
Everyone is a little confused

"Preliminary research suggests that long-term inhalation of the gas can strengthen the body's immunity and reduce disease"

"And can enhance one's own strength."

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. They originally thought that the air in another world would be poisonous, but no one thought that breathing in too much air from another world would be beneficial.

If the effect is really there, then the combat capabilities of the Dragon Kingdom soldiers may be will be upgraded to a higher level

"We have done relevant checks on the first batch of five soldiers, and their strength and speed are a little higher than before."

"Although the ratio is not high, I believe that long-term absorption will make them stronger"

"Not only that, this spiritual energy seems to have a complete elimination effect on cancer cells."

Dean Zhang slowly said this explosive news.

"What!! Can completely eliminate cancer cells!"

"It's impossible, cancer cells grow very fast."

Why cancer cells cannot be treated is because cancer cells can metastasize and spread.

Existing treatment methods, whether surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or drug treatment, have their own limitations and are difficult to completely cure cancer.

If Reiki can really eliminate cancer cells , I am afraid it will be a milestone in the medical field.

No wonder Dean Zhang is so excited, there is a solution to his cancer

"Zhao Wuliang, all of this is thanks to your existence."Dean Zhang glanced at Zhao Wuliang gratefully.

Everyone was a little excited. They had just developed another world and discovered such a magical thing.

If they continue to develop, they don't know how much exciting news will be waiting for them.

"Actually, this is nothing."

Zhao Wuliang was a little embarrassed. He didn't study air.

But he didn't know that without his portal, these scientists wouldn't be able to study it even if they wanted to.

"This is the aura compressed air developed by our Longke Academy."

Dean Zhang picked up a bottle of canned air on the table.

"We compressed the spiritual energy and added the maximum amount of spiritual energy while ensuring normal breathing."

【Ding dong~ The existence of spiritual energy was detected】

【The host can absorb it to strengthen its physique. 】

Zhao Wuliang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the system would appear at this time.


I don’t know how much it can increase my physique.

"Dean Zhang, can you show me this bottle of spiritual energy?"

"Okay, here you go."

Dean Zhang handed the spiritual energy tank to Zhao Wuliang.

After Zhao Wuliang took it, the system in his brain sent another message

【Ding dong~ Do you want to absorb spiritual energy? 】

Then do you still need to ask? Definitely absorbed

【Ding dong ~ Absorb 3 points of spiritual energy, constitution +3】

【Host: Zhao Wuliang】

【Portal level: LV3】

【Portal width: 2 meters】

【Portal height: 2 meters】

【Portal secondary permissions: 50/50】

【Abilities: Firearms Proficiency-Advanced】

【Constitution: 8 points (normal: 5 points)]

It seems that this aura can indeed enhance one's physique.

A normal person is 5, and the bottle just now can add 3 points of physical fitness to himself.

If you have enough spiritual energy tanks, what level will your physique reach? ?

But when I was in another world, there seemed to be no mechanism for absorption.

It seems that this absorption can only absorb compressed spiritual energy.

"Dean Zhang, do you still have this spiritual energy tank? I need it very much."

Dean Zhang shook his head.

"This spiritual energy tank is made of compressed air from another world. There is currently no way to mass-produce it."

"Since Zhao Wuliang needs it, then supply it to Zhao Wuliang first."Chen Guoming said.

Things that can enhance the physique must be given priority to Zhao Wuliang. This guy is the top priority.

"Okay, production will start one after another, and I will send it to you when the time comes."

Then everyone discussed some other issues, but it was not as powerful as before.

After the meeting, Zhao Wuliang returned to the world of Demon Spirit Continent


"What's wrong?"

Zhao Wuliang touched his head. He didn't expect that something would happen just after he came back.

It's not easy to be the commander of this base.

"The radar has detected a troop coming towards us, and the deputy base commander is looking for you to discuss." force?

"OK, I get it."

Zhao Wuliang hurried to the frontline base. At this time, the base had already taken shape, and some of the houses were already usable.

"Base Director Zhao, you are here."Deputy Base Commander Qiu greeted

"How is the situation now?"

"The radar just detected that there are hundreds of people moving this way 10 kilometers away, and the soldiers I sent out have already driven over to conduct reconnaissance."

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