hold a treasure appraisal event. I heard that it is very lively. Then you Can you come and play with me? It’s best to call sister Zixia to play with me too.”

"I should have no problem, but your sister Zixia doesn't know. She is still studying on Earth and Star, so I can't get in touch." Zhang Feng said indifferently.

"Then it's settled, I'll contact you when the time comes, and I'll go home first." Ma Yan turned around and made a face at Zhang Feng.

Suddenly, Ma Yan's face changed, and she said angrily: "This Huang Tao is so annoying, he actually sent someone to follow me. Zhang Feng big brother, I'll go first."

After Ma Yan finished speaking, she bounced and left.

"Appraisal activity? What's that?" Zhang Feng muttered, glanced at the two people following him, and then walked towards the void island.

Zhang Feng walked to the receiving area of ​​the Void Island, only to find that there was another person following him. It seemed that Huang Tao was also following him, so he really didn't know what to say.

Zhang Feng suddenly walked into a corner, and let the Void Island guide him away, let the follower continue to search there.

According to the habit, water all the spiritual plants once, and then send them to the City Lord's Mansion to practice.

When eating at noon, Zhang Feng went to the market to inquire about the activity of appreciating treasures.

The so-called treasure appraisal activity is to put unidentified items together, then invite everyone to buy them, and finally identify the items inside. Because of the uncertainty of unidentified items, it will stimulate many gamblers to buy, or even bet against each other. This in turn drives other people's desire to buy. As a result, every treasure appraisal event will be crowded with people and unprecedentedly lively.

Of course, treasure appraising activities are not just about selling unidentified items. I heard that there are some rough stones brought back from outside the Kyushu barrier, where various treasures such as spirit stones, medicinal materials, and exercises can be cut out. It is the highlight of treasure appraisal activities.

As the last city in the Kyushu Barrier, the revival of Houtu City is of course a major event that shakes the entire Central Continent. Naturally, these businessmen would not give up the opportunity to join in the fun, so this treasure appraising activity came into being.

Appreciating treasures is not all about luck. Appraisers who have dealt with unappraised items or rough stones all year round have summed up a lot of experience in appraising treasures. For example, based on the external stone coat, ban, shape, etc. of unidentified items, the role of the identified item level can be inferred.

Zhang Feng had a lot of unidentified items before, but he had all of them identified. Otherwise, by putting these items out, you can make some money and join in the fun.

"How about going to clear monsters for a few days tomorrow and accumulate some unidentified items." As soon as Zhang Feng had this idea, he couldn't control it.

"Then start doing the task tomorrow." Zhang Feng made up his mind.

On the morning of October 5th, Zhang Feng took over the task of clearing and suppressing again, and came to the No. 81 sealed space.

The place I entered this time was not very good, as soon as I entered, more than 40 level 9 skeletons rushed towards the void island. Fortunately, Zhang Feng has a group attack defense tower, otherwise, Zhang Feng would need to take out the Tier 3 Ice Burst Talisman to fight for his fortune.

However, when Zhang Feng looked into the distance with the divine eye of space, Zhang Feng's heart suddenly felt as if he had entered an ice cave. It turned out that the place where the Void Island landed was still a place with few skeletons, and further ahead, the skeletons were densely packed, and there was almost a monster in every square meter.

What kind of unidentified items are you looking for? Although I am basically safe now, I can’t collect supplies. After all, I have to kill dozens of monsters for every meter I move forward. it's dark.

In this kind of place, Zhang Feng would not dare to stay here overnight. It seems that the task this time was taken in vain.

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