At 9 o'clock in the morning on the 15th, Zhang Feng had just finished his meal and returned to the void island to start practicing spells.

Just after practicing "Red Fire Jue" a few times, Zhang Feng received a message from Ma Yan.

"Zhang Feng big brother, help me, sister Zixia and I have encountered two followers, and we can't get rid of them. Where are you, hurry up and save us." This time Ma Yan came by typing, it seems that the followers are chasing It's really tight.

"Ma Yan, where are you?" Zhang Feng also typed.

"Shop No. 1, the rough stone exhibition hall on the first floor."

"Wait for a while, I'll be there right away." Zhang Feng stopped practicing, then walked towards the teleportation array to save the two beautiful girls.

"It's finally here." Zhang Feng said standing in front of Shop No. 1. As one of the landmark buildings in Houtucheng, the No. 1 shop is much more majestic than other shops in the surrounding area. Although it has only five floors, it is three or four times as high as other shops. Shops No. 8 and No. 88 stand on both sides of Shop No. 1, just like two younger brothers guarding the big brother in the center.

As soon as Zhang Feng entered Shop No. 1, he was stunned by the scene inside. The area inside the No. 1 shop is much larger than Zhang Feng's two large shops, with nearly 10,000 square meters on the first floor alone.

The wide hall is divided into different booths by shelves. On the sidewalk between the stalls, there are people everywhere, bustling, shoulder to shoulder.

"Where are you guys? I'm at the door of Shop No. 1." Zhang Feng sent a message to Ma Yan.

"We are at booth No. 95 on the first floor." Ma Yan replied almost instantly.

Zhang Feng casually asked a service worker for directions. Then slowly walk to the fifth row and the fifteenth booth with the flow of people.

As soon as he arrived at booth No. 95, Zhang Feng saw Ma Yan and Yu Zixia, but there were several people behind them. Take a closer look, aren't they all acquaintances? Ma Yan was followed by Huang Tao and his two followers. And behind Yu Zixia is Shi Changlong, an alumnus of Zhang Feng High School, but there is no follower behind him.

"Zixia, Ma Yan, are you also here to visit the treasure appraisal activity?" Zhang Feng said with an expression of meeting unexpectedly.

"Ah! Zhang Feng big brother, you are here too, what a coincidence." Ma Yan threw off Huang Tao and ran to Zhang Feng.

"What a coincidence."

"Hey, look who I saw, it was classmate Shi, why did Mr. Shi come to the Void Realm." Zhang Feng said exaggeratedly.

But while Zhang Feng was speaking, he stepped between Yu Zixia and Shi Changlong, and took Yu Zixia's hand.

"It turned out to be Zhang Feng. Why are you in Houtucheng?" Shi Changlong reacted for a while before he remembered Zhang Feng's name.

"Of course I'm in Houtu City. I've been here for more than half a month. Unlike Mr. Shi, who came from a big family, he doesn't need to collect supplies. We little soil turtles need to do tasks constantly." Zhang Feng said exaggeratedly.

"That's right, Mr. Shi is the nephew of President Shi of the Void Chamber of Commerce. How could Mr. Shi go to such a dangerous and hard work as collecting materials?" Huang Tao, who was on the side, saw Zhang Feng talking with Shi Changlong. Immediately stepped in, flattering Shi Changlong, improving Shi Changlong's status among several people.

"Zixia, let's go to the second floor for a stroll. Mr. Shi is a noble person, and he can't be with mud legs like us." After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he pulled Yu Zixia and left, and Ma Yan also hurried Follow up.

"It's still Zhang Feng big brother who has a solution. These brown candies have been with us for a long time." Ma Yan said cheeringly as she left booth 95.

"It's useless, let's go to the other side of the first floor. After a while, they will come to the second floor to find us." Zhang Feng led the two away from the booth just now.

"Oh, that's it. I thought they wouldn't bother us anymore." Ma Yan paused happily.

"They come to pester you not because they like you very much, but because they have a family mission. So don't take chances, unless you don't go out, otherwise you will definitely be harassed by them." Zhang Feng analyzed.

"By the way, Xiaohua, how did you meet Shi Changlong? How did he come here?"

"I don't know. Today I came here with Ma Yan to join in the fun. When I walked to the booth just now, I was entangled by these people." Yu Zixia was also much happier after Shi Changlong was not entangled.

"Shop No. 95 in the inner city should belong to Huang Tao's family. I have seen Huang Tao's servants work there. This stall No. 95 may also belong to their family. You can avoid these places when you go shopping in the future." Zhang Feng said.

"Zhang Feng big brother, why don't you go shopping with us these few days." Ma Yan looked at Zhang Feng with expectant big eyes.

"No, the big brother has to cultivate, so he can't go shopping every day." Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, let's have fun today, and I won't come out tomorrow, and I'll play with sister Zixia in a few days." Ma Yan said with a grimace.

"Okay, stop chatting, we're out today, let's go around, this kind of treasure appraising activity is rare, and it's good to gain some knowledge." Yu Zixia who was on the side saw Zhang Feng teasing Ma Yan, He glared at Zhang Feng and said.

"Okay, let's continue playing." Ma Yan said happily.

As soon as he entered the first floor, Zhang Feng was looking for Yu Zixia and both of them, but neither of them took a good look at the items displayed in these stalls.

The stalls of this treasure appraisal activity are similar to those in the previous shops in the inner city, the only difference is that there are more stones. The surface of these stones is not blocked like unidentified items, but has various colors and patterns. This should be the protagonist of this treasure appraisal activity—the original stone.

After shopping all morning, Zhang Feng and the others finished their lunch before heading to the exhibition hall on the second floor.

"Wow, there are a lot of rough stones on the second floor. Zhang Feng big brother, why don't we buy a rough stone and try our luck." Ma Yan, who screamed again and again, suddenly looked at Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Hi, you two beauties, I didn't expect us to meet again, it's really fate." Before Zhang Feng could speak, a surprised cry suddenly sounded from beside him.

Looking up, it turned out that Shi Changlong and the others were standing at the stairs on the second floor. And it was Shi Changlong who spoke.

"Hey, why did the two sons come out to play in person? With such a noble status as you, it hurts your status to play with ordinary people. Just let a few servants come over and play for you." Zhang Feng said seriously. .

"Puff" and "Puff" laughed twice, Yu Zixia and Ma Yan were both amused by Zhang Feng's words.

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